
New Frontier

His life was hell, an endless loop of suffering, but with an unbreakable will he would manage to emerge victorious. Ren had always known that he was different, that he had a power that no one else possessed, and it was this power that had condemned him to a lifetime of misery. However, all of that changed when he met two powerful goddesses - Elysium, the goddess of light, and Erebo, the goddess of darkness. They saw something in him that no one else had, and they gave him a gift: a ring and an earring, both imbued with their power. With their help, Ren discovered that he could break free of the endless cycle that had trapped him for so long. He could fulfill the covenant made by the inhabitants of his world and perhaps even gain unexpected benefits along the way. But life is never that simple, and Ren would soon find himself caught up in an even bigger war, with even greater stakes. Would he choose a normal life in another world and give up his power, or would he continue to fight, wielding the gifts given to him by the goddesses? Either way, Ren knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to emerge victorious once again.

Nitlo · Fantasia
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21 Chs

Desperate defense

The human army found itself in a dire situation, as they were caught between three enemy armies. The kobold and goblin armies attacked with fierce intensity, using their numbers to their advantage. The orcs also joined the fray, but their contribution was mostly from the lower-ranked troops.

The human army fought valiantly, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of their enemies. The kobold army was skilled in guerrilla warfare, while the goblins relied on their numbers and brute force. The orcs provided support from afar, raining arrows and spells down on the human army.

Despite their best efforts, the humans were slowly being pushed back. Their situation was made worse by the fact that they were low on supplies, having used most of them during their earlier battles. Their morale was also suffering, as they watched their comrades fall one by one.

As the day wore on, it became clear that the human army could not hold out for much longer. Their only hope was to retreat to a defensible position and hold off the enemy until reinforcements could arrive. They managed to make a hasty retreat, but not before suffering heavy casualties.

As night fell, the human army found themselves holed up in a small valley, surrounded on all sides by their enemies. They quickly set up defenses, using what little resources they had left. They knew that they were outnumbered and outmatched, but they refused to give up.

The next few days were a blur of constant fighting, as the human army desperately defended their position. They used every trick in the book, from traps and ambushes to guerrilla tactics and feints. They fought with everything they had, knowing that their lives and the fate of their kingdom were at stake.

As the conflict dragged on, the higher ranks of the human side began to sustain more and more injuries, rendering them unable to turn the tide of the battle. Despite the human's superior fighters, the combined forces of the monstrous armies seemed to be too much for them to handle. The kobolds and goblins were fierce fighters and were able to coordinate their attacks with precision. The orcs sent troops as well, but mostly of the lower ranks. The human defenders fought with all their might, but it seemed that they were fighting a losing battle.

Suddenly a horn sound, and the combined army recede.

As the combined army ceased its attack, a palpable sense of tension and unease settled over the human defenders. They knew that this was likely only a temporary respite and that the enemy would soon regroup and launch another assault.

As the hours ticked by, the situation grew increasingly dire. Despite the efforts of the human fighters, the tide of the battle seemed to be turning against them. The higher-ranked fighters were consistently getting injured, and even though they had the advantage in terms of individual skill, they were unable to change the overall course of the war.

The morale of the human defenders plummeted as they realized the extent of the danger they were in. Many began to fear for their lives and consider fleeing the battlefield. Others redoubled their efforts, determined to hold the line no matter what.

As night fell, the defenders dug in and prepared for what they knew would be a long and desperate fight. They had no idea what the next day would bring, but they were resolved to stand their ground and fight to the bitter end.

As a prove fighter Ren was invite to a War meting currently holding in an improvise tent.

Ren arrived at the makeshift tent, where the war meeting was being held. The tent was crowded with generals and high-ranking officers, all huddled around a large map of the area. As Ren made his way through the throng of people, he could feel their eyes on him. He knew that he was the only fighter who had managed to defeat a top-ranked gold chieftain, and he was aware that his presence at the meeting was highly unusual.

One of the generals spotted Ren and motioned him over to the table where the map was spread out. "Ren, we need your help," the general said, his face grave. "Our army is in disarray, and we're on the brink of defeat. We need a new strategy, something that will turn the tide of this war."

Ren looked around at the worried faces of the generals and officers. He knew that this war was not going well, but he also knew that he had no experience in military strategy. "I'm not sure what I can do," he said hesitantly. "I'm just a fighter. I don't know much about tactics and strategy."

The general shook his head. "You're more than just a fighter, Ren. You're a hero. You've proven yourself in battle, and we need someone like you to help us win this war."

Ren looked down at the map, trying to make sense of the various symbols and markings. He felt overwhelmed and out of his depth, but he knew that he couldn't let these people down.

Ren nodded thoughtfully, "I might have something that could help. With the help of my hawk, I have spotted a narrow path that could be used as a way to bypass the enemy's flanks."

The other commanders looked at Ren in surprise. "Are you sure?" one of them asked.

Ren nodded confidently. "I've explored this area extensively, and I'm certain this path is our best chance."

Hans looked grateful. "Thank you, Ren. This could make all the difference. Let's get our troops ready and make a move before it's too late."

As the army marched hastily, they were forced to abandon some provisions in order to make better time. However, as they moved, the combined army attacked again, catching the human army off guard. A small rearguard was left behind to hold off the enemy for as long as possible, allowing the rest of the army to continue their retreat towards the city.

The sacrifice of the rearguard did not go unnoticed, but it had a devastating effect on the morale of the human army. However, thanks to their sacrifice, the rest of the army was able to reach the city safely, where they could take refuge and regroup.

Ren, Hans, and his brother were among those who made it safely to the city. As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of the city in chaos, with people running in all directions and buildings burning in the distance.

The human army finally reached the safety of the city walls, but the tension inside the city was palpable. The return of the troops confirmed their worst fears. The streets were filled with people whispering in hushed tones, and the air was heavy with a sense of despair.

Despite the devastating defeat, the city itself seemed relatively unscathed. It was clear, however, that the human forces would need to regroup and come up with a new strategy if they hoped to stand a chance against the combined might of the monstrous armies.

In that case, Ren makes his way to the abandoned temple that he discovered earlier. Despite its ruined state, he remembers the heavy door sealed with magic stone and how he was able to operate it. Once inside, he finds the altar that allows him to connect with the goddess.

As he approaches the altar, he can feel a surge of energy emanating from it. Ren kneels before the altar and begins to pray, his mind was transported to the void, where light and shadow divided it in two. There, Elysium congratulated him on his success in battle, and he asked her for guidance on how to rank up.

From her side, Elysium spoke and revealed that his victory over the orc chieftain, who had died from his injuries, fulfilled the requirement for her approval.

On the other side Erebo said that he should acquire his approval with the dark essence.

After the war Ren has enough for it, but this time again he spends it all, every time he uses the essence it's never was enough.

When Ren have the approval of both goddess, they release and energy that enter his body.

This energy starts to heat up his body, and altering it in some way.

This process was making Ren stronger by the second.

But was Suddenly interrupted as a strange energy that was inside him suddenly awake.

This energy quickly finds the other two and eat them, after that Ren feel his body start to cool.

Everyone in that space were dumfounded.

This energy come of nowhere and interrupt his advance.

Suddenly Ren feel his contact with the goddess being severe.

He come back to his sense in the temple, and as suddenly as he was cooling, his blood start to ignite again.

But this time it was more ferocious than before.

Ren feel like his blood were burning, almost like it was just a little away to evaporate.

This made Ren go through unimaginable suffering, until he lost consciousness.

When he wakes up after an unknown period of time.

He could feel his increase of rank, and something else