
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Ninety- eight. A mother's profession

Ninety- eight. A mother's profession

Ezekiel carried Monalissa into his office and kept her gently on the sofa. Kim was with them at that moment.

"Sir, what do we do with Rex?" Kim asked trying to confirm on how to go about things.

Ezekiel grimaced in anger as he shut his eyes to avoid bursting out. "Tie him in the volcanic dungeon" he dictated.

Kim's eyes widened. That was one of the deadliest punishment here at Alpha Realm. The volcanic dungeon... The place was very hot and was the most torturous. The place was fit for a traitor. Rex should have known that this was his end of the bargain.

"Yes Boss" Kim answered with a bow.

"You can leave. Feed me in on everything that's happening at Cee country at the moment. Send our men to the borders. No one should interrupt the flight that's on board" Ezekiel dished out.

"Yes Boss"  Kim replied.

"Also" Ezekiel added, "have Luke brought to the gardens first thing tomorrow morning".

"I understand Boss".

At the mention of Luke, Monalissa smiled within as her friend was about to be redeemed.

The office was engulfed in another round of silence. Monalissa felt the air tense up. She didn't want to know what her master's face looked like at the moment as she could feel his anger. He was just trying to surpress it.

"Master" she called

Ezekiel didn't answer her and just walked behind his desk to sit on the swivel chair.

"Master", she called him again.

"Walker" Ezekiel spat out through clenched teeth. "What's wrong with you? Why would you put yourself in something so dangerous?" he half yelled.

Monalissa swallowed unsure of what to say. She didn't know what to retort with.

"He could have flipped you over the building and you would be gone...he could have hurt you. Don't you know it's dangerous?!"

Monalissa pursed her lips. "But I still fought him off" Monalissa finally said. "I still beat him".

"What if he was stronger than that? You were lucky that he was just a normal hobo" Ezekiel pointed out.

Monalissa's countenance suddenly changed as soon as Ezekiel pointed out her weakness. If that guy was any stronger, she would've been a pulp by now. She was suddenly angry. And Ezekiel didn't fail to notice.

"What's the problem Walker?", he questioned his tone gentler this time.

Monalissa raised her head to look at him. "I could have been luckier if I had my martial arts with me"

Ezekiel clenched his fists. "What do you think you're doing Walker? I'm your master and you can't refute what I already did" he declared.

"I know that. That's why I can't even hate you nor complain. Of all these things, if there's anything that I regret, is losing my arts" she said and left the office. After she had woken up some months ago and was informed of her crippled self, she had never complained to Ezekiel about how she truly felt about it. He made her unable. Silencing her and tormenting her. Well, she knew exactly who to blame.

Ezekiel sat behind his desk, his mind rummaging through what Monalissa had said. Was it really excess of him to take away her arts? Well he had to. That actually helped in taming her. However, he didn't ever dream of having feelings for her in the end and falling hard for her. Was this a catastrophe for him? Even finding out that she was his long lost Lily was even more tormenting. He heaved a deep sigh and lay back into his chair.

Monalissa stood at the balcony, watching the orange round ball that stood in the sky some distance away, sink slowly into the horizon, casting it warm and gentle evening glow on the earth.

"You're here" a voice said behind her. Monalissa turned.

"Milky" she said with a smile.

"What are you doing out here?" Milky asked.

"Getting fresh air, you know" Monalissa replied.

Milky smiled and leaned on the railings next to her. "What a beautiful sky" Milky admired.

Monalissa spared her a glance. Milky was a little different today. "Are you good?" Monalissa asked.

Milky smiled, tears gathering in her eyes. "He didn't like me after all" she lamented.

Monalissa gave a start. "Who?"

"Suga. He left to find Camille. He didn't even spare me a glance. He was all apt in going to find her" Milky whimpered.

Monalissa swallowed, thinking of what to say but Milky continued. "He, he likes Camille. No one would ever go for some big operation just for the sake of another. If it isn't love , then what is it?"

"Work. It's work Milky", Monalissa said.

Milky looked at her. "I don't think so".

"Well, yeah. Suga is doing his work, protecting his fellow colleague. Obeying orders. That doesn't mean he likes her" Monalissa explained.

"There's no way he doesn't like her. He didn't even want to look at me. He didn't at all" Milky sobbed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Monalissa looked on in amusement. This Milky, no one would ever believe her if she told them Milky's state at the moment. They knew a perfect Milky who was strong, beautiful and sexily cute. They won't believe she's a crybaby.

"He doesn't love me. That's why he didn't look at me" Milky concluded.

"What if he didn't look at you because he loves you? Maybe if he did look at you, he wouldn't be able to concentrate on his mission over there. You don't want him getting hurt right?" Monalissa asked.

This got Milky real hard. She burst out crying and wailing reaching for Monalissa's arms to cry in. Monalissa chuckled and hugged her, calming her down.

"It's alright. Suga would be back and will profess his love for you" Monalissa assured.

At Cee country.

The family got down to dinner, Camille joining them as per Hera's request. From time to time, Mrs Lakewoods picked food for Hera, helping her with the food combo. This made Hera all warm and fuzzy inside. She really wanted this moment to last.

"Mom, Dad" she called after they had eaten for a while.

"Yes dear?" her mom replied.

"I have a surprise for you" Hera said.

The husband and wife looked at each other. "What's that darling?" Mrs Lakewoods asked.

"It's sister. She's not dead" Hera announced.

The man and wife widened their eyes but the light quickly dimmed as soon as it came. Hera was confused. " What's wrong mom?"

"There's no need to try to make us happy. We already let her go. Maybe, she wasn't meant to stay with us. You're a blessing that heaven bestowed on us and it wouldn't be good of us if we neglect such blessing.

Hera teared up at such hearty profession. She looked at Camille who nodded at her in assurance.

"Mom, I'm really happy to hear you say that but you shouldn't give up on her yet. She's still alive, at Moon country".

The husband and wife finally gave a reaction. "Moon country? What the..." the president trailed off, surprise splashed across his face.

"It's true" Camille finally spoke. "Her name is Monalissa Walls. She's my friend too".

Mrs Lakewoods broke down in tears. She couldn't believe it. "Hera... I'm really sorry. After all we did to you, you still help us to find out daughter?"

"Lily would do that too" Hera said.

Mrs Lakewoods stood from her seat and walked Hera's seat. She pulled her out by her hand gently, and sweeping her into her warm embrace. "You're a very good girl. I'm sorry for loving you this late. Whether Lily comes back or not, I will still love you. I will protect you as much as I would protect her, you're my daughter too".

Hera sobbed. This moment....she had made a good decision. She, saved herself.

"Where in Moon country is she at?", the president asked.

"The Alpha gardens", Camille replied.