
The Legendary Super Saiyan (24.2)





"What happened to Pep-" Caylin started to speak, but her voice was cut short as a green blur barreled past Gray again. 

Yamoshi materialized in a flash, his arm lashing out like a serpent as he seized Caylin by the neck. With a brutal twist his fist flew up, slamming into her stomach with bone-crushing force and tearing through her flesh in a gruesome display. Blood sprayed as his fist erupted out the other side, impaling her completely. 

"Y-Yamoshi!" Bok screamed, staring in horror as his friend was reduced to a lifeless husk before his very eyes. 

I remember it being described as a "five-man" rebellion, but it's more like a one-man slaughter. Yamoshi's friends didn't die with him during the rebellion - they died to him.

"Good luck!" Gray shouted, adrenaline surging as his energy crackled around him in a geyser. In a heartbeat, he blitzed away, soaring into the sky and leaving Yamoshi, Bok, and King Vegeta behind. His instincts screamed at him to escape, but his desire to watch the Legendary Super Saiyan fight prevailed.

I want to watch him fight some more, but I'm not stupid enough to float there in the open. He shouldn't be able to sense energy, so I just need a place to hide. 

With a clenched jaw, Gray shot downward, diving toward one of the many ravines carved from Yamoshi's earlier transformations. His body protested, muscles straining as he peered over the edge at Yamoshi, who hovered ominously in the sky. Adrenaline flowed through his body, and his heart started beating faster.

Even after witnessing that, you still want to fight, huh? Damn Saiyan body. Saiyans are supposed to be reckless, not suicidal. 

Gray's heart raced as he watched Yamoshi swipe his arm sideways, casually tossing Caylin's lifeless body to the ground like it was nothing. The thud resonated, a thump ringing out into the dead silent area.

"RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Yamoshi let out another primal scream, his green aura expanding like a tempest, energy leaking out like a broken dam. He shot forward, lashing at King Vegeta, who barely had time to react. With a savage grip, Yamoshi seized the King by the arm, yanking him upward before lashing downwards and sending him plummeting into the ground. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the landscape, a thunderous boom that reverberated for miles. 

"Yamoshi!" Bok yelled as he tensed his arms, preparing to confront his friend-turned-monster. His eyes were wide, and his face was twisted in a mixture of anger and pain, "I don't know what's happening to you, but you need to stop! You killed Brokon! Peppa! Even Caylin! You have to-" 

Bok's plea was abruptly silenced as Yamoshi's blitzed forward, not listening in the slightest. His fist crashed down onto the top of his head, and Bok vanished in an instant. He rocketed back toward Planet Sadala with a force that made the very air tremble, a shockwave shooting outward.

Honestly, this isn't very helpful. 

Gray narrowed his eyes, his heart pounding as he watched Yamoshi scream again, unleashing another explosion of green Ki that illuminated the battlefield like a supernova. 

I want to see him fight so I can try to mimic his style, but I'm barely seeing any fighting here. This isn't even a fight; he's just beating the shit out of everyone.

Just as disappointment crept in, a furious King Vegeta came shooting up into the sky again.

"I can't believe I'm using this on a low-class peasant!" he roared, shooting back into the air as his eyes were red with rage. His eyes narrowed, glinting with indignation as he conjured a small, pulsating ball of pure white light in his palm. The energy crackled ominously, casting a harsh light across the battlefield.

Well, this is going to make it a lot harder to hide.

The artificial moon soared into the air, shining over all the Saiyans as they started to transform. Gray's hiding spot became useless as his body grew larger, shifting into a giant ape. In front of him, King Vegeta and Yamoshi did the same. 

"Even if you're powerful, you'll still become a mindless beast!" King Vegeta screamed, his voice becoming monstrous as he transformed into a giant Ozaru, "This is why you low-class peasants will never be able to stand up to royal blood!"

Gray blinked his giant ape eyes as he stared at King Vegeta.

…Was it not obvious that Yamoshi was already mindless? Did the whole 'killing all his friends' thing not give it away? 

Gray watched as Yamoshi's already huge body expanded, becoming even larger as he transformed. 

But, this is actually a good idea. Going Ozaru should force Yamoshi out of his Super Saiyan form, so King Vegeta might actually have a chance. A big 'might' but it's better than getting his skull carved in by his Legendary Super Saiyan form.

However, Gray's thoughts were quickly proven wrong as Yamoshi reached his full height - the huge ape towering over both Gray and King Vegeta. While not every Saiyan's Great Ape form was the same height, they were usually at least relatively close. This wasn't the case with Yamoshi, as the mindless man looked to be close to double Gray's Oazru's height. 

No fucking way… that's fucking awesome. We're all fucked, but that's cool as hell.

Despite the towering beast in front of him, a large grin was plaster on Gray's face. His eyes were wide as he stared up at the green-gold mixture of an Ozaru towering above him. A green aura was floating around Yamoshi, but his fur was a lighter green. It had specks of gold mixed into it, making the Ozaru look like a mixture of a normal Super Saiyan and the Legendary Super Saiyan form. 


[?] Yamoshi (Incomplete Legendary Super Saiyan Ozaru Form):

[The Legendary Super Saiyan]

Age: ?

PL: ?

HP: ?

TKI: ?

Reputation: ?

[?] Modifier - ?

Incomplete. Is it because he just transformed for the first time?

Gray watched as the giant gold-green ape reached his full height, and then… promptly flew in the opposite direction.

This is awesome and all, but I have no intention of dying here. 

Gray shot into the air, streaming away from the battlefield at an unreal speed due to his Ozaru transformation. He glanced back as he did, and saw a glimpse of Yamoshi beating the absolute living shit out of King Vegeta before they faded from view.

I don't know how to get back to the present time, but it probably has to do with the quest. A True Saiyan. Does that mean going Super Saiyan, or reaching 100% Saiyan assimilation? 

Gray continued blasting away from the battlefield.

It can't be going Super Saiyan, right? The game wouldn't be so fucked up as to make me get manhandled by Yamoshi until I transform, right?

Yeah, it fucking would. This is Nightmare Mode.

Suddenly, a burst of Ki shot outwards, washing over Gray from behind. He glanced down as his body started to shrink, his Great Ape transformation reverting.

That probably means King Vegeta is dead already. 

"K-Kid! We need to do something!" A second later, Bok came barreling at him from behind. He evened out his speed, matching Gray's as he fled at top speed.

Damn, he's fast.

"About Yamoshi?" Gray raised an eyebrow, "The hell do you want me to do?"

"I-I don't know, but we can't just let him keep rampaging!" Bok screamed, his brow furrowed as his face was covered in worry, "He'll destroy the whole planet! We need to try and reason with him!"

Who is 'we'? You think he cares what I say? I've known the guy for literally an hour.

"You can try," Gray said, verbalizing his thoughts, "You're his friend, right? I just met him today. You go do that, and I'll go… anywhere but here."

"No, it's gotta be you!" Bok yelled, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder, "I don't know why, but he saw something in you! Yamoshi doesn't just pick kids up off the street and teach them! There's something special about you!"

Gray blinked.

Well, yeah, because I have the same power within me. I'm also the Legendary Super Saiyan. I doubt that'll make him listen to me, but I guess it's worth a shot. I don't know how to get back to the present, and I'll never be able to if the whole planet blows up.

"Fine, but…" Gray gestured in the direction he was flying, "I'm not just running blindly. I'm headed to the living area. We'll do it where all the other Saiyans are. If something goes down, we'll have an army to take him down."

"Right, if you can't stop him then we'll kil-" Bok didn't finish his sentence as a green blur came from behind. Yamoshi tackled him down, plummeting the speedster down to the planet's surface below.

Well, nice knowing ya. I'll still try.

Gray quickly shoved his remaining 50 points into AGI and continued forward, trying to reach the Saiyan towns before Yamoshi finished with Bok. While King Vegeta's palace was strangely remote compared to the rest of the Saiyan's homes, he quickly found the multitude of stone huts that were scattered on Planet Sadala's surface. Well, what remained of them. Now they were shattered into pieces, with ravines split around them. The Saiyans who had been walking the streets earlier in the day were now floating, all converged into one big crowd.

"If you cowards won't go, then I will!" A huge man shouted, a large grin on his face, "I don't know what's causing this, but I'll kick its ass!"

"Coward?! Who are you calling a coward, huh?" Another Saiyan responded, glaring at the first Saiyan, "Just go find a nice place to watch, you bitch! I'll take it down!"

"That fucker destroyed my house! I'll be the one to fight him!"

I figured Yamoshi's transformation was felt across the whole planet, but I didn't think they'd be having an argument about who gets to fight him.

"Hey, morons!" Gray shouted, stopping right behind the large collection, "Can you guys not be stupid for just one minute? None of you stand a chance, so we need to team up. He's about to-"

Before Gray could finish, his instincts screamed at him. He ducked down, and a huge fist came barreling over his head. Yamoshi continued forward, diving wildly into the floating crowd with his fists blurring.

"Who the-" A Saiyan tried to be angry at Yamoshi's arrival, but his head was punched clean off his body a second later.

"Is he the one wh-" Yamoshi's fist shot through his stomach, creating a hole in it.

Well, time to try.

"YAMOSHI!" Gray yelled as Yamoshi continued to go wild on the crowd of Saiyans. They had realized the threat now, but the primitive warriors were less useful than cannon fodder as they were torn apart.

"It's Gray! Y'know, the kid you were teaching!" Gray yelled, "You could sense that we're the same, couldn't you?!"

Yamoshi didn't spare him a glance, his hands blurring as a volley of Ki blasts shot around him, each blast killing a new Saiyan.

How the hell did the Saiyan race not go extinct from this? This crowd is at least a couple thousand strong, but they can't even touch him.

"You seemed so strong, and yet you're letting a transformation control you!" Gray screamed, holding up his hand and forming a finger gun. He fired a bullet at Yamoshi, but it disappeared into thin air as it reached the large green aura surrounding him.

This isn't going to work. 

"HEY!" Gray yelled at the crowd of Saiyans this time, who were all thoughtlessly charging at the raging Yamoshi, "Use your heads! There's thousands of us, if we work together and coordinate we can-"

"RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Just as Gray was speaking, Yamoshi screamed out again. A huge ball of green Ki shot out around him, and Gray's eyes widened.

Gray shot backward, turning around completely as he flew away from the expanding ball of Ki as fast as he could. The other Saiyans weren't as smart. Yamoshi let out another roar, and the sphere of Ki exploded outwards. A blazing wall of green energy nipped at Gray's heels, but he barely avoided it.

Fuck. He just killed a couple thousand in one go.

Gray continued blasting forward, not looking back at the aftermath. He reached out his senses, trying to find the next collection of Saiyan homes, but he couldn't sense anything beyond Yamoshi's huge energy signature.

Fuck, what do I do here?

Gray's answer was given to him a second later.

[Hidden Quest Alert]

Kill the Legendary Super Saiyan: Yamoshi


[Fighting Style: Yamoshi]

Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation

Become a True Saiyan












A second later, the hulking form of Yamoshi blinked in front of him. The man's pupils were still pure white, but he stopped for a second as he stared directly at Gray.

…are you fucking kidding me. Fucking nightmare mode.


Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]

Age: 18

Wallet: 119,650 Coins

Lvl: 17 (83,200/750,000 XP)

PL: 363,529,700

Available Points: 0

HP: 417,950/417,950

TKI: 468,725/468,725

STR: 685

AGI: 870

END: 610

INT: 575

CHA: 215

LUK: 515

KI: 815

HREG: 596

EREG: 596

Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 10], [Determination LVL 10], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 6]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 3], [Pushup LVL 10], [Punch LVL 10], [Kick LVL 10], [Jump LVL 10], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 1], [Mouth-Beam LVL 1], [Ki-Blade LVL 1], [Cooking LVL 1], [Ki Array LVL 3], [Ki Explosion LVL 1], [Ki Vision LVL 1]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]


AN: Thanks for reading! You can read the next month of chapters right now at Patreon.com/Koyon !