The most surprising thing was the fact that the Astaze faction became silent.
They were known before to be those who would aggressively grab the chance to put Antoine in a better position every chance they got.
Whenever there is a chance to get ahead of the Vesala function, they would be the first ones to move.
However now, it was as if the Astazes have gotten what they wanted and no longer want to brandish their might.
This gave different reactions from the lesser nobles who could not join any factions. Some were relieved, and others saw it as an opportunity to create their own power and push their own agenda.
It is just too bad!
The regulations imposed by the Anti-Curse Committee not only hindered the hidden agenda of the people coming from outside the empire, but also those who were from the Empire!
Now that everything is settled, they are now seeing a good opportunity to resume what they want to achieve.