
Where's Halvard

So plan, First find where in the hell I am, Second get transportation, Three back up.

-Where's Halvard-

-Find where you are and get to civilization-

-Rewards: A stalwart companion. She served by the side of a Dragonborn that went to defeat Alduin and never returned. (Lydia) A magical Falcon, and 200 gold.-

So, just follow the road and find some type of civilization...I am not walking.


*Clydesdale- 450 G*

*Map of the North (NMagic)- 50*



It took three days on horse back to find a village, Eskigarðr in the Common Tongue means Ashwood Garden apparently I am on the Wests coast of New Gift (Bear island side). But traveling had its ups and downs.

Traveling by horse is so goddamn boring, it was cool at first riding down the road felling like a bad ass knight. But the silence was really disconcerting, even growing up in a very rural area in my old life their was so much more background noise. You could hear people off in the distance or cars driving by.

But not here it is silence, yeah their is the a occasional bird or deer making it's way but besides that it was silence.

I would normally just listen to music or something but I am just too scared. Because I could be miles away from main roads so bandits are a small chance but I am just nervous.

Not listening to music was the right decision, on the first night camping I was attacked by wildlings.


My second night of camping was less stress full than the first where in my rush to find civilization I didn't buy any camping supplies. But thankfully with magic it made it a little easier, first I used some drying charms for firewood, then flames to light the fire. Besides setting up camp I tried to forage the surrounding area for potion ingredients. For protection I used the Alarm spell that if someone comes with in 30 feet of my camp.

That probably saved my life.

A ringing in my head awoke me and I jump to my feet.

"HE IS AWAKE ATTACK" wilding 1 shouted as he and his 4 other companions charge.

First I cast *Vegg Av Ild* causing a wall of fire to appear in between us. This terrifying the group making the their charge falter while igniting the leader.

"Wait what is he a-AAAAAAH"

I then draw my Great axe and charge the Wildings.

"DEMON KILL IT" one screams as two charge me and the other 2 draw arrows.

I tank one arrow as I hit the leading wildling causing him drop to the ground. Then I cast *Ísspjót* sending a ice spike at one of the archers hitting him in the shoulder. I then shift the other melee Wilding slamming into their shoulder. The last is the final Archer who I cast *السلخ/alsalkh* which is a sking flaying curse pealing back the skin of the wilding. I make sure to loot and kill all but one of the wildlings.

-Loot: 3 Short swords, 2 bows, Arrows, furs, crude "Chainmail", 25 gold from the system, and 5 days of rations-

-Gained 5 stat points, 1 per kill-



"Look at me you piece of shit you are going to tell me where are the rest of your savages are at"


"Wrong answer, *السلخ/alsalkh* *AHHHH* that their is a Dothraki skin flaying curse. It was first used to skin animals but then I found that it has more pain full uses. Now answer the question where is the rest of your raiding party *السلخ/alsalkh*.

Causing the skin on his hands to peel back reviling his bones underneath.

"*AHHHH* Stop stop I'll talk I'll talk. We are a scouting to check the defense of a village half a days ride from here we were supposed to attack in 2 days with a band of 80 ....thats...all...i...Know."

"Good, now die."


"Yuck, now I have to clean this up. Might as start to get going it is not like I'm going to go back to sleep."

The rest of the journey I rode hard to the village to warn them and finally complete the quest. Upon cresting a hill I saw the village in the distance.

-Where's Halvard Complete!-

-Find where you are and get to civilization-

-Rewards: A stalwart companion. She served by the side of a Dragonborn that went to defeat Alduin and never returned. (Lydia) A magical Falcon, and 200 gold.-

Lydia-"Where am I, What is going on, Who are you"

"My name is Halvard Maelstrom Lydia, in order you are no longer in Mundus your are in a place called Planetoes, in a kingdom called the North similar to Skyrim. I used my magic to summon you here because I need your help. Now what is the last thing you remember."

"I-I-I was fighting my Thane he-he betrayed my people he sided with this vampire WHORE because she said she would sleep with him if he used auriel's bow to destroy the son. When I confronted him he said "I'll just reload an old save" and-and-and I just lost it I charged him and he used the Thu'm on me and I saw black. The next thing I knew a voice told me I could make a deal and have a new life. So I agreed as I had nothing left and now I'm here."

"By the Divines Lydia, I am truly sorry to call upon you but I am truly alone in this place with a quest sent by my gods to help revive magic here and protect these people from a great threat. Now I know you have no reason to trust me and you have had your trust betrayed but I will swear upon my magic and soul to never betray your trust so long as you help me in my quest."

"Give me your Oath Halvard Maelstrom. that you shall never betray my trust, you shall protect these people from this great enemy with all our abilities Magic and Martial, so long as they do not betray your oath so you swear"

"I swear"

-You have given a magickly binding oath, so long as you continue your quest to revive magic and kill the others. You shall have the protection of Lydia the Betrayed-

"Now Lydia do you have any knowledge about this world."

"Not a clue, my Tha-Halvard. Not a clue"

"Well hop on Sigrun here, I'll fill you in and see if I can get a info packet."

The ride to Eskigarðr was mostly filled with me explaining to her about he world and a breif explanation of what is to come. As we rode I remember that I also got a Falcon, To which I summoned and was very surprised by the size of the thing. She is a Gyrfalcon and is 2 feet from tail to beak and a 4.5 feet wingspan.

"You shall be named Minerva after the Roman Goddess of wisdom. Now I need you to scout the area for a large group of Wildings."

Approaching the village we were met with curious and apprehensive looks, till an older man approached us.

"My name is Elder Asmund, now what are you doing here travelers we do not see many visitors out here except raiders and the occasional porter."

"My name is Halvard Maelstrom and my companion is Lydia. We were travling and got lost here and were attack by wildings and wanted to have a meet the elder here."

"Hmmm, alright young man come to my home and we will talk. And Stigr here will take your horse to the stables."

"Now, young man tell me of these wildings that you and your companion fought."

"We fought and kill 4 but we questioned 1 and found out that a group of 80 have made it around the wall and are planning to attack here."

The elder man's eyes widen "By the Old Gods, we have not have had a raiding party that size in many years and I fear that we are on our own as we do not have time to alert Lord Glover and for him to send men. Never the less I thank you Halvard Maelstrom you have saved our village and sadly have to ask you and you to help us fight."

"I am more than happy to help your village, but I must ask for something in return as we are risking our lives. We ask you that you give us land here in the Village here 25 Acres here and the ability to buy more and we will help you fight the wildlings. And it is not just us the rest of my clan shall arrive in the coming days."

"You have a deal Mr. Maelstrom you have a deal. Now I have a lot of bad news to tell my people. Then we shall figure out what we shall do to survive this."


Elder Asmund- "Good everyone his here, I gathered you here today so alert you that a band of 80 wildings has made it past the wall and shall attack us at lest in 3 days and the most 7, but thanks to the efforts of Halvard Maelstrom of Clan Maelstrom who with the rest of his clan has agreed to join us in the fight."

"Aye, my people have been scattered around the North and beyond, as we have been with our land for some time. So I have agreed to help defend this village as it has become our home. So we shall prepare our village first, we need to limit where they can attack so we shall build a Palisade around the village as soon as possible we work around the clock, next Lydia and once my people arrive we will be drilling basic spear techniques and bow practice, and lastly you WILL listen to my people when we tell you something. Alright let's get to work."

With that all 300 villagers went to work 150 men and women were sent to work in the woods and dig a trench around the village for the Palisades, next 100 were being trained in spears and bows, the last 50 were set to make, arrows, spears, and keep watch.

Next, I sneaked away and bought 2 war mage and a warrior. The War mages are tasked with harass the wildings, the warrior is the drill instructor for the village. The last 25 was spent and a Ballista/ ammunition for it.

With my summons taking some of my load off, I was still working. I went with the mages and light the wildings camp on fire killing at least 20. But besides that I was working with the Local smiths on forging as many spears as possible. The hope is to have at least 600 spear heads stored, then move on the basic armor.

It take 5 days for the Raid to come and with the mages help from the raids we were able to kill of 20 total but we still have a battle ahead. Thankfully we were able to have the wall done and the Ballista was mounted on a wagon. Drawn by Sigrun loaded up with ammo.


Name: Halvard Maelstrom

Age 16

Strength: 15

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 20

Stamina: 15

Magic Power: 50 (Dumbledore level)

Avg: 10 for all stats

Knowledge: Charms, Potions, Herbology (7th), Runes (1st)

Special Skills: Parsaltounge, Animagous (Eagle), Master Smith (Mg/M), Master Axe man, Music (Old World)

Spells (Custom):

Store: skills, items, knowledge, and summons.

Gold: 0

Inventory: 3 Short swords, 2 bows, Arrows, furs, crude "Chainmail", and 5 days of ration