
New Frontier

His life was hell, an endless loop of suffering, but with an unbreakable will he would manage to emerge victorious. Ren had always known that he was different, that he had a power that no one else possessed, and it was this power that had condemned him to a lifetime of misery. However, all of that changed when he met two powerful goddesses - Elysium, the goddess of light, and Erebo, the goddess of darkness. They saw something in him that no one else had, and they gave him a gift: a ring and an earring, both imbued with their power. With their help, Ren discovered that he could break free of the endless cycle that had trapped him for so long. He could fulfill the covenant made by the inhabitants of his world and perhaps even gain unexpected benefits along the way. But life is never that simple, and Ren would soon find himself caught up in an even bigger war, with even greater stakes. Would he choose a normal life in another world and give up his power, or would he continue to fight, wielding the gifts given to him by the goddesses? Either way, Ren knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to emerge victorious once again.

Nitlo · Fantasia
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21 Chs

Field Working

Ren finished his preparations and mounted his horse, which had grown grumpy from waiting too long. He made his way to the city and sought out the ranger woman and the sergeant, the contacts that Hans had provided him.

When he found the ranger woman, she eyed him suspiciously and asked a few small questions about his background and experience. Ren responded with detailed information that he had collected beforehand, impressing the woman and making her more willing to cooperate with him.

Next, Ren sought out the sergeant, who was more skeptical and dismissive of Ren's abilities. Ren realized that he would need to do more to win the man's trust, so he proposed a plan to do some more exploration and gather intelligence on the orcs before attempting an ambush. He made it clear that he would need the sergeant's cooperation and expertise to make the plan a success.

The sergeant remained wary, but agreed to work with Ren and provide him with the necessary support. Ren thanked him and headed back out to begin his exploration and gather the information he needed to take down the orc threat.

Ren spent the next few days carefully observing the movements of the orc patrols, learning their tactics and strategies. He watched from a distance, taking note of their numbers, the weapons they carried, and their patterns of behavior. On the third day, he witnessed an attack on a group of goblins, and he saw firsthand how the orcs would bring reinforcements if they felt the battle was going against them.

With this information in mind, Ren began scouting for the perfect spots to set up a series of ambushes. He looked for areas with natural cover, such as thick brush or rocky outcroppings, that would provide his team with a tactical advantage. He also sought out places where the terrain would make it difficult for the orcs to maneuver, such as narrow passes or steep inclines.

As Ren explored the forest, he came across signs of kobold activity, including discarded tools and bits of ore. He made note of these locations and added them to his map, but he knew that his primary focus needed to be on the orcs. Once he had a solid plan for dealing with them, he could turn his attention to the other threats in the area.

Ren worked tirelessly, moving through the forest with stealth and precision. He scouted out dozens of potential ambush sites, discarding many but marking a few as prime locations for his plan. As he worked, he thought back to his conversations with the ranger woman and the sergeant from the city, and he wondered if he was doing enough to prove himself to them.

But Ren knew that his success in this mission would speak for itself. He would show them that he was a capable explorer and a skilled fighter, and they would come to respect and trust him. For now, he focused on the task at hand, determined to bring down the orc patrols and give an edge to the people of the city.

Ren approached the sergeant and explained his plan. He suggested a series of low-level ambushes to start, targeting patrols of 6-8 orcs in three different spots. These ambushes would attract a larger contingent of 20-30 orcs, which could then be ambushed again. Ren explained that this plan would take advantage of the orcs' low levels of communication and intellect, as well as the terrain. He emphasized that this would allow the sergeant to use the full might of his 100 soldiers to the fullest. The sergeant was initially skeptical, but Ren's detailed explanations and thorough planning eventually won him over.

Ren explain that if every ambush function perfect and if they don't lose many people they will even be in a position to raid one of the closet orcs village. the sergeant seen that this was a great merit for him, but this has to been doing quickly because if the raid extends for too much time the other orc village will come and by them his troop will be complete wipe out.

The sergeant was impressed with Ren's plan after all it use every advantage in the terrain to mount 3 ambushed twice, and the potential rewards it could bring, but he was also wary of the risks. He knew that a failed ambush or a prolonged raid could bring disaster upon his troop. After a moment of contemplation, he finally nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Ren," the sergeant said, his voice low and serious. "I'll approve your plan, but we have to move quickly and precisely. One mistake could cost us dearly. You'll have my full support, but I want you to report back to me after every ambush. I need to know what's going on and how many casualties we have. Understood?"

Ren nodded, knowing that the sergeant's caution was well-founded. He was glad to have the sergeant's backing, but he knew that the success of the plan would ultimately depend on his own skills and those of the rangers and soldiers under his command.

"Understood, sir," Ren replied, his voice resolute. "I'll keep you informed every step of the way. We won't let you down."

With that, Ren turned and left the sergeant's tent, his mind already focused on the coming mission. He knew that he had a difficult task ahead of him, but he was determined to see it through to the end.

Ren lead the people involucrate to the spots they will use, explain the strategic and the tempo the ambush should have, if the condition were not meet the operation will not continue, if one of the first ambush fail, the second round will be aborted.

Two days later when everyone was ready and in position Ren give to words to start, of the three teams he leads one, the ranger leader lead one and the sergeant the last.

With that, Ren left the sergeant's tent, his mind already fully focused on the coming mission. He knew that the task ahead of him was a difficult one, but he was determined to see it through to the end. Ren led the teams to the spots they would use and explained the strategic plan and tempo for the ambush. He emphasized that if the conditions were not met, the operation would not continue, and if one of the first ambushes failed, the second round would be aborted.

Two days later, everyone was ready and in position. Ren gave the order to start. He led one of the three teams, while the ranger leader and the sergeant led the other two. The ambushes were executed flawlessly, and Ren's plan worked as he had envisioned. The small orcs patrol teams were successfully lured into the ambush, and the larger orcs reinforcements were quickly overwhelmed.

After the final ambush, Ren and the other leaders swiftly raided the nearby orc village, taking everything of value they could find. They then retreated to the city, knowing that they had accomplished their mission successfully.

As they raided the orc village, Ren and his team found an abundance of ores and some money. He couldn't help but notice the orc's fondness for shiny and valuable items, as they seemed to keep those intact. Among the spoils, two items caught Ren's eye - a heavy book and a stone statue that depicted the figure of Erebo.

The book appeared ancient, its pages thick and yellowed with age. Ren couldn't decipher the language inscribed on the cover, but he sensed that it held valuable knowledge. The statue, on the other hand, was exquisitely crafted and made of a rare stone. Ren knew that it could fetch a high price, but he was also wary of its significance to the orcs.

As they retreated back to the safety of the city, Ren couldn't shake off the feeling that the book and statue were more than just valuable items.

When asked what he wanted as a reward for the successful mission, Ren considered his options carefully. He knew he wanted the book and the stone figure, but he also wanted to throw off any suspicion that he might have ulterior motives for the mission.

After a moment of thought, he said, "I would like some gold and supplies to help replenish our resources. We lost some good men on this mission and we need to make sure we are prepared for whatever comes next."

The leaders of the city nodded in agreement, seeing the wisdom in his request. They promised to provide him with the necessary resources and also presented him with a chest of gold as a bonus for his success.

Ren accepted the reward graciously, all the while thinking about the book and the stone figure. He knew he had to be careful with them, as they held valuable information and could be dangerous in the wrong hands. He made plans to keep them safe and secure, hidden away from prying eyes.

As Ren made his way out, he heard the energetic voice of Hans calling out to him. "It didn't take you long to organize a big operation," Hans said with a smile on his face. "When it's time to work, you have to do your best," Ren replied. "We are pleased with your contribution. Taking out one town may seem like a small issue in the grand scheme of things, but it's a good start," Hans acknowledged.

Ren nodded, "It was a team effort. Everyone played their part and worked together. I couldn't have done it alone."

Hans chuckled. "Modesty doesn't suit you, Ren. You were the one who came up with the plan and led the operation. You deserve the credit."

Ren smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Thank you, Hans. But we still have a long way to go. The orcs won't stop attacking us just because we took out one of their villages."

Hans nodded. "You're right. But we have to celebrate our victories when we can. It gives us the motivation to keep going."

Ren agreed, "I'll keep that in mind."

Hans patted Ren on the back, "Good. Now, get some rest. You deserve it."

After a long day of work, Ren retired to the inn and requested a big meal for himself and his pets. They had all done an excellent job in the mission, and Ren wanted to reward them for their hard work. In the following days, Ren studied the heavy book he had obtained from the orc raid. With the help of his jewels, he discovered that the book was related to the teachings of the goddess. He realized that it would be crucial in achieving the mission of Elysium to propagate her religion. Unfortunately, this was just one of three books, and this particular piece seemed to be one of many teaching subjects. There was still much more to learn, and the task ahead seemed to keep growing bigger and bigger.

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