
New life in a world where every men but me is unattractive

TheGoat_Vegeta · Outros
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 it starts

"I can't wait for the exam!"

"Yeah, me too!"

"I'm going to catch Naruto-sama's attention with my bloodline for sure!"

"Hah! You wish! My well-trained swordsmanship is what will catch his attention!"

Walking through the busy and very crowded streets of Konoha, a figure in a dark robe and white fox mask was bobbing their head as they keep hearing so many people boast about their power, be it comes from their bloodline or something that come from their hard work.


He heard some information that said something about some people making a ruckus in the middle of the crowd and even killing some exam applicants.

Well… considering when the exam in motion killing is forbidden, the penetrator probably killed some applicants to lessen the chance of failure for herself.

Sadly, the penetrator was pretty professional and left no track at all.

A professional assassin that trying to enter the guards of the most influential person in the world. One that was professional enough that even Inuzuka clan members cannot track her.

"Excuse me, how much for this apple…?"

"Just take it for ten ryo, but eight ryo for one if you buy them in batch"

"No need, one is enough… here's your ryo, thank you very much"

After the figure with a fox mask said this, they walked away while biting on the fruit in his hand after he pushed the mouth part of the mask a little bit to the side.


Now, where to look for the next clue of the penetrator of the guard candidate killing? That's the reason he's here outside his mansion, after all.


Not really, it was just boring holed inside his own house, even with such great and beautiful companions that would do whatever he asked for happily without any complaints whatsoever.

But sure, let's search for some criminal while he's outside.

After all, why not…?



As the sun slowly began to set, a figure clad in a black robe and white fox mask entered the gate of his own mansion and take off the gears, showing that it was Naruto in the first place.

And right now, he's smiling happily.

Today was a pretty exciting day~ he went to so many places, talking with the people here and there without anyone glaring at him. Sure, there was some suspicious look thrown at him, but considering his gears, it was understandable.


After Naruto took off his robe and mask, a woman appeared beside him, kneeling with two hands raised. And knowing what she wants, Naruto places the two gears in her hands.

It was his guard's extra gear.

And right after he did this, the door to his mansion opened. And from it, Shizune came out with eyes full of worries.

But when she took notice of his large smile and his seemingly fine state without any visible wound whatsoever, the worry in her eyes disappears as she walked in his direction and bowed down when she was across from him.

"Naruto-sama, welcome back… would you like to take a bath, or would you like to have some snack?"


Not even a question about whether he success to find any clue about the killing penetrator…? Sure, yeah, she probably is trying to not ask about that, considering several elites among his guard were following him around and should've already filled her with the fact that he was just walking around and not really looking for anything.

But still…

He actually did find something.

"W-Well, I was hoping that you would welcome me back with a kiss or t-two…" Embarrassed, Naruto can only throw his face away from Shizune with a pair of reddening cheeks "… but if you just giving me those two choice the-mnnhh~"

Naruto's words cut off when the woman in front of him took him by surprise and embraced him. Her two, feminine arms constrict his movement as her lips descend into his, capturing his lips in a searing and passionate kiss, one that quickly takes his breath away.

Dazed and lacking any experience, Naruto's hands are clutching onto Shizune's shoulders, trying and failing to push her off. Her soft, wet tongue is yet to stop ravaging the inner part of his mouth, so much that when he tried to move his tongue, she was quick to dominate and tame it, then finished the movement by sucking on his little tongue along with his air.

It… was explosive movement.

By the time several minutes passed, Naruto already has a few black spots in his sight when the black-clad woman broke their kiss, leaving him dazed and gasping for air.


Not really saying anything, Shizune's arms are yet to release him and actually pulled him closer and let him rest his face on the nape of her neck.

And with this position, she started to carry him bridal style.

Feeling this, and the movement she made as Shizune carefully walk to somewhere, Naruto let his body relaxes and wrapped his arms around her neck, his face nuzzling her nape with a redder blush on his cheeks.

Shizune is beautiful.

She has a warm and big pair of breasts.

Her figure is just to die for.

She has a great personality.

And also, her loyalty and love are on him and on him alone. Really, Naruto just can't picture how the previous him can reject such a woman's advance.

Shizune, along with the others.


'He' was so stupid.


Naruto came out of the bathroom with a rather big, black colored yukata covering his body. On top of his head, a white towel has been placed to dry his hair slowly.

The yukata is Shizune's.

Now, Naruto was a librarian, it was his job to sort and check the incoming books that enter the said library. Of course, it doesn't need to be said that he also checked and at least knows the previous coming books.

And with his ample time, Naruto always spent his time reading books.

He honestly almost read all of the books inside the library, but let's not talk about it right now.

The library where he worked for years was full of literature, they even had so many books about romance, and of course, with his ample time, he also read those books… usually with a solemn smile on his face.

It was his dream to have someone who can understand him, more so a woman that he can call his own.

And so far, everything he knows from the books he read is correct.

A hug is warm and comforting.

A kiss can be soft and romantic, and yet can be passionate.

And of course, breasts are just addicting… this one is the one he hadn't believed at first.

Like a normal boy of his age, Naruto was slowly trying everything he read and would like to do with the others. And for the last few days, he would sometime use the clothes worn by his women… mostly Shizune's and his top ten guards.

Their clothes are always warm, and every time he uses their clothes, he would feel as if their hands were creeping onto his body and molesting him. The feminine smell in those clothes also never help in that matter… though, of course, the act of using female clothes made him feel like a pervert at first.

But one time became two times, and two times became again and again… Naruto found himself liking the act.

Though of course, he was forced to straighten Shizune and the others when they decided to enshrine the clothes that he wore and told them that the moment they do such a thing again, he would no longer use their clothes.

He loves their dedication… really.

But some of their dedication just doesn't meet face to face with the dirty image inside his head.

And yes, that's why he stopped them.

He's selfish, after all.



"Naruto-sama… what are you writing, if I may ask?"

When Naruto once again sat on his chair, writing something that he would want every people (mostly women) in the world read at some point, he hummed when he heard what Shizune asked.

The woman is once again behind him, massaging his shoulders over her own yukata.

Her eyes have been ogling some of his bare shoulders after her yukata loosened at some point. Fortunately, or not really, considering your point of view, except for this act of ogling, Shizune does nothing else.

A good thing and a bad thing at the same time.

Good thing, because yes, he is currently writing, and thus, any more than a massage, then Shizune would disturb his concentration. Bad thing, because he currently wants her to do more than massaging him.

His writing takes more importance, though.

"Just a book that you and the others would read in the future… for now just call it, Icha-icha series"

Icha-Icha series, the books written by the infamous toad sannin. The books which is the bane of almost all women back in his world and yet an oasis to most men there.

Naruto himself?

He read most of them, and if he can be honest, he's glad he did.

In this world, there is no lust exist between men and women. And with such a situation, many things changed for lack of a better term… one of those changes is obvious.

Without lust, an intimate moment is not something anyone wants to do even if they were forced to do so.

Such a thing led to one another, but one of them would be the lack of positions of sex and the lack of foreplay actions.

Kiss and penetration, that's all this world's men and women know when it comes to intimate actions.




And many other things, this world population is yet to know about such things, simply because to them, intimate moments were not something they want to do.

Yes, his guards did a group handjob for him, but that was more like an instinct telling them what to do. They don't even know what they were doing even though they liked the act.

It made him devastated, because with such a situation, how can he enjoy this world to the fullest…?

And thus, he planned to change this aspect of this world before he can start on his much grander plan to change the whole world.

"I see… then may I ask you what it was about, Naruto-sama?"

Soft, long, and warm arms wind up around his shoulders when Naruto was too focused on his writing, caging him in a strong pair of kunoichi's arms. And right after she asked her question, Shizune's face leaned down and blew his right ear, followed by a soft kiss to it.

An act that makes it turn red almost instantly.


Naruto didn't answer her question. Too embarrassed because of her simulating actions and from the fact she doesn't need the answer…

What she's doing, it's the scene he was writing.

(Lime scene)

(Tags: No penetration, ears rape, foursome)

"Naruto-sama… you ecchi~"

A sexy voice and warm breath entered Naruto's ear when Shizune spoke that, followed by another warm blow right toward his earhole.

With her arms already constricting him, it was easy for Shizune to hold his hands with one sleeved palm and cover his mouth and nose with her other sleeved palm, with the latter's sleeve slightly bundled, silencing him and forcing him to smell her nice scented perfume.


Surprised and obviously pleasured, Naruto mewled, a little bit muffled because of the kimono sleeve stuffed into his face.

He won't complain though, not when the kimono is very soft and nicely scented. Just as he was thinking like this, his whole body became stiff when suddenly, a warm tongue dove into his right ear, filling his mind with such a wet and lewd sound of slurping.

His body turn stiff, his feet curled, and even his eyes lolled to the back of his head for a brief second.


This is too good~!



That was what he wanted to say, knowing what will Shizune will do in the next few minutes if she really going to follow the script he wrote. However, with his mouth covered by Shizune's sleeve-covered hand, what came out of his mouth is something akin to a mewl of pleasure.

And hearing this, Shizune does the next scene a little bit early.



"Sssh~ Naruto-sama… relax~ I will give you a lot of love. Ssssh~ yes, just like that"

Soft, suggesting, sexy, and warm words were said by Shizune as two sounds of poof can be heard. And right after she said it, she dove her tongue once again deep into his right ear, blurring his sight from pleasure before he can even see what made those sounds.

Knowing the script… they should be shadow clones…

He got no time to complain as before he can do such a thing, one of Shizune's shadow clones already take her place on his left side.

Darkness took over his sight as the clone used one of her sleeved hands to cover his eyes, while her other hand slipped into his yukata and started to molest him with the softness of kimono silk. Tummy, chest, nipples, she teases every part she could reach without any sign of stopping, so much that sometimes, she would pinch his nipple, which he can only answer with another muffled mewl.

As this happened, the shadow clone's lips were already beside his left ear, gently kissing the earlobe and blowing the earhole.

And for some reason, he had this feeling that the shadow clone is currently smirking at him.

"Ara~ didn't the real me told you to relax, Naruto-sama? Sssh, relax and just inhale our scent, you pervert~"

As dirty talk hit his left ear and lewd sound hit his right ear, Naruto's feet tried to move, at the very least to get into a more preferable position.


It was only after he tried that Naruto feel her. The last shadow clone has chosen to take the hold of his lower half, embracing his two legs with her whole body while blowing the tent on his underwear with her warm breath.

"No… move… I'll punish"

Right after the third shadow clone's voice reached his played ears, the Shizune under him began to push her plump cheek against his tent, sometimes, she would blow on it again and make it twitch.

And before he can do anything or something… the Shizune on his left decided that she got enough play…

And then, she dove her tongue.


Naruto struggled hard when he feels his mind getting filled with the lewd sound of Shizune's licking on his left and right ears. Not only that, the fact he cannot see anything only makes him even more sensitive to the act she's doing.

And the worse of all, right after Shizune heard his mewl, she immediately thought it as her doing the right thing.

What she did…?

She fastened the movement of her and her shadow clone's tongues using chakra, raping his ears and mind with speed thrice than before.

He was losing his mind.

His feet curled.

And his penis throbbing under the constriction of his underwear.

He… can no longer hold it.

And it was then, as if connected to his mind, Shizune's clone that just now merely blowing and rubbing his tent with her cheek pulled down his underwear.

And then…

He doesn't know…

Warmness, that's all he can sense in his groin area… and after that… he exploded, followed by his body that fainted, inexperienced at anything sexual and cannot handle too much pleasure at once.

All the while, the slurping sound still can be heard across the room as the trio keeps molesting him even after he passed out.




Lime end


When Naruto woke up, his whole body feels pleasantly tingly all over.

He's… still sitting in his seat. Though behind him, Shizune is letting him use her bosom to act as a pillow, her gentle arms still wrapped around his shoulders. This time, her palms do nothing except for one of them which currently gently combing through his hair.

"Naruto-sama… welcome back. And was it pleasurable for you?"


Just as Naruto tilted his face to the side so he can ask Shizune about the time, the woman asked him that right after she greeted him.

Was it pleasurable…?

Was it?

It doesn't need to be asked, right?

But then again, knowing how different this world is compared to his, Naruto can only nod with a blush on his cheeks. And said blush became much redder when he saw Shizune smiling beautifully as if a weekend came earlier to her.

"I see, I'm glad to hear that… then, Naruto-sama. May I do it again in the future?"


Looking at Shizune's eyes, Naruto gulped when he took notice of her desire that seemingly become even deeper after she did things with him just a few minutes… or hours ago.

She's… not satisfied with what they did…?

No…. it's not that she's not satisfied.

Her eyes… in her eyes, if he was a bowl of ramen, then what she did is only taste his broth. She is yet to taste his noodle, his toppings, and anything else.

To her, what she did to him was just a small dip… a small taste test.


How should he respond?

For all intent, he did say that what she did was very pleasurable to him. And thus, if he refused to let her do such a thing in the future, it could be seen as him lying to her.

Considering his words held such heavy weight in this world, Shizune could become depressed instantly.

Or worse, she would attempt suicide, just like how one Mikoto Uchiha did after previous Naruto rejected her and called her an old and ugly woman.

This question…

It's more like a trap, one which he cannot dodge.

"O-Of course you can… as long I'm not busy"

He shuttered a little, but with his poker face already in its place, Naruto is sure that he looks calm on the outside.

And hearing his answer, Shizune's smile become even wider as she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, an act that could've made his poker face break if not for him already expecting a said move from her.

"Of course, Naruto-sama… as much I'd love to do it again, your time is much more important, after all. Please, just tell me when you're free"

Here, Naruto nodded.

He doesn't really know when he was free and wants to be assaulted by Shizune again. After all, even if he wanted to do it, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for him to ask her to do it?


Thinking about it alone is enough to make him nervous.

"Thank you, Naruto-sama…"

Here, Shizune hugs him once again. Her embrace is filled with nothing but warmth and affection, though it's not like he needs to sense this, because, in the next second, Shizune will say something that hit his heart like a sharp kunai.

"… I love you so much"

-Time skip-

It's here.

At last, the long, awaited so-called Naruto exam is here.

Standing on the roof of his own mansion which was almost as tall as the Hokage's building, concealed by several layers of illusion cast by his guards, Naruto's eyes widen as he saw so many strong kunoichis run across the Konoha's building rooftops toward the forest of death, where the first exam gonna start.

The pressure came from all of those Jonin-level ninjas… it's terrifying.


Here, he can only gulp down his saliva. Once again, reminding him just how desirable he is to the female population in this world.

Though, he's kinda put off by the fact he cannot see the exam while it is happening.

No… it's more like, he can do it. But the previous Naruto only 'descended' to the masses when the fourth and final exam happened.

It's like, to the past Naruto, those who failed the first to the third exam are not qualified to see him.

What a bastard.

"What do you think, Naruto-sama…? Was any of them to your liking?"

Any of them…?

What the…

Most, if not all of those women are in their prime of twenty to thirty years old with the power of Jonin, which means all of them trained their body and mind to the edge every single day to better themselves.

To him, all of those women are beautiful.

And no… it's not because he saw their photos… honest.

Really honest.

"Perhaps… but I will hold back my opinion for now"

"A very wise decision, Naruto-sama. Who knows? Maybe some of them might take you by surprise"

Heard the words said by his assistant, Naruto hummed a little, cannot deny what Shizune said. Most of the applicants easily Jonin-level kunoichi and some of them can even be considered Kage-level kunoichi.

But who knows…?

Maybe some Jonin-level kunoichi might have what it takes to defeat a Kage-level kunoichi, whether it is from surprise or from some sort of special ability.

Whatever it is, he can only wait patiently.

"Has the special guests arrived, Shizune?"

The five Daimyos of the five great countries in the elemental nation, four of the other Kage of the other great hidden villages, several Daimyos of smaller countries, and some leaders of the small, yet famous village.

When the Naruto exam was held, everyone was invited, more so the people who stand atop the hierarchy.

"They have, Naruto-sama. The last to arrive was the new Daimyo of the great fire country, Yakumo Kurama… she sent a letter asking for a meeting between her and you. From what I can see, she probably will try to court you again. Will you accept this meeting?"

Unlike the Chuunin exam where the said exam was held for a whole month or more because the applicants need to wait for the VIP guests, the Naruto exam actually dares those VIPs to be late.

It was said the village that dare to do it will disappear from the map on the very next day.

If you cannot come, say it.

Don't be late… period.

"I see… and yes, I'll meet her"

Naruto said with a small nod, accepting the new fire Daimyo's invitation to a meeting where she will try to court him for his hand in marriage. He is honestly kinda confused about the whereabouts of the previous Daimyo, considering the man got his throne overthrown. But as the thought always keep pulling him into the darker imagination, Naruto decides to not delve deeper into his own thinking and curiosity.

Yakumo Kurama, the woman that once tried to become a kunoichi yet failed because of the lack of understanding her teacher had for her bloodline.

And yes, that's all the information he has about the new Daimyo if he excluded the information about her bloodline which let her do a genjutsu that can affect reality for real.

A terrifying power.


That's all he knows about the young woman. He doesn't really know how Yakumo in the past ended up becoming a strong woman, nor does he know from where she got her drive to topple the great power that was the great fire Daimyo before she will try to court him.

"Alright, next month should be a good ti-"

"This night…" Cut off the words said by Shizune, Naruto gave her a small look of 'don't ask me', something which the woman accepted almost immediately "… Tell Yakumo-san I'll let her to pick me up this night"


For a few seconds, Shizune did nothing but stare at him with a mysterious expression, but in the end, she nodded.

"If that's what your wish, Naruto-sama… guards, you heard him"

Several guards that circled him disappeared, running fast toward the direction of the Kurama clan compound. The empty slots they left behind were quickly filled by the other guards that came out of nowhere.

Really, these people are so powerful that Naruto feels self-conscious sometimes.

But… they all love him… and he will do his best to return their feeling, unlike the previous Naruto, that's a promise, dattebayo!

Of course, this Yakumo Kurama, he will return her feeling too, just like he will return the feeling of every woman in this new life of him.

He won't let anyone go.

-Kurama clan compound-

"Daimyo-sama, you have a message from Naruto-sama"

Deep in the already upgraded previously not impressive clan compound, a woman with brown hair sat regally on top of a big stage with several paper screens and samurai around her.

Covered from neck to toe by several layers of high-class kimono, the woman covered the lower part of her face with her sleeve gently, eyes coldly staring at the samurai bringing the message from Naruto.

"… Say it then, do not waste my time, human"


The messenger shuttered fearfully, and after he did, he told the new fire daimyo of Naruto's message. By the end of his report, the messenger bowed low and excused himself, leaving the now deep-in-thinking regal daimyo named Yakumo Kurama.


Why would Naruto suddenly want to meet her so quick? Asking her to pick him up today unlike usual where she would need to wait for about three to four months.

Behind her sleeve, a cold smile appears on Yakumo's face.

"Naruto Uzumaki… are you that impatient to reject me once again?"

The previous fire Daimyo was nothing in his eyes, and thus, it is not possible for him to suddenly give her face just because she got such a measly title.

And thus…

He must be planning to reject her advance once again, her mind concluded.

"Daimyo-sama… I suggest for you to not take this information for granted. However, Naruto-sama who previously rejected a court from Mikoto Uchiha was seen giving the Uchiha Matriarch his good luck and expecting the woman to be his right-hand woman once the exam end"


Now that's curious.

Mikoto Uchiha…

Who doesn't know the woman who killed her whole clan to protect Naruto from their evil plan? The woman is revered through the elemental nation and titled as Naruto's shield where every single day, all women across the world can only wish to be a woman like her, who protects the great Naruto from the shadow.

From the shadow…

Even someone as powerful as Mikoto Uchiha had to face the music sometimes.

The bigger chakra reserves a woman has, the bigger their breasts would be. And the longer and harder they train their body, the more definite their muscles will be and the more shapely their body will become.

All of those are ugly in the eyes of any man, and Naruto is no different.

No matter how powerful Mikoto Uchiha is, she is ugly and old in the eyes of Naruto Uzumaki.

"I see… that's one curious news alright. But my plan will not change, quicken every preparation, I'll pick up Naruto this night and court him"

Here, a charming yet evil smile can be seen on the gorgeous face of Yakumo Kurama as her eyes glowed with red light for a brief second.

"… If he refuse, then I'll have no choice but to kidnap him"

He rejected her once… she won't let him reject her twice. She will have him or die trying, of that, she vowed to herself.