

Roxanne_Agares · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 2-Seggss (Horny Old'Sis~!)

As they say, time was fleeting.

And now, it's been three days since the young boy heard the existence of his older sister..

At this time, he can be seen walking in the wide corridor of the mansion, on his back was Amelia and the butler..

They are now walking towards the mansion's door.

An eager expression was present at the boy's face, as this will be the first time he will see what is the appearance of his still living family member.

Not far from the Ducal's mansion, an extravagant carriage can be seen making its way towards the mansion.

Inside of it was a teenage girl who looked like the boy but more feminine.

With her cascading hair flowing at her waist, and the enchanting proportion of her appearance.

No one would not believe it, if she was ever a product of the golden ratio itself.

But a frown and tears could be seen present on her eyelids as she was still crying about the grim news about her passed away parents.

And now she needs to move on as she still needs to raise her younger brother for her deceased parents.

With determination present in her eyes, an unvocal conviction was then made up.



A notifiable knock has resounded from the carriage's door.

The coachman has then notified the girl inside, that they are now nearing the Household.

After a few minutes of journey, the carriages had then stopped moving, prompting the girl inside that they are now at the Ducal household.

As the girl opened the carriage's door, the alignment of the household servants greeted her.

They're synchronization was absolutely outstanding, bowing at the same time, they greeted the Lady with such vigor.

But the lady didn't look at them but rather ran to the cute child at the door of the mansion.

Feeling the affectionate hug from the big lady before him who also has the same appearance as him, Lux, gave the lady the same value of the hug she gave.

As the Lady felt Lux reciprocating hugs, she began to cry once again…

Despite being confused by the sudden changes in the big lady in front of him, Lux still has this cheerful expression on his face.

For the servants that see the two's interaction, they too, begin to tear up as they pity the now parent-less childrens in front of them, especially the younger boy who will now be deprived from a parental love of his now passed away parents….

Although they didn't know what was the feeling of experiencing it, they knew that experiencing it was excruciating that someone might lose their mind, for how deep the wound it would direct to that someone..

Amelia, after wiping the tears present in her eyelids, gathered herself and started to introduce the lady in front of Lux.

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, the eldest child of the two offspring of the deceased Duke and Duchess Romanova.

She's the splitting image of the Duke itself for how they have the same personality and appearance.

Transcending snow white hair and bluish cold eyes, her beauty could be placed among the most beautiful ladies existing in the whole world.

As she introduced Anastasia to Lux, Lux on the other hand was still having a hard time remembering the name of the person in front of him..

Recalling such a name as Anastasia, was just new to him.

But despite not getting any recollection from the lady in front of him, he cutesy snuggled his face to Anastasia's shoulders deeper.

The comfortable feeling he felt when he did that to Amelia, was the same as his older sister's.

So he let himself indulge further in the comforting sensation.














It has now been a month since Lux's older sister has returned from the Academy and at this moment…

Lux can be seen being pinned down by his older sister, with Anastasia's delicate hands planted beside Lux's head..

Breathing heavily, she brought down her head at the neck of Lux, having a deep blushed on her face.

But before you people get labeled as Hornet's nickname(A/N: the character from Azur Lane.), it all started at the dining room.








The end of dawn was nearing, casting a warm, orange hue across the sky, reminiscent of a radiant canvas painted with mesmerizing gold.

In the halls of the Ducal household, Lux and his older sister walked side by side, their steps echoing with a quiet determination.

Despite the loss they had experienced, they found solace in each other's company, allowing glimmers of happiness to illuminate their journey forward.

Upon walking through the hallway, a gurgling sound resonated and stopped their track.

Looking around where it all came from, a melodic lullaby chimed from Lux as he helplessly chuckled as it all came from him.

Holding his empty stomach, a blush appeared on his face, further enhancing his cute face.

"Fufu~ shall we eat our dinner for this day Lux~?"enchantedly asked by Anastasia, as she also laughed a little, much to embarrass Lux.

"Hnn.." As the Embarrassed Lux said this, all the people beside him had then started to laugh a little until Anastasia asked them to start preparing their dinner, so Lux would not be hungry anymore..

The two then proceed to the living room, with Lux hopping his way through the hallway, Anastasia had then a charming smile presented on her face.

For Lux who noticed it, then compliments his older sister…

A shocked expression was then presented in Anastasia's face as she was not expecting it, from Lux's innocent mouth.

Cupping her cheeks with her slender hands, a deep blushed has given us a wild assumption on it.

But that's besides for this story!

Anyways, as they are now in the living room, the maids present there have given both their masters a cup of choco milk and a hot heat, as at this time of year, winter is at its finest.

Releasing its cold breaths to the Northern peoples, who were then being led by the household of Romanova.

The regal territory of Ducal Romanova was infamous for its harsh-cold environment, to the point that someone in a year will die due to its extreme coldness, especially when it's winter.

As the maids serve their masters their cups, the two can be seen, at the chimney sitting shoulder-shoulders with each other as they enjoy the hot sensation..

With Anastasia telling some stories to Lux who were enjoying his sister's story.

The amazement could be seen on his face, as he listened carefully to the stories while he was also savoring the sweet taste of the choco milk.

As it continues, Amelia then goes inside the room and informs the two that their dinner was now ready, while Lux who was still drinking his choco milk with enjoyment has then started to become downcasted..

As for Amelia and Anastasia, who both see this reaction from him, start to panic.

Flailing hands were swaying at the space as the two became nervous on why Lux became sad.

So to know the reason, they asked 'what's the problem?'

And Lux said that he had to finish his choco milk first since the maids work hard to make it for him…

Hearing this…

The people present at the room beside Lux, began to fall on the ground while clutching their hearts and covering their faces with their hands.

As for Lux who sees them falling to the floor one by one, then looks at them strangely as why would the people in front of him suddenly collapse?

(A/N: Noticed, fast pace ahead!)

And it lasted till someone woke up!

For Amelia, who quickly realizes the situation and rushes to wake up the others who fell to the floor.

With urgency in her voice, she gently shakes them and calls out their names, ensuring they regain consciousness.

One by one, the servants slowly come to, rubbing their heads and laughing sheepishly at their own overreaction.

Apologizing for their exaggerated response, they all gather their composure and join Anastasia, Lux, and Amelia in the dining room.

The warm and inviting aroma of the prepared meal fills the air, instantly making everyone's stomachs growl with hunger.

Settling into their seats, Anastasia takes the head of the table while Lux sits beside her, beaming with joy.

Amelia, as always, stands by their side, ready to attend to their needs.

The meal begins, and the sound of cutlery clinking against porcelain fills the room.

As they enjoy the delicious food before them, laughter and chatter echo through the dining room.

Lux's innocent questions and excitement continue to bring smiles to everyone's faces.

The worry and sadness that once hung over them have momentarily dissipated, replaced by moments of joy and togetherness.

With each passing day, Lux's bond with Anastasia grows stronger, and Amelia never ceases to amaze him with her unwavering care and affection.

The household servants, once grieving over the loss of their beloved Duke and Duchess, have found solace in serving their young masters, cherishing every laughter-filled moment they share.

In the Ducal household, new memories are being created, and the light of hope shines bright.

Though the road ahead may hold challenges, Anastasia, Lux, and the dedicated servants are determined to face them together, reminding each other that family is not only blood but the love and support they provide.

As the evening meal draws to a close, Lux yawns, reminding everyone of his tender age.

Anastasia brushes his hair affectionately, planting a tender kiss on his forehead. Lux's eyelids grow heavy, and with a contented smile on his face, he falls into a peaceful slumber.

Anastasia gently lifts Lux into her arms and carries him to his room, tucking him into bed with the care and love of a devoted Onee-san.

As she gazes at his serene sleeping form, she whispers a silent prayer for happiness and safety for Lux.

The household gradually quiets down, returning to its peaceful state.

So no segs for you, Hornet doggo's~!
