
Nicholas's Mistress

The moment he met her he knew he had to have her, but he he never envisioned a life of misery in her hands. The pain he had to go through drove him to the harms of another, he truly loved his wife but he didn't see a future with her anymore.

efancy_magdayao · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 7

She had done it again, yes, she had gone and made a fool of herself by calling Nicholas only to be met by the sultry voice of Bethany telling her that Nicholas was in the shower if Katherine hadn't heard the sound of running water she wouldn't have believed Bethany. Now that she knew where she stood with Nicholas she didn't feel guilty for what she was about to do. Katherine had woken up a new woman this morning wanting to change her everything that didn't fit in her life and that definitely includes Nicholas. The guy was proving to be a jerk and she needed none of that in her life. It is time to go back to the strong independent woman she had been before this whole Nicholas fiasco started.

The morning started busy as always in the office which wasn't anything new for Katherine since she was used to hard work all her life. She went through the day on autopilot not caring about the normal gossips in the office which helped a lot since apparently everyone had his or her own comment about the apparent love triangle between the boss, his wife and Katherine. Walking to Nicholas's office she inquired from the secretary if he was busy only for the blond to ignore her with her stinking attitude Katherine wondered what she had ever done to the girl, she has never even had a conversation with her but apparently, she had come to a conclusion that she needed to make every step of her job living hell.

Knocking on his door Katherine walked in on him standing at the window and she couldn't help but admire his well build broad back with the wide shoulders, what? he might be slimy as a snail but she was still a woman and she could admire a good thing when she sees one. Snapping out of her thoughts she realised that Nicholas was already sitting and she went ahead and gave him what she had come to deliver in the office. The meeting took about an hour and it was going smooth up until they were interrupted by his secretary delivering their lunch. They sat on the sofa in the office and Nicholas thought it was the right time to inquire how she had been only to be snubbed by Katherine. He moved his hand to touch her face but she moved away immediately like she had been burned.

"How have you been my love," Nicholas asked her in a soothing voice and Katherine wished so much that he was telling the truth that she was his love but she that wasn't the case.

"That is none of your business Nicholas last Last I checked you and I weren't in any personal relationship so you have no right to ask me such questions," Katherine said trying to keep her voice even

Nicholas looked at the animosity reflected in her eyes and he knew she had meant what she said. Nicholas was truly in love with her and he couldn't picture another moment to explain what was going on to her except now. He couldn't lose her, she was a gem to be treasured and he had been doing a sloppy job at protecting her, he didn't know if he could still salvage what they had but he could only hope for the best.

"My love, I know my actions of late haven't been good but there is a reason why..."

"Yea I know you always claim that there is a reason why you are doing this, but frankly, I don't care anymore Nicholas so don't even try explaining anything" Katherine interrupted

"Baby please, there are so many ways I want to say I love you but I know you won't believe me but you can trust my beating hearth, Katherine," Nicholas said kneeling in front of her " it only beats for you my love, you came into my life at a time I thought I lost everything and saved me from the darkness within me"

Katherine looked at his eyes bleeding to her to believe him and she felt like crying she wanted so much to take him into her arms and never let him go but she was scared and she didn't want to be hurt again by him.

" I have thought about you Nicholas, every time wishing you were beside me on those cold nights alone in bed, I wished you would embrace me and tell me everything was going to be alright, but you were never there instead you were out with her and it hurt Nicholas" she was trying not to cry in front

"Do you know how much I had woken up to the news of you romancing her everywhere in the world and every time I wished I was the one in your arms and now you come here telling me that you love me? well, forgive me if I don't believe you, Nicholas" she screamed at him

That was a good sign for Nicholas at least she was talking to him and not ignoring him like she had been doing the last few weeks.

" I have tried to teach my heart to give up but I'm still stuck on you Nicholas, are you proud of the way you are tearing me apart every moment" Nicholas held her close as she continued to cry and he felt the hurt she was going through and he never imagined that it had been this bad, he had sworn never to hurt her and that is exactly what he had done to her. Rocking her she finally fell asleep from exhaustion and Nicholas took her to sleep to the bed in the adjacent room to his office. Looking at her sleep was like a dream to him many times he had imagined how she would look like asleep and it was magnificent he didn't want this feeling to ever end, but he knew he had to get out there and work on resolving the issue at hand.

Looking out the window Nicholas realised it was already dark and likely most of his employees were already gone, as if reading his mind his secretary walked in to announce her departure. She stood there looking around and he knew she was searching for Katherine, not finding she turned to him with contempt in her eyes and judgement and Nicholas didn't give a dam about as long as she didn't take it out on his Katherine. He was paying her to work and not to interfere in his life.

"What is it, Caren? " Nick asked irritated by her

"Nothing sir, I was just wondering where Katherine was," she said still trying to pry information from him.

"That is none of your concern Caren and I suggest you mind your mouth around Katherine, don't think I haven't noticed how you have been rude towards her, I pay you to work and not to interfere in my life, you get that through your head," Nicholas said with a serious face he wanted to instil the fear of God in her.

"And if I ever hear of you maltreating her again, forget about working for me, you will never be able to work anywhere in this industry, believe me, you wouldn't want an enemy of me"

The woman looked terrified and Nick knew he had succeeded in passing his message, she went out of his office in a hurry closing the door. Now for the matter at hand how was he going to regain Katherine's trust again?

He was going to have to let her in on his plan and that would mean having her life in constant danger and so he had to up her security. It was better than having her hate him he didn't want to ever have to live without her. He just hoped she would support his plan and trust him in the process, seeing him with another woman would hurt but he had to keep an eye on Bethany, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He just had to make sure that Katherine never gets hurt in all this, even if it means killing he would do it just to keep her safe.

Nicholas looked at his reflection on the glass window and he could recognise the look in his eyes it was the look of a man who was up to do anything for the ones he loved. He had seen the look somewhere else that was a lifetime ago when he was still fighting for a place in this world he had succeeded in that and he wished he could too in this fight for the woman he loved he could do everything. Looking back he wondered if he ever loved Bethany, what he fled for Katherine was out of this world is this what true love felt like is this what he kept hearing from people. It felt like he wouldn't be able to function without this love every time she was away from him he felt like he was dying and that is a feeling he never wanted to experience ever again