
New Arise

Inflictednote_3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


At West Wood High, firefighters and ambulances arrived at the scene, shocked by the devastation. The acrid scent of smoke mingled with the coppery tang of blood, creating an overwhelming stench that made even the most seasoned firefighters gag. The sight of students trapped under piles of debris, some crawling with missing limbs, others already dead, greeted them in the cafeteria.

"Oh god, this is bad. This is really, really bad," one firefighter exclaimed, shaking in fear and fighting the urge to vomit.

'SMACK,' "Get a hold of yourself. This is our job. We've got work to do. Let's split up here and find any survivors."

"Captain, I don't think I can."

Grabbing him by the collar, "You listen and listen clearly. This is what we've signed up for. Get a fucking grip and save as many as you can."

Looking dispirited, "Alright, I'll do my best."

News reporters flocked to the scene, starting up their cameras and capturing the chaos from a safe distance. In living rooms across the city, families huddled around their televisions, anxiously watching the unfolding disaster.

In one such home, a mother clasped her hands over her mouth, tears streaming down her face. "That's Timmy's school. Oh my god, I hope he's okay."

Her husband, gripping the remote tightly, tried to stay calm. "They're doing everything they can, honey. Let's just hope for the best."

The camera cut back to the reporter on the scene. "Over at West Wood High School, we've captured shocking images of teens being hauled out of the collapsed school. Some witnesses say it was due to an unknown entity that started wreaking havoc, killing dozens, and still many more to be discovered."

Another family, sitting tensely in their living room, listened intently. "An unknown entity?" a teenage girl asked, her eyes wide with fear. "What does that even mean?"

Her father shook his head, his face grim. "I don't know, but it sounds bad. Real bad."

The reporter continued, "The SWAT team has arrived. They are currently surrounding the area, keeping everyone at a distance. Seems like the captain has arrived late; he's currently issuing orders. Hey there, do you have anything…"

"Get back," the captain stated. "Hey, you barricade the area. Don't let them through and don't speak to them."

"Yes, captain."

The news reporter was shocked at the lack of respect. "Okay, it seems as though they are not in the mood to speak."

The camera shifted to a different angle, capturing the devastation up close. The reporter, visibly shaken, pressed on. "The scene here is one of utter horror. Bodies are being pulled from the rubble, and the extent of the destruction is unlike anything we've seen before. Witnesses claim that an unidentified creature was responsible for the attack, and authorities are now working to secure the area."

She took a deep breath, her voice trembling. "We're receiving reports that the National Guard may be called in due to the severity of the situation. For now, the focus is on rescuing any survivors and ensuring the safety of those still trapped inside."

Suddenly, the smell of blood and the sight of mangled bodies became too much for her. The camera captured her moment of weakness as she doubled over, vomiting on the ground. "Cut the feed," a voice off-camera ordered.

The screen went black for a moment before cutting back to the studio, where the anchor looked pale and concerned. "We apologize for that graphic content. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those affected by this tragic event."

Back at the scene, the captain grabbed a troop and started ordering them around. "Get the troops ready to move in and apprehend the culprit," the captain remarked.

"Sir, there is too much at stake here. We can't afford to send out our units. I'd suggest we bring in the National Guard. It would be suicide to go in as we are," a subordinate cautioned.

The captain raised an eyebrow. "You see those firefighters over there?"

"Yes, sir, but witnesses are exclaiming to have seen an unknown entity of some sort. It could still be lurking around the area."

"Look at me, son. Look at me!" The captain lifted up the subordinate. "We are here to deal with a threat that killed dozens if not more, not some kind of demonic entity."

"But sir…"

"But nothing. Gather up the troops. We're moving in!"

"Right away."

In a secret underground organization, men and women in black suits sat around a table discussing the events that had transpired in the last five years.

"81, status report."

"We got words moments ago that an awakened has appeared at West Wood high, we've captured Imagery of the fight yet, we couldn't capture his face. I have two names, one Erik who disappeared, not among the dead, and the other David. We are looking into speaking with some at the scene."

701 spoke up, "We've also captured two others fighting the demon. No names to them as of this moment. We rearranged our satellites to follow David as we speak, sadly to inform that we lost sight of him heading north. Last known location: Thrasher, where we picked up Kevin."

1 started speaking, "405, has he shown signs of awakening?"

"Not at all. I have reason to believe they bamboozled us."

"That's a shame. We'll keep him here for another year. This time, we'll force the awakening, If he continues to show no signs, kill him."

8 spoke up, "If we have nothing else to discuss, let's end the meeting here."

"Actually, we caught sight of a portal that opened up here in the middle of the sea, I can show you." 37 Proceeds to show footage of the scene. "We are currently heading towards it, the 3 swerrling tornado has disappeared from sight not heading anywhere, the portal is still there, but no signs of anyone entering or leaving."

1 spoke up, "alright then keep investigating, once you've entered inform me."

"Yes sir."

405 and 701 walked side by side to Kevin's chamber, watching him, studying him.

"So, what do you think?" 405 asked.

"Let's put him to the test."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Let's take him to the field. If he shows no signs, then maybe he'll be useful as one of our new agent."

"I don't think Number 1 will like that all that much."

"It's the matter of needing, he has no where and no one to go to."

405 and 701 observed Kevin as he was taken to a training facility, a sprawling underground complex filled with high-tech equipment and a series of challenging obstacles.

For the next several months, Kevin was subjected to rigorous training sessions. Each day, he was forced to some grueling physical exercises, intense combat drills, and the ocational whipping when he gave up. Despite the relentless training, Kevin showed no signs of awakening.

Week after week, 405 and 701 watched Kevin's progress, their skepticism growing. Kevin's performance was competent but not extraordinary. He demonstrated resilience and determination, completing each task with a steady, unwavering focus, but there was no hint of the extraordinary abilities they were looking for.

One evening, after a particularly exhausting session, Kevin collapsed onto his cot, drenched in sweat. As he lay staring at the ceiling, he couldn't help but wonder why he was being pushed so hard. He had no knowledge of the expectations the organization had for him.

In a nearby observation room, 405 and 701 reviewed the day's footage.

"He's physically capable, no doubt about that," 701 noted. "But where's the awakening? Where's the power we're supposed to see?"

405 shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe he really is just an ordinary kid, he's gotten stronger, he's now able to shrug of the whips like a mosquito bite."

"Let's keep observing, maybe this time, he'll awaken."

Months passed, and Kevin's kept changing. He trained relentlessly, ate in silence, and slept chained to the wall. Despite the passage of time and the escalating difficulty of his training, there were still no signs of awakening.

One day, 405 decided to increase the intensity of the tests. Kevin was forced to fight and kill 20 men without breaks, the stakes were higher, the dangers more real. As he fought, it became clear that he was skilled, but he was still just human. There were no bursts of supernatural strength, no flashes of extraordinary speed, yet he managed to kill them without breaking a sweat.

Kevin stood panting, covered in bruises but otherwise unharmed. 405 and 701 watched from the control room, their expressions unreadable.

"He's reached his limit," 405 said finally. "There's nothing more we can do here. He's not one of them other wise he would of busted through that wall or something miraculous."

701 nodded reluctantly. "Then we should report back to Number 1."