
Nightshades and Sunflowers

Quick warning! This will include scenes that will be uncomfortable to some readers. Including enslavement, rape, abuse and racism in a fantasy setting. ***I am not glorifying these themes, first and foremost. This story will have LGBTQ+ type relationships and characters.*** *** The lands of Ashuure, named after the goddess that gave the beings who were created here gifts of the gods, were separated into kingdoms based on race. This was due to the races each being given different types of magical abilities, it was difficult to maintain peace between kingdoms when some felt superior than others. This story will start in the elven kingdom of Nual. It was home to Fire elves commonly referred to as "fire eyes", due to them all having some variation of red colored eyes. This kingdom resided near the northern shores of Ashuure. Known for their peaceful culture and the exquisite materials their mines produced. The elves of Nual were exceptionally beautiful, but due to their pacifist ways, when the soldiers of Eronshire, a human kingdom located in the Northeast, decided to conquer them they- fell nearly immediately. Wishing to preserve their lives rather than be wiped out as other Elves had in the past, the elves of Nual became slaves within their own homes. Under the rulership of a power drunk human King, Nual became the first kingdom to be known as a slave capital. The beauty of the Nual Elves was grossly extorted. *** Author note: I have been crafting this story for a few years, my writing skills aren't the greatest, But to put this shortly, the beginning chapters will be focused on a Male lead, an Elven slave named Cyrus, and an Orc King, who was widely known for Massacring his enemies in brutal ways, gaining the title "Malicious Malach." This story will have romance in it, between who? We shall see. I will be going in a slow burn route. As the story progresses, there will be other main characters and story lines added, there are many kingdoms that will need to unite in some way, to deal with a currently unknown threat. I will do my best to explain this world, I am very open to criticism as I'm quite a mediocre writer. But these characters, mainly the main ones that will be shown, hold very special places in my heart. I crafted them based on my traumas, and many different events in my life. I am a slow writer, but I will upload as I can. I have spent a lot of time crafting scenarios of this story, and I think its about time I just start putting it out.

King_Murder · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Nightshades and Sunflowers

The lands of Ashuure, named after the goddess that gave the beings who were created here, gifts of the gods, were separated into kingdoms based on race. This was due to the races each being given different types of magical abilities, it was difficult to maintain peace between kingdoms when some felt superior than others.

Humans were given the ability to form bonds with animals and certain creatures and beasts. This made it easy for them to take control of cattle and farmstock. Even some humans who could command beasts of myth, were the cause of many wars.

The elves could use magic of the elements, depending on the region they were native to corresponded to what element they could use more proficiently. The elves of Aslamer were proficient with nature, residing in the forests, for example.

Orcs were not only naturally resistant to magic, and all round sturdy people, their abilities made them terrifying foes to cross. The orc's senses were far beyond normal. Their eyes could see in any light, their hearing was exceptional. They could smell the emotions of others, this made it very hard to deceive them. But, it also made Orcs extremely understanding of others without speaking. And it goes without saying that they were excellent trackers.

Each race had special bloodlines that held very special powers. These blood lines were often held as royal families. Some bloodlines and races all together were completely wiped out, or hidden from the world.


This story will start in the elven kingdom of Nual. It was home to Fire elves commonly referred to as "fire eyes", due to them all having some variation of red colored eyes. This kingdom resided near the northern shores of Ashuure.

Known for their peaceful culture and the exquisite materials their mines produced. The elves of Nual were exceptionally beautiful, but due to their pacifist ways, when the soldiers of Eronshire, a human kingdom located in the Northeast, decided to conquer them they fell nearly immediately.

Wishing to preserve their lives rather than be wiped out as other Elves had in the past, the elves of Nual became slaves within their own homes. Under the rulership of a power drunk human King, Nual became the first kingdom to be known as a slave capital. The beauty of the Nual Elves was grossly extorted.


Within the large stone walls around Nual, which was once a beautiful paradise welcoming to all, now was nothing more than a glorified brothel.

A very wealthy Human noble from Eronshire named Stein Hialwewell, owned the highest quality slaves. As well as the largest mine in the stone walled kingdom. As per usual, he was preparing to host a large party. Where he would entertain big shots and business partners from other kingdoms.

He never held these inside Nual, he would travel to a town right outside the stone walls of Nual to avoid possible intrusions inside the kingdom. This town has a building made for these sort of meetings, protecting the merchandise and the sellers. There were many secret passages one could take to and from the Naul underground mines.

Being that the town was right upon the border of Eronshire territory, the use, selling, and owning of slaves was legal. But the town was known for being a hot spot for lots of illegal activities. Eronshire was a cesspool of crime. Stein and many other slave masters, had to take extra care for their cargo.

Stein was ecstatic at the prospect of a new partnership, yet remained cautious due to the unusual interested party.

Looking over a letter he received at his desk, which was made from fine carved obsidian, he is skeptical of the one whom sent it. Snapping his fingers, the rings that adorned his hand clanked a bit.

Soft foot steps pattered upon the tiled floor coming from outside his room, and soft clamoring of chains and jewelry are heard. A tan skinned elf with bright fiery eyes, and curly orangish gold hair that resembled sunflower pedals approached the man's desk. He wore an ornate golden collar on his neck and cuffs around his hands and feet, delicate yet sturdy chains connecting them all in a decorative way. His outfit was mostly sheer, and was obviously meant to be alluring.

"Yes master?" The elf boy knelt at Stein's feet. Looking up at him with thin downturned eyes and long pointed ears.

Stein showed him the paper.

"Read it, Cyrus." His voice was curt.

The boy's red eyes quickly read over the beautifully written letter. His eyes slightly widening as he gasps. The insignia upon the bottom was none other than the King of Vibhurik. The stamp was of an axe and a nightshade flower.

"Orcs? We have never served Orcs before, M.. Master- don't they e-eat elves?" Cyrus flinched at the raise of Stein's hand to silence Cyrus. Swallowing hard, Cyrus recalled the stories he was told of Orc's, causing his hands to tremble.

"It seems the newest King of the western Orcish territories is none other than the Malicious Malach, due to other reports I have been given. You remember the stories about him, right?"

Cyrus nodded his head nervously, the chain's falling from his neck clanked together. Cyrus knew the name well, as did most people who listened to gossip. He was known to massacre humans and elves alike. There were even stories of him eating elves. He usually kept his face hidden, but Malach was a rare type of Orc with 4 tusks instead of 2. The gossip of him painted him to be a monster on the battlefield. It was no surprise he would become the new Orc King.

He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated. Placing his hands upon his master's thigh before speaking. " Master.. Aren't they allied with the humans of that region? Since the battle they had last winter?"

Stein motioned for Cyrus to get into his lap. Once Cryus compiled his master pulled him close. "That hasn't been confirmed. But, this Malach, wishes to enjoy the slaves of Nual. Something Orc's have been known to detest." Cyrus was deeply concerned.

"The stories I have heard of Malach... Wouldn't that make him a dangerous customer? Not only to the slaves, but to you?" Cyrus' soft voice was filled with worry. Cyrus paid little mind to Stein's wandering hands. He was more concerned about meeting Orcs. And the possibility of having to watch more of his friends be killed, or sold off.

Stein let out an annoyed sigh. His hands pulled Cyrus close to him and began kissing Cyrus' soft skin upon his shoulder.

"This is the first time an Orc has sent a sizable amount of gold to secure a meeting with us. They have promised to abide by our rules. Orcs are ruthless warriors, but they are known for keeping their word, as their Gods look down upon liars. They are honorable, even if they're terrifying."

Cyrus let out a soft gasp as Stein bit his neck above the collar. His body reacting on instinct he draped his arms around Stein.

"Master, who are you bringing to this meeting?" Cyrus was hopeful he wouldn't go, but he also didn't want the other slaves here he knew so well to be harmed.

Stein was growing irritated with Cyrus' questions. The decently built man hooked his arms under Cyrus' knees and behind his back. He lifted him as he stood up from his chair. Cyrus knew where this was going. To hide his dread he did what he always did. Pretended he enjoyed every second of it. Cyrus wanted an answer, as his master brought him to his bed he pulled Stein into a kiss. Hoping his enthusiasm, would encourage his master to respond to his questions.

Stein sat Cyrus onto the bed and roughly pushed him back by his neck. He didn't care much for Cyrus kissing him. "I always bring you Cyrus. You know that. Now shut up."

Cyrus was internally disgusted, holding at his master's arm he tried his best to not piss him off by acting seductive. Wrapping his legs around his master's waist the chains and jewels that adorned him sounded gentle and calming.

Stein looked down at the elven boy's body and smiled. He wasn't an ugly man, but Cyrus grew to hate his face due to the many years of having to serve him. Cyrus was hoping Stein was in a gentle mood, sliding his hand to Stein's chest as the grip on his neck was lessened.

"Will I be dancing? How long do we have until we go there? The outfit you ordered me is ready, you can be the first to see it." Cyrus did his best to detach himself from these situations, so he could put on a good show to avoid being beaten. He knew if Stein wanted to watch him dance tonight, he could slip in a sleeping drug to his Master.

Much to Cyrus' disappointment Stein harshly moved his legs from his waist and turned him over, the chains clashed wildly at the forced movement. Holding him down by the back of his neck he started to undress him. Roughly tugging down his clothing that resembled belly dancer outfits. Cyrus winced as a string of beads snapped, the beads falling and rolling upon the bed and onto the floor.

"You can wear it for the orcs. Now, shut up as I said Cyrus. I grow tired of hearing your voice. I only want to hear your muffled screams." The tone in his voice was sadistic, and made a sick painful feeling well up inside of Cyrus. He hoped for someone to come and save him from this, but knew it was wishful thinking. He wasn't a free man, he was nothing more than a toy to these humans.

Cyrus stuffed his face into the thick red and gold embroidered bedding as his master had their way with him. He pretended he was somewhere else. 'Maybe being eaten by an Orc is better than being a slave to a human.' The thought brought tears to his eyes.


Laying upon his masters bed alone, the sun beamed in through the balcony window. The white and red drapes softly danced with the breeze that flowed in. The smell of the sea carried in and awoke Cyrus. Most slaves would deem being in the master's bed a better fate than sleeping in the crowded slave quarters. Cyrus found it to be torturous. His body hurt, and ached from the long night. He picked up his clothing, which was torn from the rough tugging he tried to forget.

After Cyrus was dressed it was time to ready the supplies and the other slaves to go to the small town outside, Yagwern. Cyrus detested that place. But even more than usual, he had this unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach. What were the Orcs like in person? Were they as tall and horrifying as people say? How many would be coming? And most importantly, would this finally mean Cyrus can attempt escaping if the Orcs decided to fight? His master would never sell him, he knew that. Perhaps the King would fancy him enough to take him. Or perhaps kill him.

"Anything would be better than being here." Cryus muttered softly as he rubbed at his wrists. The cuffs he had worn his entire life, he hoped would be taken off one day.


A bit of a long introductory chapter but hopefully it isn't too confusing!

Next chapter we will be meeting the Malicious Malach and the Orcs from the forest kingdom of Vibhurik.

What will happen to the slaves Stein brings for the Orcs?

We will find out soon. <3

King_Murdercreators' thoughts