
New Guy More Like New Girl

Alison Walker a talented singer and songwriter, a student at the Arts Academy, capable of so much but she has a couple of things holding her back, like her stage fright and the fact that she is an introvert. But soon everything changes... Dean Ozeata a singer and songwriter as well transfers into the Arts Academy, hoping that the year will be drama-free. But sadly that is not the life he was meant for and he finds interest in the girl who is always in a corner writing not communicating with anyone. What happens when their worlds collide? Will all be well or will their worlds come crashing down?

Aaliyah_Vega · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Part 6: Shine


As she got home from breakfast with her father she gave him a hug and thanked him for breakfast then she ran up the stairs to get to her room. She was excited to see which books her father had gotten her, she couldn't wait to get a whiff of the new book smell nor could she wait for the stories and the emotions that she could get from them.

As she entered her room she tripped on the rug but quickly steadied herself and ran to her bookshelf. As she searched her shelf she ran her hands along the spines of the novels she had read at least twice and she stopped when her fingers felt a spine that wasn't marked and worn. She bent to read the titles of the new books and when she realized which books they were she squealed.

"Dad I love you so much! Thank you!!!!!" she shouted from her room smiling with happiness.

She held out the book collection and squealed once again because she wanted to get the series from forever but the store was always out of stock on the books, but there they were in her hands' thanks to her father. She smiled and breathed, 'I am number four, I will read all 7 of your books and you will be the inspiration for some songs.'

She took the first book of the series and placed the others back on the shelf, then made her way to her chair which was near the window. As she got comfortable on her reading chair and opened the book the doorbell rang.

"ALI !!!!!!!!!!! ALISON I KNOW YOUR HERE !!! YOU BETTER NOT BE ON YOUR READING CHAIR!!", Alison sighed Anna sure knew when to visit.

A minute later Anna opened the door, "I told you not to be on that chair yet there you are why?"

"Because I had just gotten comfortable when you called and I was too lazy to get up so I just closed my book."

"WOW, you closed your book for me!!"

"Anna calm down we both know if I didn't you would've threw it''

"You know me so well I'm glad"

"As am I because that's a new book I don't want it to be punished after I just opened it."

"Whatever! Anyways your dad invited me over, he said you were gonna need my help, care to fill me in?"

"Well my dad is having a casual dinner with some of his old friends and he wants me to join him but not in pants."

"So he asked me to come to convince you to go?"

"Actually I have no choice, I'm going in a skirt or dress and that's where you come in."

"Wait so you just agreed without putting up a fight? Alison, you somehow have gotten out of wearing skirts and dresses for 5 years how did you give up so fast? I mean I'm glad you're finally becoming a girly girl, but what is the reason for this sudden change? Is a guy involved????"

"Anna shut it for a bit please so I can explain. Okay, you see the new book I got, well I got that and 6 others in return for wearing a skirt or dress tonight. And before you start ranting again there is no guy Anna don't you know me?"

"I do but I have my hopes that the girl in you will come out one day."

"Well you have a long wait ahead of you"

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm your friend for life."

"Yes it really is a good thing" Alison smiled.

"Okay, so down to business where are the skirts and dresses I've been giving you all these years?"

"Okay, I'll tell you but promise me you won't get mad."

"ALISON where are they?"

"inaboxwayatthebackofmycloset", Alison whispered.

"Alison where are they?"

She took a deep breath, "They are in a bow that's way at the back of my closet."

"Alison Walker, you have a bloody walk in the closet and you are going to tell me that all the skirts and dresses I have gotten you are in a bloody box!!!"


"You better be messing with me or I swear!", and with that Anna stormed off into Alison's closet and started searching for the clothes.

Alison sighed and prayed Anna wouldn't harm her books. As she waited she decided that she'd might as well resume her reading because knowing Alison she'd go through every piece of clothing to ensure that Alison was joking then she'd start her search for the box with skirts and dresses.

And that is what they did as Alison finished the first chapter Anna came storming out of the closet with a box in her hands and a scowl on her face and before she even knew it the box was at her feet and Alison's book was in the air.

"You knew that was gonna happen!"

"I thought you would have calmed down by now and be happy I at least kept the clothes"

"You could have at least put them on hangers even if you kept them at the back it would have been better than keeping them in a box."

"Anna let's be realistic it's me we are talking about"

"Ughhh Alison you better pray I deem one of these perfect for the dinner because if not we are going shopping and so help me you will try on everything I pull out and get it."

"Oh bloody hell, gods please be with me"

"You better hope the odds are on your side but let's be realistic they aren't."

Alison sighed, and with that Anna opened the box and started going through the clothes.

30 minutes later Anna smiled and looked at Alison, "Okay so these all look like they can be worn by a 17-year old I want you to try them on, and then we can decide if they are fit for tonight, if not well shopping it is."

"Ugh fine," with that Alison took the clothes into the bathroom and started trying the clothes. She wondered what Anna found fun about this because it just made her frustrated and tired, but she couldn't put up a fight in this case because she knew she would lose.

"Finally this is the last one!" Alison breathed and hoped that it would do.

"Okay turn around let me see the back, hmmm, turn to the side, now face me," Anna smiled and Alison began to worry, "Okay so I think we have found the winner but I'm telling you, there is no way you are getting out of going shopping with me, next time we get together we are going shopping."

"But you said that we would go if we didn't find the perfect outfit"

"You had all the clothes I had given you in a box you have no right to complain you are going to make it up to me."

"Ughh okay fine, I swear you like to torture me."

"You do this on your own, anyways back to business. So we have the dress but we still need to pick shoes, accessories, hairstyle, and make-up."

"This is a casual dinner can't I wear one of my flats or one of my prettier shoes and my usual hoops with my classic ponytail and a tiny dab of lip gloss?"

"Alison I am glad your dad called me over."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you are a very lost girl in this world. You are not going to wear a dress to dinner with your classic ponytail."

"But he didn't say anything about makeup or hair"

"No he isn't but I am."

"Any way I can get out of this ?"


"Bloody hell"


And with that Anna began to work, first, she sent Alison to shower then she curled her hair and started her makeup.

"Anna please I beg you nothing too much please you know I don't like putting on anything too bright."

"Fine, I'll go for the natural look."

And with that Anna continued on with her work making Alison look like a shining star as her father said.

Two hours later Anna stood back and admired her work, "Amazing now go put on your dress."

"Okay boss," Anna rolled her eyes.

Anna began to remove her white strappy heels and traded them with one of Alison's sandals, as Alison stepped out of the closet.

"What are you doing? I thought I was going to wear my white sandals?"

"No, I am going to wear them to go back home and you will wear my heels."


"Calm down it will complete the look, so here put them on, and don't forget to take your white cardigan in case it gets cold."

"Anna I love you but why are you doing this to me?"

"It's because I love you and I want you to look like a girly girl for once."

"Just bloody great."

"Now hush and put on the heels then look in the mirror and thank me."

"You're really bossy you know."

"Yes I do but I'm a business student who plans on taking over her father's company in the future so it is good training for the future."

"True", Alison shrugged.

"Now hurry"

"Okay, okay I'm going calm down... ANNA I look like a natural-looking girly girl what the hell did you do to me?"

"You're welcome, you don't look like you have on makeup and you look girly my mission is complete."

"You really are something else you know, let's hope my dad agrees with you and I get more books or maybe a new guitar"

"You only think about books and music. I swear why couldn't you be like a normal girl and say something like I hope I meet a cute guy or something?"

"Let's be honest Anna when has anyone used the word normal to describe me?"

"True. "


Then there was a knock on the door, "Alison are you ready we should be leaving soon, don't want to be late."

"Come in dad we are all done."

And with that, he entered the room, as his eyes landed on Alison he smiled, "You look like a shining star Alison."

She smiled at the compliment, "Well it's all thanks to Anna she truly knows what she is doing when it comes to fashion."

"She really is talented but I am seeing your beautiful smile and you are shining in my eyes."

"Thanks, Dad," she blushed.

"Well Mr. Walker thanks for calling me and giving me the chance to dress her up and Alison don't forget our shopping trip for next time," she winked at Alison, "But I must get home."

"Will do Anna. See you next time."

"Thank you Anna for ensuring that Alison is in a dress"

"No problem Mr. Walker."

And with that Anna walked out of the room and was off heading to her car to drive home.

"Well Alison my shining star I guess it's time for us to be going, we have dinner to attend."

"Okay, dad I'm right behind you just let me get my phone."

And with that, they were off.