

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 60

"If you agree to join the family, you will be taken away for that day cleaned up prepared and brought to the Ceremony were all will be present from all the eight families. This year is a historic moment for all families will be in attendance for this one, and no one wants to miss it." she said with a sly smile.

I could not tell if she was talking to me or speaking aloud for at the time, she seemed to be looking through me.

Now of your turning, you will be watched by all in the hall as you are turned by me as I take you along with the others who have passed and decided to join the blood of the family. Placed away afterward in a crypt with a sponsor who will help you in the final transformation for the remainder of the night for the complete change to happen and arise as a new Blood family member.

"Any questions Tagem of NewBlood?" Queen Nancy asked as she rose from the chair showing her thighs and the lower part of her underwear barely exposed as she fixed herself lowering the dress. Stepping closer to me kneeling in front of me showing me now purposely of what was between her legs. Slowly I rose to make sure my mid-section was right in front of her face. Forcing her to have to look in full view at my now erect cock easily showing threw the cloth of the pants as it pushed outwards trying to show my dominance. She raised her view of me brushing her chin against my member. My action did not seem to bother her one bit. I placed my hand down to help her up. I wanted to let her know I will fight to be the Dominate one if this gets that far. She grabbed my hand letting her chin brush against me until she was standing in front of me.

"You make it sound as if this is no big deal to change my life into a Vampire."

"You do know this don't you?"

"Making this sound like an average day that I should just accept and be honored that I have been chosen. For that, you are wrong Nancy. I might have found a place that even deep down I know I belong, so I say yes!"

"Yes, I will join the family for I have thought it out; I made up my mind a while back. But with you forcing yourself on me for the answer I guess that just made it easier for me to say yes."

She stepped closer to me kissed me on the cheek. "I do not know if I was forcing you. Since your liking of my two daughters made it easy to assume you would join, until tomorrow night then Tagem," she said moving her way to the door. "It was not I who found you, but it will be I who brings you into the family." Turning just a little as she reached the door, I guess so that I could see her face with that sinister expression.

"I had to make sure my daughters chose well." Nancy said as she passed through the door and left.