
New Dawn (The First Of The Dark Age)

"He is the one who stabs the sword through Earth He is the one that Hell and Heaven have to fear He isn't a normal Hybrid He is Langress Mcloucht! Half vampire half Werewolf! The Dark Knight of Chaos! A only thing on Earth who dare to kill the Gods!" "Archangel Michael" A revenge journey filled with hatred, anger, tragedy, blood, and tears of a person betrayed from reality and the dark world. A world where humans don't have the power to decide their own fate by the gods.

AkumaDark · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 20: The Game Is Mine

After three hours of fighting, Langress was ranked 650th and had a stake of one million dollars. And Josh went to 651th place with a bet of nine hundred thousand dollars. There were a lot of people betting on the two of them more knowing they could be their golden goose. But Will was quick to bet ahead of them to increase the stakes even more. But more powerful opponents were gradually appearing, and it would become a bit more difficult to rank up. Langress went on to defeat one more enemy to rank 649, he said:

"It's too easy, no fuckers are good enough for me."

Langress left leaving behind the corpse of the guy who had been punched in the ribs so badly that it stabbed him back to his back. Langress stepped down from the cage and watched as Josh had just punched another guy in the face from the cage opposite, he said:

"Josh, let's go."

Josh wiped his bloodied face and nodded. He went down to the cage but accidentally made eye contact with the strongest William. He also accidentally glanced into Josh's eyes and he saw his werewolf eyes. William left quickly while Josh thought in curiosity:

"He, William, he's a werewolf like me. But his eyes... are very similar to my father's."

Langress shouted behind him:

"Josh! What's wrong?"

Josh turned to follow Langress and replied:

"Nothing, just a bit of a headache."

Langress replied:

"Get some rest, we'll need more energy."

Langress waved at Will telling them to take a break, and he quickly told the bet manager:

"Dante and Jason will rest for a while, please pause the bet."

He nodded then Will ran over to Langress and Josh. The tournament was also a place for the fighters to rest and eat, the trio could rest as much as they wanted and everything would be paid for by Boss Luca. Langress and Josh immediately devoured everything even though Josh had said earlier that he would be vegetarian for a few days. Will just had a burger and said:

"Oh my again, you two really can't eat more normally."

Langress held three meat skewers in his hand, he replied:

"I'm starving, and this was paid by Luca so enjoy it."

Josh tore up a turkey to eat its thighs and said:

"Sorry Will, I'm just a little hungry."

Will said while eating his burger:

"I can't complain about anything."

Langress was gnawing on a big pork leg, he said:

"So Will, where are we now?"

Will replied:

"We're at 638th is you and Josh is 640. But look, we're falling."

Langress accidentally cut a pig's thigh and said:

"What! How can we fall?"

Will replied:

"Look, more than a dozen people are signing up for the tournament. More than a hundred people want to participate now."

Josh picked up a beer and drank it and said:

"This is not surprising, everyone wants to get rich from this tournament. But we still have a lot of money to pay off Boss Luca and still have to face Locker."

Langress tore off a steak and replied:

"Well then, time to fuck more than ever."

The waiter brought more food, Langress said excitedly:

"But first, I need to digest them all first."

Josh said:

"Ah, it's him William Collon. He's been fighting without a break."

Will replied:

"He's strong, he's on fifty million stakes! Faster than Langress."

Langress suddenly sprayed the guy next to him with food and said:

"No Shit! Really? That fucker can do that?"

Will replied:

"Yeah, he's only interested in killing, he's not just here to get rich."

Langress said:

"Then there's no time to rest, I have to fucking continue fighting now!"

He got dirty because Langress approached him and said angrily:

"Hey fucker! Do you know what you did?"

Langress didn't answer and punched him in the face, killing him on the spot. Langress jumped to the floor and shouted:

"I challenge ten fighters at once, for ten matches!"

The spectators cheered at Langress's recklessness, and immediately, a match between him and ten fighters in cage number ten was ready. The stakes for Langress were even bigger. Will said:

"Oh shit! Oh shit! You can rest easy, I have to keep betting on Langress."

Will rushed over to place a bet on Langress before more people placed their bets. Josh watched Langress's battle with ten fighters, he knew well that the battle would be Langress's killing party. Langress looked at his enemies and said:

"Hahaha, here are the first ten? It's boring that I have to kill all of you."

They got pissed off and one guy said angry:

"You motherfucker are the one will die first, we have the numerical advantage."

The battle had just begun, and Langress rushed into their midst and shouted:

"My advantage is that I am more powerful than all of you!"

Langress quickly smashed the man's brain from earlier with one punch. Then he threw that guy's body at two guys nearby, smashing them to pieces. The two guys behind charged, but Langress quickly moved behind them and ripped their spines apart. The guy nearby was also hit by Langress with both of their spines in the face, smashing his head. Still not stopping, Langress jumped when one of the guys tried to sneak and delivered a powerful kick that cut off his head. Langress quickly stepped back and elbowed the two guys in the back, their skulls exploding with power. There was one last guy left, he looked at Langress fearfully and said:

"How can you? Who are you really?"

Langress stuffed his shoes into the guy's mouth and whispered very low to him so no one could hear:

"Langress Mcloucht, The World Strongest's Hybrid."

Before he understood anything, Langress immediately stomped his head like a cake. Langress then raised his hand to the victory and cheers from the spectators, Langress's bet kept increasing, he shouted:

"This Game Is Mine! And I won't let anyone live! Enjoy the show!"

The spectators cheered even more at the power of Langress, they had never met anyone more powerful than that. Josh looked at William in the next cage, who didn't care at all about Langress's extravagant behavior or showing any concern or fear. William just left the cage to continue the next match. Josh thought to himself:

"There's something mysterious around him, he didn't simply come here to get rich and fight. But to know more, I have to fight him."

Josh was also quick to resume his battles, he continuously kills all enemies quickly to get to a higher rank, his goal now was to confront William as quickly as possible. Langress fought harder and harder, twenty, thirty, forty men were quickly killed by him and they died too brutally. Their bones were broken apart, their faces were torn to the point that the flesh inside was as red as a piece of salmon, their organs and all sorts of things were all over the cage. Langress who was covered in blood, he got more and more excited in this tournament, it felt like he was about to lose his mind. Will looked at that violent scene as if he wanted to vomit, he said:

"Oh shit, Boss Luca was right, Langress is so enjoying this tournament."

Seeing the spectators and rich people cheering for acts of violence, using humans to kill each other like animals, Will thought to himself:

"Are they still human? Do they observe these things as entertainment?"

Will couldn't believe such a horrible truth, he could only do what he had to do. Back to Josh, he met the Animal werewolf when he first entered the tournament. Josh looked at him, he was drooling like a wolf's rabies, his eyes were golden like a wild animal's, his fangs and claws were still bleeding, this was an Animal werewolf. Josh said with a little mercy for one of his races:

"Brother, I won't let you suffer anymore."

The battle began, the werewolf immediately rushed at Josh. Josh grows wolf claws and quickly dodges him. He then stabbed him in the heart, giving the werewolf a peaceful death. At that moment, he returned to his human form, he looked so young. Josh slowly laid him down and said:

"Forgive me, but this is the only way."

A rich man outside threw his money pile on the floor and shouted angrily:

"Fuck! My pet! I prepared him too well!"

Josh realizes something, he immediately rushes to grab the guy's collar and lift him up. He was scared and said:

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

Josh replied angrily:

"Your pet?! What did you do to him? Tell me!"

Josh pulled harder and harder, making it look like the fat guy was going to be crushed between the bars, he had to say:

"I caught his family and tortured him. I locked him up with his wife and children and made him turn into werewolf or they would be killed. And he became a beast and killed his family. Please, I just did it for the money, it was just an accident, I don't know anything about him."

Josh was so angry at his cruelty that he grew claws to rip the guy's throat out. Suddenly William stomped the guy's head from behind, his eyeballs and brain flew over the floor. Josh released the fat guy's body and said:

"He's my prey, you don't have to meddle with that."

William said nothing and coldly left. Josh quickly chased after him and shouted:

"Who are you really? You didn't come here for money but for what? You know me right?"

William still didn't say anything, Josh quickly said:

"Then fight me, if I win, you must tell me your truth. Accept it, if you are a werewolf, you will accept the challenge of another werewolf!"

Langress and Will were so surprised by Josh's words, they thought to themselves:

"Oh no! No Josh!"

William stopped and turned to look at Josh, he nodded slightly accepting his challenge. The whole spectators cheered for this match. Josh wasn't scared of the stupid thing he just said, he wanted to confront William to find out his true identity. Josh and William entered the cage together, their fierce battle began.