
New Dawn (The First Of The Dark Age)

"He is the one who stabs the sword through Earth He is the one that Hell and Heaven have to fear He isn't a normal Hybrid He is Langress Mcloucht! Half vampire half Werewolf! The Dark Knight of Chaos! A only thing on Earth who dare to kill the Gods!" "Archangel Michael" A revenge journey filled with hatred, anger, tragedy, blood, and tears of a person betrayed from reality and the dark world. A world where humans don't have the power to decide their own fate by the gods.

AkumaDark · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 16: Find Peace Within

The hunt in New York City continued. Langress was gradually grasping the new rules of modern hunting. Although he was still a bit confused, his hunting speed and experience increased even more. When he first woke up, the Predator vampires always came to Langress to kill him, and he also had trouble finding them in the vast city. And now, Langress was hunting all of them, not the single one would survive. Langress, Josh and Will became a trio that often hunted together but Langress and Josh mostly killed all enemies. In the forest, they made a surprise attack on a group of Predator vampires scouting around the Heroic base. Langress lunged forward and swung his sword to cut off the vampires' heads. Josh grew wolf claws and rushed to tear their throats. Will was chased by three guys because he didn't know how to fight and dropped a lot of things while running because he panicked. Langress raised three knives and hurled them at them. The three vampires were stabbed through the head and lay dead, Will hit his face on a tree branch and lay down in pain. Langress said:

"Josh, how's your side?"

Josh threw a guy's head down and replied:

"All clear."

Langress sheathed his sword in the scabbard on his back and said:

"They're bringing more and more people to this area. Monday were five, today twelve. Are they taking a risk?"

Josh was wiping his hands, he replied:

"I'm not sure, but maybe they're planning an attack on the base."

Langress said:

"Yeah, fuck their ass. Don't think things will be easy with me here."

On Langress's left arm was a new kind of power control cuff created by Dr Anita, and it would be harder to break than the previous two. Langress said gruffly:

"Damn shit, this is stronger than the old two. Arghh!!! Anyways, where's Will?"

Will still had a slight headache from the previous impact. Langress approached and pulled him up, he said:

"Will, here you are. What's wrong with you?"

Will replied in fatigue and pain:

"I don't want to hunt with two monsters like you guys anymore. But Bryant ordered it to be my duty to watch you."

Langress put Will stood up and said:

"Don't worry. You don't have to watch over me anymore. I've got better behavior now and just me and Josh is enough to take on all the enemies."

Will replied with boredom:

"Like the second fight happened a few hours ago today?!"

Langress said with glee:

"That doesn't count. At least less than last week, I caused thirty fights."

Will replied:

"No, you still haven't changed much. Your attitude still sucks like it's been a month."

Langress said:

"Nah, let's go home. I'm too lazy to talk about that. Hahaha."

Will replied angrily:

"Don't try to avoid or ignore it!"

The trio then returned to base, and on the way Josh said:

"Hey, you look better than usual."

Langress replied:

"I don't know why? After I was invited by the Predator faction to join them, I felt more relaxed and energized than usual."

Will said:

"Well you should be a bit careful. If a Hybrid accidentally drinks back even a single drop of human blood, the vampire gene inside him will awaken and The Thirst will be return like normal vampires."

Langress replied very comfortably:

"Fuck that fact. Hehehe, how am I going to become a stupid vampire? I've never known what it's like to smell like human blood in all my life apart from rat and bear blood."

Will said:

"Relying on a guy like you who gets his face covered with blood every day. People like you always answer like that."

Langress laughed while Josh looked a little suspicious of Langress's words. Langress said:

"Hey Josh, you're getting better too."

Josh replied:

"Huh? Oh ya, I'm cured of silver poisoning. I forgot to thank Dr. Anita for saving me."

Langress said:

"Shit, silver weapons are so dangerous now? Inject liquid silver into enemies, what the fuck?"

Josh replied coldly:

"I don't care about that. I just need to find and kill Robzin, that's my only goal. No matter how crippled or nearly dead I am."

Langress said:

"Don't try to be so cold and tough, Josh."

Josh stopped, he looked at Langress with cold and angry eyes, he replied:

"What did you just say, Langress? I thought you already knew what I was fighting for."

Langress said:

"Foolish Josh. You're on your way to failure before you can even kill Robzin."

Josh was irritated, he approached and grabbed Langress by the collar, he replied:

"I have my own way. Are you trying to get in my way?"

Langress grabbed Josh's left arm and said:

"I know, you want revenge on Robzin. But the day you were suffering from silver poisoning but you still wanted to go and find Robzin, I knew you would die before you even faced Robzin when you only care about your revenge."

Josh replied:

"I've been weak for a long time, it's time for me to become stronger and use my hatred for power."

Langress said:

"You think the fight between you two is simply? Robzin knows how negative you will change, he wants you to be him."

Josh replied:

"I will never become a monster like Robzin. I use my rage as power instead of using it to kill like you."

Langress said:

"Then tell me, what the fuck you will do when all the werewolves now see you as a traitor, their enemy?"

Josh replied angrily:

"I know Robzin made me a traitor of the werewolf kingdom. And only defeat Robzin and make him tell the truth so I can return to my kingdom."

Langress said:

"But Robzin has no honor, he'll never tell the truth and make you look even worse."

Josh replied:


Langress interrupted and said:

"But what? No shit here, fucker. You've changed so much after fighting ten werewolves alone. You're angry that you had to kill your own race. Accept it, your hands are already stained with werewolf blood. And I'm sure, if you can't handle your rage, the enemy will use it as a knife to stab you."

Josh released Langress and replied:

"Then let me show you I'm ready to kill Robzin."

Will hastily stopped them to avoid another fight between them, he said:

"You two, stop it!"

But Langress and Josh looked at him with the sharp eyes of two of the most terrifying monsters, scaring Will back. Josh backed away and faced Langress, he said with rage:

"It's been a month, I've become stronger than before."

Langress replied calmly:

"Then come here and show me your shit."

Josh was further irritated, he instantly transformed into the werewolf and charged into Langress. Langress just stood still and just waited when Josh got very close, he nimbly dodged Josh's pounce and punched him strong right in the face. Josh was immediately turned back to normal and lay on the ground with blood in his mouth. Langress said:

"You see? You said your rage is your power, I already made you rage, why do you still lose so easily?"

Josh's defeat was so humiliating, he just stood up and replied angrily:

"And I thought we could be friends and you got to know me better."

Langress replied coldly:

"No, we can't. I was born able to survive in this dark world, and you still haven't found your place in this bloody war."

Josh stood up and looked at Langress with fury, his trust in him gone. Josh didn't say anything after that and just walked deeper into the woods. Will watched Josh as he was about to go after him, but Langress said:

"Just follow him, unless you want to survive in the woods alone."

Will was very scared so he stopped, he replied with concern:

"Do you think Josh will be better?"

Langress said:

"He has to become stronger, that's the only way to change everything about him."

Will said nothing and looked at Josh with concern. The next morning, at a waterfall deep in the forest, Josh was sitting beneath the falls and taking a dip under the powerful waterfall. Josh thought to himself as he tried to calm himself down:

"My rage? What do you mean by Langress? Doesn't Langress also use his rage for power?"

Josh sighed and slowly felt the nature around him. He heard animals nearby, there was a herd of deer moving. Then there was the sound of the wind, the sound of the wind blowing the leaves away, the branches moving slightly, the gentle breeze that passed over Josh giving him a sense of peace he had lost before. Josh thought to himself:

"This feelings, so peaceful. How long have I been filled with hatred and forgotten how I used to be? My rage? Or my mind?"

Suddenly there was a smell of blood and a foul smell in the air, and Josh quickly realized there were more than thirty werewolves surrounding him even though his eyes were still closed. They growled at Josh like they were about to rip him off. Josh thought to himself:

"I'm sorry."

And just a few minutes later, Josh was standing in the middle of a blood lake with more than thirty mutilated and brutally killed bodies around. Josh accidentally let his rage take over his mind again. At this moment someone came forward and said:

"Shit Josh, what a surprise party. Gorgeous, amazing, perfect! Like a cherry pie."

Josh opened his eyes, his face covered in blood, and looked at the person, it was Robzin. The two brothers had met again and a fight must take place.