

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 74

She watched me as her face turned to a worried look, which in turn started to make me wonder what she was looking at. My heartbeat did not rise nor was there any fear running through me. Wondering why she had the look as until I started to look around with my new vision, I could see the people in the seating area of the arena looking at me with scared of amazement in their eyes. Spotting the large screen above us, I could see what they were seeing.

Hands began to grab my arms feeling a slight tension being pressed against them noticing that I can from the ones coming from behind me trying to hold my arms behind my back not thinking anything except for being annoyed by this reaction. I reacted quickly to the touch of these people. Flexing my arms straight out to my side their grips loosened. I did this with ease as the hands ease as they released as I turned with arms raised high

The shock on their faces made me worry about what was happening to me.

I yelled, "what is it?"

"Why do you look at me as if I am a freak?"

My muscles tightened waiting for an answer as a calm came over me, why I do not know, but I had a feeling to look to my left. Daria, who was in the coffin with me, was off to my left as she started walking towards me. I could now see Daria clearly. She reached up placing her hands to my face placing her thumbs over my eyes. "You have green eyes, My Love! You have green eyes!"

I looked at her not knowing what that meant; I just shook my head giving a shrug. Daria approached closer gently kissing me on the lips. "No one has green eyes, my Love. Everyone is wondering what has happened." "Please," as she clasped my hands moved closer to me pressing her breast against my chest.

"Follow me Master Tagem!" She whispered.

Taking what she was saying made absolutely no scene. I have always had green eyes and why would that matter? I kept repeating to myself. The notion I was in harm's way was not their thou. I could feel Daria and lady Nancy as if it were my own feelings running through me saying it will be ok, it is all right, relaxing was what I was feeling from them both without words with touch just feelings. Letting her take my hand I followed as she led the way to a room that was on the outside of the arena. I followed her looking around watching everyone as no noise arose from anyone. That was on the ground floor or in the stands of the Arena as they just looked and stared. The doors opened as we approached and closed as we entered the room.

Wattie and Vixen busted through a door on the other side of this room. Vixen approached with no fear placing her arms around me.

"Are you ok Tagem, Brother?"