
New Frontier

His life was hell, an endless loop of suffering, but with an unbreakable will he would manage to emerge victorious. Ren had always known that he was different, that he had a power that no one else possessed, and it was this power that had condemned him to a lifetime of misery. However, all of that changed when he met two powerful goddesses - Elysium, the goddess of light, and Erebo, the goddess of darkness. They saw something in him that no one else had, and they gave him a gift: a ring and an earring, both imbued with their power. With their help, Ren discovered that he could break free of the endless cycle that had trapped him for so long. He could fulfill the covenant made by the inhabitants of his world and perhaps even gain unexpected benefits along the way. But life is never that simple, and Ren would soon find himself caught up in an even bigger war, with even greater stakes. Would he choose a normal life in another world and give up his power, or would he continue to fight, wielding the gifts given to him by the goddesses? Either way, Ren knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to emerge victorious once again.

Nitlo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

In the mines

When they enter the mines they were driven to a zone to retrieve a pickaxe, then to mine.

The morning passes slowly, Ren get lashed a lot because his low efficiency and by the same thing he gets to eat late.

In the way to the dining room (if you want to call it like that), he sees Peruke, the half orc spotted him and said in a hush voice, "try to meet me next time", his face was serious, but a small smile was there.

The lunch (if you want to call it like that) was very short, in part because Ren doesn't was able to finish it all.

Then the mining session of the noon, then to sleep.

The days pass by and the team of Ren was slowly adapting to this mine, until one day when Ren's team was returning to the tool stand, some spider monster attack them.

The attack was predicable for the shrieking the spider makes before the ambush.

Ren assess the situation and with the little light that there was and he think they have some opportunity to fight.

He immediately attacks with the pickaxe killing one spider in one strike.

This make his companions to gain some confidence and they back up Ren.

The fight starts to drag for some time and without have a single casualty the kill wave after wave of spider, at some point one of the companion chase a spider to far, and were he was close to kill the spider suddenly a bone spear pierces his throat.

After struggle some time he dies with a face of incredulity.

This situation cold down the fight spirit of the prisoner, a new type of spider come to light, but these ones were bigger, his body shape is very sinister like many bone tips sticking out of his body.

Now the fight was against they odds, so Ren decide to flee without a second thought.

When they reach near the tool stand they start to scream for help, and a few moments later some guards come to check the situation.

They enter in formation and with the superior weapons and armor they dispatch quickly a few spiders, and the rest after see this situation turn away and flee.

After getting the situation under control the guards began to question the prisoners.

When Ren get back to the shack he was in deep thought.

He has reach level ten and the rank up was not automatic, when it was night time and the rest were all sleeping he start to focus both in the ring and earring.

The result was the status screen but this time it was shining, after concentrate a little he starts to feel like the space distort a change to the endless void, and very far away he recognized the goddess, they look at him for a few seconds and then start to fade, leaving behind their symbols, soon this symbols travel to Ren enter in the respective eyes.

This process reveal Ren some information, for instance the level up were no just a simple addition of numbers, in the case of Ren it was associated to a personal growth, it was not that he become stronger because he levels up, he levels up because become stronger, though the kill of enemy gives him a strange energy, this was a stark comparison with the rest that just improve they stats trough the level up, this give Ren a lot of room to improve himself since the level was not a strict line, but arise the question why he was so different that the rest, from instance if he has rank up by the goddess the rest would need someone to rank them up to, and they treatment was clearly different.

Meanwhile Ren was passing the process of rank up, his body was emitting some mild light, this was seen by another prisoner that was passing who runs to inform this situation for the sake of getting some benefits, or at least to make the life of the other harder and rejoice in their suffering.

But this time the luck was on Ren side and his rank up process finish before someone else come to watch it, this make the other prisoner who report him to receive a good beating, but even if the guards doesn't discover the process they nonetheless take note about Ren, after all if it was true that Ren rank up in a shack without the assistance of a temple and supplement he was a freaking monster.

A few days later Ren shift in the mine finally end at the normal time that the rest of miner end, a he finally was able to catch Peruke.

When he seats near him and other people the half orc start the conversation.

"Ren this people are my friends all of them were captain of some mercenary units", said Peruke showing to him 2 half orc and 2 dwarf, "the half orc are the brothers Aras and Audra, and the shorts one are Gabriel and Hector", the dwarf throw a killer glance to Peruke, "there are rumors of a revolution in the ranks of the guards, apparently there is something wrong with the leader of this guild, if you can I advise you to be near us, because when the blood hit the floor the hell will get loose and the loner will get the first to die".

The time to speak was reaching the end and they have to quickly get back to work before their entire team get penalized, but before parting way the dwarf Gabriel said to Ren "there are other rumors about the black widow herself, her nickname is no for decoration and apparently she picks some slave at the end of each month, be careful of not to attract her attention".

If this revolution thing were true Ren could possibly be free after near a year, and he make himself a promise of train to exhaustion to get as stronger as he could before he starts to need external resource to improve himself, after all the other people of his world have a year to improve themselves and with the aid of the big faction, so they were far ahead by now.

With this some days start to pass, the frequency of attack of the spider and shadow spiders began to appear more frequently, but with the constant increase of statistic of Ren he was getting really ahead of the them, so much that he starts to act before attract a lot of suspicion to him, after all his companion were now aware of how good he has to fight the spider and some rumor were reaching the ear of the guards.

With all the levels up from fight the spider, the actual statistic of Ren would cause big stride if were to be reveal. his actual statistic was:

Statistics: Strength 16->50; Agility 14->48; Endurance 14->48; Constitution 18->52; Willpower 25->70; Mind 16->50

His new Rank was Iron and his class was now active, his rate of progress was accelerating a little and his class come with a bonus, he now has an inherit ability, it was called brave and when active he was immune to psychology attack to his mind but drain his willpower constantly.

But before he could test his new skill the order to form in a large courtyard in front of a stage.

There all the new slave was in formation and some moment later a gorgeous female appears on stage.

This apparition makes everyone dead silence, not even a breath could be heard.

In this large silence Ren suddenly make eyes contact with the woman and some shiver start to run in his backs.

In the previus chapter I used the word Barrack to descrive the place were they live, but in this chapter I change it to shack

Nitlocreators' thoughts