
2 Years Old

I have finally reached my original home. Once my mom's divorce was finalized we had moved to my grandparent's house. Honestly, it took a whole year just to move to this house so I was gonna start speeding things up. There aren't a lot of time-sensitive things anymore.

Starting from now I needed to establish how I would make money. Do I want to be a doctor? Businesswoman? Architect? Hmmm. I think based on my previous wants and desires I'm gonna be both a doctor and a businesswoman. I know that's a far reach goal but I think I can do it. My thoughts are that by becoming a businesswoman through utilizing my past memories of trends and events that will take place in the future, I will be able to become successful quite quickly. Also, this way I will be able to support myself in becoming a doctor. Since the business world doesn't really have a major age limit like the medical field does, I'll be able to initiate my business first to be able to support my family and put less stress in them when it comes to medical school. Ok so all set.

During this year before I attend preschool, I will begin studying all I can for medical school, as well as gaining insight into starting a company. I was thinking that to receive start-up funds for the company I should use the stock market. But now it's just a matter of whether or not mom will let me use her credit card. *sigh* The woes of being young.

Ok, I think I've done it. I have gotten the credit card. :) It wasn't easy, but I managed with a lot of pleading and showing off on how I was able to gain money with one stock. With my past memories, I am able to see which stocks will rise and which will fall. For some reason, I can remember quite clearly and with every passing year, my past memories become more and more vivid. But anyways I got a budget of 200 dollars as mom was quite astounded and more trusting of my intelligence when I was able to make a profit of 500 dollars with just 5 dollars. So essentially my budget came from my earnings but whatever. I'm quite literally 2 years old. I kinda feel bad for my mom at this point cause she has to wrap around her mind that I'm quite literally a genius at this point. Whelp, I'm just gonna keep earning money for now. Sorry mom.