
New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

"W-what are you doing?" Eli was shocked as she saw the handsome man, his upper body glistened in the morning light, drenched in sweat as he firmly held a massive axe. "Wife! Good morning! The wood is ready to keep you warm for the winter ahead!" The man proudly pointed towards the massive mountain of firewood he just finished chopping. “Heavens! Did you chop every tree in the whole forest?!” Eli felt her head ache. "We are still in the middle of spring!" -- She was a salary woman. For her, career was just the only way to survive in this cruel world. Being a housewife was far from reality as bills kept haunting her bank account. When she suffered a plane crash in one of her business trips, she dejectedly lamented not experiencing the simple joys women used to experience in her age. However, a young woman's soul came begging to her, to use her body in another world so that her unborn child could live. In exchange for continuing to live, the task was to give birth to the young woman's child and be the coolest mom evarrrrrr! --- A transmigration story. However, our protagonist Eli, has to transmigrate into a pregnant woman's body. Facing the woes of a pregnant single mother, while surviving in a world where magic and evil exist, will she even successfully go through motherhood as a single parent? ...or will she need to have a hubby by her side after all? -- This is my first work and only signed in webnovel. Please do not post it to other sites T_T thanks! -- Cover Art by talented Iris Enj Come give her some love in IG and FB @iris_enj (Iris Enj) Follow this auntie potato on instagram @randompotato21

RandomPotato · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
604 Chs

Filthy Rich Went Shopping 2

Entering the Argentum shop, Eli and Wisey were welcomed by the familiar brightly lit hall, full of splendid displays of magical items. In Baobao's case, he was in awe of the foreign looking place as soon as he entered. His round panda eyes shone brightly, as he curiously looked around the new world her master had brought him. Leading him by the hand, he followed his master as they went further in a well behaved manner.

An attentive assistant soon greeted them respectfully. Wearing a neat white uniform with black vest adorned with silver colored embroidery of the Argentum insignia - a shining silver magic staff encircled with laurel leaves. The store attendant gave a curt bow and greeted, "Good day patron, how may this humble keeper assist you?"

Eli flashed a business smile and answered in a dignified manner, "Good day! I am here for an appointment with the store's master." She then quickly showed a letter with Grandpa Andvari's mana seal as a proof of appointment.

The way Eli behaved was foreign to Baobao. He was confused. When they were at home, his master and even Wisey, were very carefree and playful. However, the way his master was acting right now seemed so astute and formal, it was so foreign that he felt a little intimidated.

Wisey did not react but was amazed by how Eli conducted herself. Truly, she came from the corporate world. Her way of carrying herself in the business was definitely not for the inexperienced. She never expected that Eli's vast experience in her previous life would still be apparent in the way she carry herself in situations like this.

Feeling the respectable aura from a prim and proper Eli, the assistant was taken aback. He was startled again when the lady in front of him showed a mana sealed letter from his very own master. However, he was trained even to meet distinguished people like this on a daily basis so he immediately recovered.

Courteously accepting the sealed letter with his two hands, he verified it immediately through activating the mana seal. Inserting his mana, the mana seal reacted and glowed in blue light - it was authentic. He gave another courteous bow and led Eli to the receiving area, while he notified the inner office. The trio sat there for a few minutes before a tall, handsome man came and greeted them in a cold but polite manner.

"Greetings me Lady, I am here to escort you to my Master's study. He is already waiting," He offered his hands to help Eli gently get up the lounge seat.

The man clad in black butler outfit with the same adornment of the Argentum insignia, only that his insignia was more intricate and detailed. His pale brown long hair is formally styled, complementing his mysterious cold vibe along with his sharp grey eyes.

The trio, along with the cold butler, walked towards a door at the end of the hall. While walking, Baobao intensely stared at the man, however, did not say anything. The man also felt Baobao's stare but he only gave him a brief knowing stare.

They soon entered a large luxurious room. It was a high ceiling room with cream white colored walls and comfortable furniture in red and gold. The windows are located higher, almost near the ceiling where the sunlight efficiently cascades light down into the spacious room. Overall it looked classy and calming.

In the lounge chair there were two elderly men, a dwarf and a human, amiably conversing while sipping tea. The dwarf looked gentle with his light brown eyes, brown long beard and brown hair. Today, he was wearing a dark green robe with silver embroidered patterns, waist belt and hat. The elderly human wears a royal blue mage long robe paired with a gold waist belt and hat. Unlike the gentle elderly dwarf, he exudes an erudite countenance with his discerning light bronze eyes and grey hair.

As soon as Eli entered the room, their disguise items were automatically deactivated as this was a security feature of the Argentum. Then she saw that the two elderly men stopped their conversations and excitedly looked towards Eli. The dwarf was no other than Grandpa Andvari while the other was his old friend Reuben.

Walking towards Eli with a big warm smile, Grandpa Andi welcomed, "Young Eli! Finally you are here, come sit down and let me introduce my dear old friend." Then he enthusiastically led Eli towards the Erudite looking man.

"Young lass, this is my dear old friend, Reuben Farauld. He is from the Capital!"

Eli looked towards the erudite looking man, gently smiled and greeted, "It is my honor to meet you, Sir Reuben. My name is Elise Fayre, you may call me Eli for short." Then she gestured towards the Panda and Owl pair and introduced them as well.

As Eli introduced herself, she observed that Reuben was looking at the trio in his sharp discerning eyes. She thought that the elder was a strict and cold person. After she finished giving her introductions, Reuben gave her an approving nod and answered,

"Hmm, nice to meet you young lady, I am very much curious about why this Old Andi here is fascinated about you. Turns out you are one fine young lady, and also, what I am most curious about is regarding your contracted beast. I see that he is a cursed bear?"

Although Reuben said this in a calm manner, the intense curiosity and fascination in his eyes couldn't be hidden, especially when he looked at Baobao. Eli felt that this expression seemed very familiar.. A deja vu! This elder man had the same expression as Azayn when she wanted to learn about these rare species.

She inwardly sighed and communicated with Wisey, 'here we go again..'

Casting an inquiring glance towards Grandpa Andi, and with the latter giving her an assuring nod, Eli calmly explained Baobao's origin. The more she talked about Baobao's characteristics and anatomy, the more Reuben's eyes glowed like a fascinated child.

Couldn't take this anymore, Reuben pretended to be calm and cleared his throat with his chin up and eyes half-closed as if contemplating something, "Young lass, this book that you mentioned, could I get the chance to see it?"

'I knew it!' Eli felt her brows twitch. However she composed herself and replied, "I can show you, however, I left it in my home.."

"Oh no worries! Old Andi here, plans to visit your dwelling soon anyways, but could I invite myself in too?" He replied so excitedly then lifted up his old little dwarf friend like a doll towards Eli.

Eli, the Butler, Wisey and Baobao all had an awkward face. Seeing that their respectable and generous Grandpa Andi was treated in such a manner. Grandpa Andi himself felt so embarrassed that his dignity was compromised by this knowledge-freak friend of his. With a resigned tone he said, "Hey old Ben, I understand your passion about knowledge but would you care to give me leeway to preserve my dignity?"

Suddenly realizing that he failed to conduct in a reserved manner, Reuben paused and said, "Ohh, apologies old Andi! Here you go!" Then he carefully brought his friend back to the seat like a father letting her son sit on a chair. He even gave him some small pats.

"There ya go, there ya go!"

The rest in the room: …

Eli was the one to break the awkward silence, she helplessly replied, "Yes, Elder Reuben and Grandpa Andi, you are much welcome to visit my humble dwelling in the outer region of the Silver Dew Forest."

"Good lass!!! Hahahaha! Do not call me Elder Reuben, you call old Andi as grandpa. Call me Grandpa Ben too!!!" Reuben finally getting what he wanted, gave a very hearty laugh that sounded in the room.

Eli helplessly replied, "Yes, Grandpa Ben,"

"Good! Good!" While still jubilant, Grandpa Ben then remembered something and patted a tiny dark brown brocade box that was placed on the table. "By the way, your Grandpa Andi asked me to bring this to Silvertown. I believe this is the one you wanted to procure."

"Ohh I almost forgot! Young Eli, this is the item you have asked me during your last visit. Have a look!" Grandpa Andi now recovered his mood and excitedly beckoned Eli to check out the content of the brocade box.

Eli reached out the brocade box and opened. Her two companions also looked towards the content of the brocade box. It was a beautiful maroon colored silk drawstring pouch with golden silk rope and embroidered flower patterns of silver thread in the base. Eli liked the design because it was stylish and convenient, as Eli can just tie it on her waist belt or keep it inside her coat pocket.

"This is a space bag? How beautiful!" Eli said with a happy smile on her face.

Happy to see that Eli is satisfied, Grandpa Andi warmly answered, "It is good that you like it, now you can keep your important items here and bring it anywhere!"

"Yes indeed! I can finally shop a lot of things and prepare for my upcoming delivery!" She replied while caressing her baby bump. "Grandpa Andi, Grandpa Ben, thank you very much for this item! It will help me a lot in preparation for Little Han's birth." She gave a grateful bow towards the two seniors.

"No problem young Eli! We are always here to help. I, myself, am so excited for your little one's birth!" Grandpa Andi chuckled in delight.

"By the way, young lady, that rolls of paper, is that your shopping list?" Grandpa Ben suddenly inquired as he pointed to the thick roll of paper beside Eli. It had always been carried by Eli, up until she reached the room.

"Oh, this one Grandpa Ben? These are actually my plans for the things I needed to procure and prepare before I reach the month when I couldn't do these tasks anymore!" She picked the thick roll of paper and gently unravelled it after the mysterious quiet butler attentively cleared the table for them to see what the papers contained.

"With these things, I might need your help in looking for the best craftsmen and blacksmiths for these.." She commented as she unraveled the first paper that looked like a blueprint.

The two men had their eyes wide open, they never saw a 'plan' looking as foreign as what they had seen.

"What in the world are these young lass??" The two looked towards Eli in unison with a questioning expression.


A few days back, one day after Azayn did her first visit to Eli's dwelling.

*Seirende Capital*

In an enchanting secret garden, there sat an old couple. The man in his late fifties with his already grey hair and crystal blue eyes was enjoying a warm tea time with his beloved - a woman in her early forties, with graceful silver hair and captivating moss green eyes.

Suddenly, a solitary looking young man entered the secret garden and respectfully greeted the old couple. The young man in his late twenties, bowed with his hair as red as blood and his eyes as blue as the old man's.

"Greetings, Father and Mother.." The young man said. As this was a secret garden, the young man felt that he didn't need to be formal in front of this old couple. He decided to conduct himself as their loving son.

"Hmm, so seldom to see you here with us on a good morning. Is there something bothering you?' The old man, seemingly familiar with his son's personality, asked straightforwardly, while the old woman also showed concern in her eyes.

"Father, Mother, I might have to go on a trip to Silvertown. I received a report of an Asani sighting in that area a few days ago." He respectfully pleaded with his parents.

"The Asani again? Son, just be honest with me, why have you been so obsessed with this young Asani?" The old man looked towards his son with a discerning look, his tone is gentle but it was tinged with authority.

Realizing that his father needed answers the young man took a deep breath and sincerely looked towards his curious parents, "Father, Mother.. The reason why I am so pressed to find this Asani is because.." with a pause he took another deep breath and a worried look appeared in his eyes.

"I might have gotten the Asani pregnant." He said in a straightforward manner.

The old man upon hearing this, dropped his jaw wide open, while the woman who was about to sip tea, uncontrollably let go of the tea cup in shock.

Henloo guythh..

Sorry for the very late update. I got caught up with my day job. T_T forgive meeee

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