
Fallout Finale / Time Skip

The fallout expedition continued over the past 10 years to expand as they accused more and more technologies ranging from civilian goods to rocket parts that have sparked our space programs throughout the Federation.

With the passing of time more and more of our men came to our outpost with them came more military equipment.

Our airships began to scout the fallout globe finding as many settlements and nation states but sadly the world was not in a great place.

Most Europe was gone, with the E.U and Soviets emptying their entire nuclear loads on one another.

Ireland was mostly spared but was completely isolated via a radioactive storm that separated them from the other British isle.

On the main Island the only survivors are those who fled to the massive underground subway network underneath the Great Britain, they suffered from a variety of mutations and birth defects after 200 years below ground.

These styles of settlements where common throughout most of Europe. Excluding the more isolated areas of Scandinavia where the occasional fiefdom settled.

Most of Russia was spared outside of large settlements, where communities made their own kingdoms.

China was simply gone, what ever the USA used here the very ground was poised here. Not Ben the most mutated wildlife lived here.

Africa was mostly untouched outside of areas with oil supplies where the Chinese and USA had stationed men here at one time.

The local governments had the technical level of that of the modern day but their the lack of Lila me other natural resources most where on the decline just do the the lack of plastics. South America also had its variety of issues but the were on the same level of America.

Once we had established contact with all these communities we began evacuations of all the willing survivors as some wanted for stay on the planet.


We have estimated that 70-80% of the survivors had migrated to Planetos. Those who stayed where those who lived in Africa or the less radioactive settlements.

We did not fight them on this as we had gained an additional 100 million people from the fallout verses most were settled throughout Sothoryos where the wildlife is just as dangerous as the wastelands of the fallout verse.

Their they would be educated and assimilated into the Federation, those who were scientists who have knowledge of any field of knowledge where hired by government to write out and categorize their knowledge.

I of course helped as much as I could, reverse engineering anything we had missed. In hopes of saving any knowledge from the fallout verse, but my main focus has been on the development of space exploration.

While crude we have made great leaps in developing space travel, with our airships using a variety of gravity dust and runes making orbital insertion easy but we are having to develop dedicated space fairing vessels.

The goal first goal to develop a dedicated space station for further exploration and experimentation of space. It also got me thinking of what life is out their and what Verse I was apart of.


50 Year Skip

As the people settled into their new homes more and more federation settlements were piping up all over the globe and with them spread magic and our influence.

We after 80 years since my arrival on Planttos we had finally United the planet under the federation, our number where in the 20 billions now as Plantos is about double the size of earth and we were starting to get into having enough space for our people while keeping nature preserved.

Our first off world bases were actually defense and research platforms that orbited the planet, soon private companies began making luxury space hotels and resorts for the wealthy. Lords of old houses came next buying up areas for their own exploration.

So our first off world settlements on a another celestial body was the Moon most are underground while in large craters domed cities are built. The settlements mostly mined Helium 3 and a variety of rare minerals that where rare on Plantos.

The Astroid belt was free for those claimed them so long as they reached them, old lords and merchants began to flood the belt in locating massive loads of gold or any rare mineral.

But the most amazing discovery happed in the grey wastes where Pyramid was found, when a group was sent to investigate they found something amazing.

A Stargate.