
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

[3.25] End of Year 2117 Part 4 - The First Battle Against Monsters

Radit, Raka, and Ronal prepare to face 2 small monsters whose abilities and even what kind of monsters they are are unknown.

"We're unlucky, aren't we? Our first battle is against a mysterious monster that can talk and slaughter military and union forces," Raka said.

"Are you scared?" asked Radit.

"It's clear! Our opponent is unknown," Raka replied.

"Hey, what should we do?" asked Ronal.

When the three of them were still thinking about how to deal with it, the little monster spoke.

"Hey, are we done chatting? Then I'll attack first," said the little monster.

The little monster quickly took one step towards Radit.

Radit, who was holding a weapon, immediately reflexively parried the monster's sword with his weapon.

Radit managed to parry it and countered with a kick, but the monster immediately avoided it and retreated.

"Oh, not bad. I thought I'd die right away," said the little monster.

"Radit, are you okay?" asked Raka.

"It's okay, I survived thanks to this weapon. But this weapon is damaged," Radit said, showing the long-barreled weapon he had taken earlier from the corpse of the fallen officer. The gun Radit was holding was discarded, and he was now using the sword he was carrying.

Raka looked at the weapon Radit had thrown away because it was broken and was a little surprised.

"Damn, our first battle was against a difficult monster. We should, as beginners, fight the weakest rank first, right?" Raka muttered.

"Raka, watch out!" shouted Radit as he saw an attack darting towards him, but the attack from the small monster was parried by Radit.

The sword fight between Radit and the little monster was fierce, but Radit seemed to lose and was cornered.

'What's with the attack? So heavy,' Radit thought.

Radit, who felt cornered, was forced to show and use his fire element.

Radit spouted flames during the sword fight and startled the monster into backing away.

"Magi?" asked the little monster.

"Raka, Ronal! Why are you silent? If we stay still, we'll die!" Radit shouted.

Raka and Ronal were surprised by Radit's harsh words.

"Sorry, Radit. I was a little surprised by what happened just now, making my sanity and thinking slow," said Raka.

"Ronal, get ready!" ordered Raka, pointing his gun.

"The world here, the humans are very strange. They can use magic and strange weapons. Interesting! Interesting!" said the little monster and immediately attacked Radit.

In the sword fight with Radit, the monster now also unleashes its power, the fire element.

The monster attacked more aggressively, and Radit always got scratched.

Raka and Ronal helped Radit by shooting from a distance.

"The 2 humans are very annoying," said the monster.

During the sword fight, the monster shot straight at Raka and Ronal.

"Watch out, Raka, Ronal!" shouted Radit who saw the monsters stop fighting against him.

The monster quickly stood between Raka and Ronal.

The monster immediately kicked Ronal and then attacked Raka with a sword.

However, the sword attack was successfully parried. Raka immediately threw away his long-barreled weapon.

Raka then took his knife and gun.

A melee battle between the monsters and Raka ensued.

Ronal saw this and immediately helped Raka by shooting him.

The monsters who perceived Ronal as an intruder then attacked Ronal.

Ronal, who was unprepared for the swift attack, received a scratch on the edge of his abdomen as he dodged.

Radit immediately ran towards the monster and attacked it, then the battle between the monster and Radit happened again.

Raka wanted to use his electric element, but it would be dangerous because it could hurt everyone. That's because they were standing on the water surface. If she uses the water element, she doesn't know how to use it.

"Ah, that sucks. I'll use that," said Radit.

Then Radit enveloped his sword with fire, then attacked the monster with the sword enveloped in fire.

"Hahaha... what the hell?" laughed the little monster, getting aggressive again.

Raka then approached Ronal who was lying down and tried to get up.

"Ronal, you know what? Your stomach is bleeding," said Raka.

"There are no scratches, although it hurts but it's not too deep," Ronal replied.

"If this continues, we will die. Ronal, listen, I have an idea, but it all depends on you," said Raka.

Ronal listened seriously to the plan that Raka was talking about.

"Are you serious about that plan? If I make a mistake, you will die?" Ronal asked.

"I trust you, and we've been practicing together for the past few months," Raka replied.

"We don't have much time to think. When the time is right, do it," Raka said, handing Ronal a sniper rifle, and he joined in the melee with Radit.

Ronal was shocked and confused as to whether he would succeed with Raka's plan.

"Radit, I'll help you up close," Raka said and joined the melee battle.

A 2-on-1 battle between Radit and Raka against a mysterious little monster with strong, fast, fire-elemental powers takes place.

Monster doesn't look tired at all, even though it's been 10 minutes of fast-paced combat.

Radit and Raka looked exhausted as their opponent's heavy attacks took a lot of energy to fend off.

At the critical moment, the monster grabbed Raka's neck, strangled him tightly and threw him. Then Radit attacked him, but the monster knew and avoided him, then kicked Radit's chest, which was covered in invisible chest armor, until it broke. The blow was so hard that Radit bled from his mouth and bounced off.

Radit was in pain holding his chest.

"Okh, okh (cough), akh... it hurts. Did I crack my breastbone?" Radit shouted in pain.

The monster then looked at Ronal.

Ronal who saw Radit and Raka lying down became very scared, and the monster saw him.

"The weakest one left," said the little monster.

Ronal shot the monster with his semi-automatic pistol, and the monster came quickly to Ronal.

The monster punched Ronal in the stomach, but not so hard that it bounced off like Radit.

Ronal tried to resist, even when the fear of death was in front of him.

However, Ronal is not as good as Radit and Raka when it comes to real life and death battles.

Ronal was always beaten. The monster just played with Ronal and enjoyed it.

Raka did not remain silent as Ronal was beaten and toyed with by the monster.

Raka approached him, and a fight broke out between the two of them. Raka told Ronal to stay away from close combat.

Raka was constantly looking for an opening for his strategy to be implemented, but it was quite difficult because the monsters he was fighting were too strong and agile.

Radit, who was lying in pain, tried to get up and continue fighting.

"Hah... hah... hah... it's a good thing I have this armor, otherwise I would have died earlier," Radit said, taking off his damaged invisible armor that was hidden under his shirt.

Another close 2 versus 1 battle ensued, and they continued to fight.

15 minutes passed.

At night in the moonlit dark forest, a life-and-death battle was fiercely fought over the ankle-deep water.

Raka and Radit no longer had the strength and stamina to fight, and the monster became more arrogant and aggressive. However, at that moment the opposite happened.

The monster managed to cut down Radit, who was exhausted. At that moment, Raka took the opportunity and tried to stab him with a knife.

However, the attack failed, and the knife bounced off.

Then the monster's sword pointed at Raka's stomach.

But it failed. The sword only pierced and penetrated Raka's left hand. Then the golden opportunity and luck happened.

"Gotcha!" said Raka.

Raka's right hand held the little monster's neck while his right hand grasped the opponent's sword in a stabbing condition, and Raka shouted.

"Do it!" said Raka.

Ronal took aim at the monster from afar with his sniper rifle and shot it.

A miracle happens, will they all live?

I'm curious!

Wow! Everything is in critical condition, are they going to lose something valuable? Read the rest soon!

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