
Nexus of singularity: The outsider of the system

Orion wakes up in a cave. Alone and confused, he does not feel like himself. because instead of waking up as himself, Orion woke up as a little boy. But that's not the only one that makes him more confused. eventually, Orion is not even in his world. He is now in a world where magic and fantasy are more than just a word on a sheet of paper, of course it's hit him in several spots of beliefs. Orion never believed something like magic or other fantasy things, he had denied them, but now a fact had hit his face and made him believe it. But on top of everything that happens to him, the most shocking thing happens to Orion. Something was messing inside his head, suddenly a panel of some system appeared in front of his eyes. Will Orion use the system or will the system use Orion?

DRH01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Silence hit the living room, all eyes were looking at Orion and waiting for his answer. Orion was shocked, that's the first and he quickly returned to his senses. Orion looks at Sol and May with a confused look on his face.

"Orion, we know it was sudden but I would love to hear an answer from you, what do you think?" May look at Orion.

"I-I don't know what to say, it was so sudden and I'm truly puzzled about this"

"There is no point in rejecting our offer, son. I know that you are scared about what will happen later, about what you should do or where you should go after recovery from your wound..."

"...You can stay here as a family member as our son" Sol looks at Orion, with a smile blooming on his face.

"..." Orion was silenced, he still thinks about it.

It was a big decision, Sol was right that Orion didn't know what he would do or where he would go.

He has zero knowledge about this world, he didn't realize how dangerous this world became without any preparation.

On the other hand, Orion feels anxious about the family things. he only had one family in his lifetime, but it ended with a tragedy that led him to become what he was right now.

"If you don't mind, could I get time to think about it?" Orion says.

Sol and May give Orion some time, Orion back to his room and thinks about it. Truly think about it, because it was a big decision that could change his life.

Orion was gifted, once he saw or heard something. He never forgot about it, but there was an exception. It was his parents, he doesn't remember their face, voice, or even their name.

every memory that he had about them seemed so blurry, like an old tape film that only had white and black color. And now he had to choose between going to the world without anything or staying with this family that he is personally comfortable with.

It sounds easy to answer but for Orion. It was hard, very difficult. He was an image of an abomination, that sounds exaggerated but it was. Having a family never come across his mind before.


Orion back to his senses, opened the door. Anna was standing in front of it, Orion felt a bit strange about it. He barely talks to Anna, because he hates kids. Nothing personal, but he truly hates kids to his bone.

For him, kids are just animals with human bodies and faces. They are savage, annoying, and very complicated to deal with because of their unexpected action based on instinct and curiosity.

"Umm...Hey, what's up?" Orion feels uneasy.

"Are you still thinking about my parent's offer, Orion?"

"Yeah, it was too sudden and I completely have no idea about it. So it's taking me some time to think about it" Orion nodded.

"Is that so, do you need help?"

"Help? What could you do to help me with it?"

"I don't know, maybe I can answer some questions about my mom and dad"

"..." Orion silence for a moment.

"Do you have any siblings, Anna?"

"Nope, just me, Mom and Dad. But I hope so, my friends have their siblings. They play with them every time and I'm jealous about it" Anna shook her head

"Do you prefer to have a brother or a sister?"

"Umm...That's a tough one, give me a second" Anna thinks deeply.

"I guess I prefer to have a brother"

"You didn't choose that just because of me right?" Orion looks at Anna.

"No, no, no. It is just my dream to have siblings, especially a little brother. so I can play with him every day and show my friends, my handsome brother"

"Is that so?"

"yes, that's it" Anna nodded, Orion could see a pure answer in her eyes and he respected it.

"So why don't you ask your parents about a sibling? wouldn't they be able to give you one?"

"...." Suddenly, Anna became silent and Orion could see a sadness in her face.

'Oh shit, did I say something that hurt her feelings?' Orion looks worried.

"A-Anna, what's wrong?"

"It's alright, you still a child so you don't know about it..." Anna gives Orion a warm smile.

"My mom can't give birth, she's losing that capability right after I was born"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, so did I answer your question?"

"Yeah, you did"

"So? Do you have any questions?"

"..." Orion silence for a moment.

"What do you think about me, Anna?"

"You? Cute and adorable more than anyone in this village, having you as my brother would be delightful"

"Oh...Thank you"

"Is that all? Did I help you?"

"Yeah, that is all of it. I don't have any questions. Thank you, Anna"

"You're welcome, take your time to think about it" Anna returns to her parents.


Orion sat on his bed, contemplating his decision. The outside world presented a realm of opportunities and challenges, with his powerful crown and book offering substantial advantages. These tools would allow him to leverage his masterful intellect to navigate complexities, achieve his goals, and thrive independently.

Yet, the warmth and stability provided by Sol and May were equally compelling. Reflecting on Anna's desire for a sibling, Orion recognized the profound value of belonging and family. The immediate security and support from Sol and May were deeply appealing, providing a sense of safety and connection that he hadn't felt in a long time.


Later that night, Sol and May still in their living room. Worry about what Orion might say, they truly want him to be their son. But if Orion didn't want, their respect his answer.

But to think that their will let a little boy just go by himself into wilderness of world make them feels horrible.


Orion walked slowly down the stairs, a mix of nervousness and resolve in his steps. Sol and May, sitting together in the living room, turned their attention to him with anxious anticipation.

Sol stood up, his expression hopeful. "Orion, have you made a decision?"

Orion nodded slowly, his gaze shifting between Sol and May. He could feel the weight of their expectations, but he knew this was his choice, one that could change everything.

"I have," Orion finally spoke, his voice steady yet carrying a hint of the vulnerability he tried to hide.

"And...?" May leaned forward, her hands clasped together.

Orion took a deep breath, his thoughts swirling.

"It's just... hard for me. You're offering me something that I never thought I'd have again... a family."

Sol and May exchanged a glance, sensing the turmoil inside him.

"I don't know much about this world, and the idea of going out there without any preparation... it scares me, I guess," Orion admitted, his small hands balling into fists.

"But staying here, being part of your family, that's scary too. I've... I've lost a family before and I don't even remember about them."

The room fell silent again, the weight of Orion's words sinking in. Sol's face softened, and he knelt to Orion's level.

"You don't have to be afraid, Orion. We'll never replace what you've lost, but we can be here for you now. If you let us."

Orion looked into Sol's eyes, searching for something—maybe a sign, maybe comfort. He didn't know. But all he saw was sincerity, and it made his decision that much harder.

"I... I think I want to stay, if the offer still available" Orion said, his voice almost a whisper.

May's eyes welled up, and she knelt beside Sol. "You don't have to rush, Orion. Just having you here, as part of our lives, is enough."

Sol smiled warmly and placed a hand on Orion's shoulder. "Welcome home, son."

"Thank you," he said quietly.

After weighing the potential of his magical items against the comfort and support offered by his new family, Orion chose to stay. Despite the allure of freedom and power, he realized that the immediate sense of belonging and the nurturing environment with Sol and May were more crucial for his well-being at that moment.