
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Hundred and two. The voice of a young girl

Hundred and two. The voice of a young girl

The president arrived at the second floor, surprising Camille and Suga.

"Mr President..." Camille blurted, looking at him.

"Don't be distracted little one" he warned and immediately fired at one of the men that aimed for Camille.

Camille ducked immediately the bullet went over her head and she got her focus back immediately.

"Thanks Mr President" she appreciated.

"You have a lot of explanation to do, Miss Camille" the President said.

Camille clenched her gun hard and shot fiercely at her target. She had to put them all out. If anything should happen to any member of the Mint house, her Boss would be the one to be blamed. She didn't want such mess for him.

After what seemed like an hour, the second floor had become a pool of bodies, as men of different sizes sprawled on the floor in their own pool of blood.

The president looked at Camille who was also looking at him.

"I'm sorry Mr President for what happened here. I swear, this, I didn't expect that this would turn out this way" she said.

Suga signalled the men who had come with him to come and clear the bodies.

The president didn't say anything and began walking upstairs to where his wife and daughter was. Camille heaved an exasperated sigh, raking her hair with her fingers.

"That's okay Camille. He would understand once you explain to him" Suga assured her.

"You think so?" she asked.

"Yeah. You protected his family. There's no way he would hate you" Suga said.

Camille nodded and looked at the direction the president had left in. She really hoped, he would forgive her.

The president arrived at the room where his wife and daughter was. However, he was horrified at the view before him. Mrs Lakewoods was clutching her abdomen where she had been shot, while she lay on the floor, hanging on for dear life. Hera was held hostage by Alvin, who was smirking at the president who had just entered. He immediately fell to his knees, and pulled his wife into his arms.

Camille and Suga entered the room after few seconds had passed. The sight before them left them speechless. They didn't see this coming.

"Very well...I must commend your gallantry Camille. You're quite an asset" Alvin praised. "But, it would be a shame that you would have to disappear. I believe you also have the nerve to face death as you also had the nerve to deceive my boss".

"Your boss is nothing more than a fool. How couldn't he have known? And just so you know, there's no way Monalissa would let you guys get away with having such luxury" Camille fired back.

Alvin conked the gun at Hera's head, as a sign of warning for Camille. "You should watch your words Camille. I have your friend in my arms" he reminded.

Camille swallowed and clenched her fists. This was a stalemate. Alvin's men has been overthrown by them and now he's holding Hera hostage.

"It's me you came for isn't it? Why don't you take me and let Hera go? She has no business with you" Camille said.

Alvin looked at Hera and then at Camille. "Of course I would take you away. But, I still want to enjoy this victory. You should have known that my boss wasn't someone to mess with when you impersonated Elena" Alvin said.

"I don't regret doing it. If not, the Mint house would have to be under the soul-sucking org's regime for years to come!"


Alvin fired at Camille at her knees but it grazed the skin beside her knees. Camille looked at him with a grim expression. "Should I thank you?" she asked, her voice a deathly whisper.

"Don't you think? I spared you the pain" Alvin teased.

Camille glared at him but didn't say anything more. She looked at the president's wife who was laying in her husband's arms, her short whimpers a painful twist in her heart.

"I'm sorry" Camille said to Hera and her parents."I really am".

"It's fine Camille. It's alright" Hera assured.

Just then, a tiny whirring sound that was ear piercing enveloped the whole room, causing everyone to cower and cover their ears, including Alvin that was holding Hera captive. This gave a chance for Hera to move back to Camille's side. Camille held her close, shielding her from Alvin.

The sound continued, pressing on, on them while making them groan from its effect. Just when it was getting unbearable, the sound ceased, and was replaced by a voice. The voice of a young girl. As though someone was controlling the scenario, the voice was followed by the appearance of a young girl. The young girl stood in front of the occupants of the room, gaining their attention.

"Hey there Camille, how's it going?" the young girl asked.

"Monalissa?" Camille blurted. Hera looked at her, and then at the figure who was standing some distance away from them, under the glow of technological glory. She was both awed and shocked. Her sister was a beaut!

"I see that Alvin has been enjoying himself right? Well, it's time for me to enjoy myself now" Monalissa said with a cold chuckle.

The president was petrified to the core when she saw who it was. His baby girl! Tears gathered in his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. Hera could say anything and just looked on. She was really alive. Mrs Lakewoods had already passed out and didn't witness the whole scene.

"Mr President, I see that your wife has passed out, call the ambulance" she said, her heart filled with an ache she couldn't describe. It felt as though, they were her people or maybe it was the emotion caused by the baby.

"How dare you Monalissa? You think you can just appwar and take my hostages away?" Alvin growled.

Monalissa eyed him and looked at Camille. "Go on Camille. This is an avenue to capture him. Don't you know how toake use of opportunities?" Monalissa teased..

Camille stood from where she knelt and came towards Alvin who retaliated. He aimed at Hera, threatening Camille with it.

"Don't be so stupid Alvin. If you as much as scratch a tip of that pretty girl there, you will have no one to blame for soul-sucking org's demise but yourself" Monalissa stated.

"You sure know how to threaten people. You just here by technology means, there's no way you can stop me, and even if you were here, what would you do?" Alvin degraded.

Monalissa smirked. She clicked the earpod on her ear. "Do it!" she ordered. In less than what seemed like a minute, Alvin's phone rang. It was his boss, Elijah who was calling. He looked at the screen and then at Monalissa.

"Pick it up. It's time to clean up a mess" Monalissa taunted.

Alvin picked up. "Yes boss?"

"You incompetent bastard. Can you not even handle an operation well? All because of you, the database has been hacked and destroyed. Tell me, how am I supposed to show my face in front of that Don of a devil?!" Elijah berated.

Alvin clenched his fists, glaring at Monalissa. "This is your doing".

"You should have known who you were up against" Monalissa chuckled. She looked at Camille. Immediately, Camille got hold of Alvin, striking him on his acu point, immobilizing him. Alvin tried to struggle but could only make out a muffled groan. "You would regret this Monalissa!" he cursed.

"I never do anything that I regret except doing something for you stupid boss hivh cost me my martial arts" Monalissa ended with a glare. She looked at the president. "Sir, you should send this infiltrator to prison, for harassing your family" she said.

"Baby girl" the man muttered.

Monalissa furrowed her brows at him. She looked at him, her mind going into a whirl which caused her sharp headache. She clenched her fists to avoid passing out. "Sir, call the ambulance for your wife. And, put him in prison" Monalissa said. She looked at Suga who nodded. And immediately, she disappeared.