
New Arise

Inflictednote_3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


I was born on an island, alone with my mother. Life wasn't easy, but I was content. We lived in a treehouse that I helped build. My abilities didn't manifest until later in life; I discovered them when I lifted a boar. After that, I started having strange dreams, small at first, like déjà vu. I was scared. When I spoke to my mother, she was shocked but told me more about my father.

"I was hoping you were normal," my mother said. "Your abilities derive from your father. He told me you'd get them before he disappeared. I just want you to know that I did my best to keep you safe," she said, her voice saddened by the revelation.

"But mom, I have kept myself safe. Now that I have these abilities, I can protect you," I said, caressing her cheek. "What about these strange dreams?"

"I do not know what they mean, maybe a hint of the future. Your father didn't leave me with much information about what you are."

"What can you tell me about my father?"

"That's a story for another day. For now, let's finish off the day with a feast."

When I turned 15, my mom caught a fever. I tried everything I could to make her feel better, but it was all in vain. One day, I saw an oncoming ship. To grab their attention, I threw a giant boulder. "Oh, that wasn't my best idea," I thought to myself, but it worked; they steered their ship toward the island.

I ran to the treehouse looking for my mother. "Mom, mom, there's a ship!" I exclaimed. "Mom …" At that moment, my mom died in her sleep from the fever. The ship sent out a scout, and there I was, tearing up. They thought I was crying tears of joy. I didn't correct them; I told them I was alone, and they brought me on board. I spent my days outside, taking in the sea breeze, remembering the happy times with my mom.

One day, a terrible storm brewed, and the ship was shaking, wobbling out of control. I was scared. Then lightning struck the ship, setting it on fire. Everyone was in a frenzy, trying to put it out. I just stayed there, curled up in a ball. Eventually, the ship sank. I drifted on a piece of plank I ripped off until I found land. A passerby found me and took me to a hospital. When I awoke, I told them my story. When the story of how I survived was published, I couldn't help but feel as though I lied.

When I was sent to a foster home to live for a while, I remained dormant in my room, crying most of the time, having small nightmares about that day on the ship. I knew I could have saved them, but I was scared. I didn't know what to do or how to help. The day I turned 18 was the day I left what I couldn't consider my home, wandering around. Some days, I wondered if I was the only one with these abilities and if someone could show me the way.

One day, while climbing up the mountains, I came across a guy named Dexter. He was carrying a boulder. "Hey, wait!" I shouted, trying to get his attention. He dropped the boulder and took off running. I went after him. He was fast, really fast; I could barely keep up.

'She can keep up … is she like me? No, that's impossible, there's no one like me, I can't risk it,' he disappeared into the mountains.

"FUCK!" I couldn't keep up. I stayed around, wondering, trying to find him, but it was all in vain.

I spent an entire year on the mountain scouting the lands for him until one day I found a cave. There he was, sleeping. I woke him up. "Hey," I shouted.

He startled awake. "Get out, you're not welcome here."

"No, wait. I'm like you, I'm looking…"

"I don't care. Get out!"

"I won't leave, not without having a word with you."

"There is nothing we can speak of."

I didn't want to leave. I wanted answers. Are we the only two here? "Tell me your name, and tell me why you're here all alone."

He sighed, clearly wanting to shout. "If you're going to stay, go to sleep and don't speak to me."

"Thank you, you…"

"I said shut up!" he shouted.

We spent five years together. His name is Dexter. We walked up the mountains a lot, and I found out he named it Thrasher, after his father. We didn't speak much to each other. I couldn't find out more about him. I watched him carry the boulders up the mountain, so I decided to help him. I found out that he was only doing that as a promise to his father, to protect an old ruin, yet he wouldn't tell me the true reason behind it.

One day, I ended up with a bad headache. I couldn't think straight, and I collapsed. Dexter carried me back to the cave. I had a fever; I could barely open my eyes. I ended up having a nightmare—a city full of corpses, the rain heavy. I was all alone, walking barefoot. It was cold. As I walked, I saw all the people I had met throughout my life. A tall demon stood above me.

"You could have saved them," it said.

I understood somehow. I looked up, right at its creepy smile. "Yes, I could have, but…"

The tall demon bent forward. "Hush. All of them died because of you." It started laughing. "Elena, you killed them."

"No, no, no, no, I didn't kill them. I'm not a killer!" I said in a frenzy, holding back tears.

"Oh, but look at all the bodies that lay before us. Your hands are stained with the blood of the innocent," it said, holding back laughter.

I calmed myself after hearing that. "No, you killed them!" I shouted. "My hands are clean."

It started chuckling. "Do you deny the fact that you could have saved all these people, including the ones on that ship?"

My voice shook at those words. "No."

"How about your mother? You had your hands around her throat. We've witnessed you take her life," its creepy smile grew again as it stood tall once more.

Suddenly, we were back at the treehouse, where my mom once lay, my hands around her throat. "No, no, no, no, that is not what happened!"

I woke up, the rain pouring heavily outside, Dexter sleeping next to me. I hugged him tightly, whimpering, repeating the same words, "I could have saved them."