
Humanity and The Beyond I

Humanity's history is stained with the blood of countless wars, driven by their primal urges for conflict. Despite their technological advancements, the thirst for power and control over resources remains a constant source of conflict. Wars have led to famine, disease, and countless deaths, leaving scars on the very fabric of society. As humanity progressed, so did the development of devastating weapons of war, with nuclear bombs being the pinnacle of destruction.

The arms race that ensued between nations only served to increase the chances of mutual destruction, and humanity came to the realization that the use of such weapons could only result in the annihilation of themselves and the world they live in. As the devastating power of nuclear weapons became apparent, the world realized that their use would lead to the annihilation of not only themselves, but the planet as well. Nations were forced to find common ground and work towards peace, but the scars of past wars still lingered and the possibility of conflict remained ever-present.

Despite the progress made towards peace, the world remained in a state of unease as nations engaged in proxy wars, espionage, and economic conflict. In the year 2027 and beyond, humanity finds itself in the midst of an unprecedented crisis, the likes of which it has never faced before. The rise of AI, overpopulation, food and water shortages, and conflicting ideologies have created a perfect storm for a new world war. This time, however, the stakes are higher than ever before. With the advent of autonomous weapons and drones, war has become easier and more efficient, allowing machines to kill humans without hesitation.

As nations took sides and began fighting, the war quickly escalated out of control. In a matter of days, millions of people in countries without the protection of nuclear weapons were killed. The horrors of war were amplified by the ruthlessness of machines, and the world seemed on the brink of destruction. Yet, despite the cost and death, no nation had the gall to press the nuclear button. The catastrophic consequences of such an action were clear, and even the most hawkish leaders recognized that there was no point in ending humanity in a pointless display of power.

It was until the year 2035, the warring nations were finally forced to come to a peace agreement. However, this agreement was not reached through the efforts of the governments or leaders, but rather through the actions of the citizens themselves. They had grown tired of the senseless violence and destruction and took up arms against their own governments to put an end to the war. Sadly, nearly three quarters of the world population had perished from the face of the planet.

It had taken three world wars for humanity to finally unite as a whole. It was a long and painful journey for humanity, but it was through this struggle that they finally learned the importance of unity and cooperation. The survivors of the wars were determined to never again let their differences lead to such destruction, and they worked tirelessly to rebuild their world, this time with a focus on collaboration and mutual respect. And soon, humanity had established a world government body with representatives from each country.

Throughout the decades, humanity advanced and began to look towards the stars once again, taking major strides in space exploration and ventured beyond the confines of Earth. From developing commercial space flights to asteroid mining and a permanent moon base to facilitate the management of rocket launches and lunar-based manufacturing of space technologies. The base has enabled humans to transport and harvest essential minerals with greater ease, making it a crucial logistical center for space endeavors. While the base primarily caters to scientific research and industrial purposes, it also offers limited recreational facilities for tourists, making it an attractive destination for space enthusiasts.

This was an important step for the eventual colonization of Mars and beyond. With the development of nuclear thermal propulsion which provided greater thrust and efficiency of chemical engines, humanity was able to take their ambitions to the red planet and established a small colony to call a second home. In the year 2060, humanity had finally become an interplanetary species.

This was the beginning of the Second Space Age.

In the initial year, highly-skilled professionals in technical and scientific fields were meticulously trained and dispatched to the red planet to lay the foundation of the colony. However, it wasn't until later years that individuals from all walks of life were welcomed to join the thriving Martian society. It was also during this time that humans became deeply fascinated by the philosophy of AI.

AI had made extraordinary strides and exhibited some level of sentience that many found fascinating yet worrying. In fact, AI had even taken over careers that were previously exclusive to humans, a feat that was once considered impossible. Soon, many people around the world began to protest for the ban of AI. After extensive deliberation and intense debates, the world government ultimately relented and agreed to a complete integration of human-AI society. This included a universal basic income for all those who were affected by AI domination.

Finally, humans had established what they considered as sustainable peace. But unfortunately, that peace won't last very long. Humans always seemed to have a short memory, forgetting their past tragedies and repeating the same mistake.

In the year 2150, humans had achieved complete integration with AI, to the point of installing cybernetic enhancements to augment their abilities. The global population had surged to a staggering 9 billion, just slightly over the pre-Third World War levels. The once modest colony on Mars had now blossomed into several sprawling metropolises, with the aid of advanced robotics that greatly expedited the construction of buildings, homes, and facilities. Such development had led to the establishment of a sizable government entity to govern and regulate the growing population.

A significant divide developed between the Earth's government and Colonial Mars due to conflicting interests and perceived injustices. Contentious issues such as tax reforms, trade tariffs, and asteroid belt ownership were hotly debated by the two governments. Over time, the spread of aggressive propaganda led to escalating tensions between the citizens of Earth and Colonial Mars, who began to engage in online quarrels and physical altercations with one another.

In response to the escalating tensions, Mars embarked on an unprecedented military buildup, constructing advanced space fleets and drones. In turn, the Earth government announced their own military buildup. The situation became increasingly volatile, with the potential for a full-blown conflict between the two planets looming on the horizon. Soon, both planetary entities placed sanctions on each other and removed any diplomats from their respective embassies.

It was until the year 2155 when the government of Colonial Mars had announced a break away from Earth to form its own government body known as the Red Federation.