

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 120

Samantha came and came as I licked fingered and sucked on her lips and clit. She buckled upright placing her hips as high as she could to put my finger deeper inside her as my tongue added pressure to that bud as she now flushed lips spread from my touch. Samantha and I slept next to each other with her head in my lap and my arm over her. I thoroughly thanked her for being on that plane that day.

Arriving back on Costa Rica soil with the humidity rising all around you taking in a deep, breath. For the brief time I have been here, it felt like home. Seeing the Volcano Mountains and lush greens, small little towns placed on them as we landed on a private airstrip. A white van waited for us to pile into, I watched the view from the truck as we drove away from the airport.

Thinking how lucky I could be. Three beautiful ladies who are now my vampire family, a child, and a demon family that is slowly taking me in. Learning more about myself as a vampire slash demon I have to say will be a vast benefit for when I go home.

Oh, crap home! What am I going to do? First a new bed will be needed. What am I thinking, I am going to need a new residence and then what or how do I explain Daria, Catherine, and Samantha.

Walking in the main hall of the resort with guests on vacation along with family guests walked, talked, admiring the view along with the hot springs. Noticing all the couples admiring the view with their companion.

Nancy and two others met us at the reception desk. Giving me a hug, which intern I forgot what it was I was thinking about. Now thinking how odd but accepted her embrace with returning one with equal measure. Leading us to an employ elevator that led us to the underground castle. Being led to a room that was empty with a black and silver tint round table propped in the middle of the room.

Noticing drinks and food I walked over grabbed myself a plate. Once I started to nibble on the food, I realized how starving I was. Reaching the table sat between the girls as they had done the same. More vampires walked in grabbed food sat at the round table with the noise of talk filling the room. The ceiling started to open ever so slowly; it only caught my attention for the lights glimmered off my glass of water. When it began to move, the whole ceiling was of the flowing hot spring waters that ran through the volcano. The sight was breathtaking to watch. The flow of water rushed across the now glass ceiling. The marvel of achievement of glass construction to be able to hold the weight of the running hot water was incredible in its own right.

Taking my attention away from the ceiling to take another bite, the room filled with vampires and people. The noise level had risen with all the seats filled as others roamed around the room chatting to whomever. There did seem to be a pumped-up vibe in the air, everyone in the room appeared to be of high energy with smiles and laughing all around.