
New Arise

Inflictednote_3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


The scream pierced the air, a chilling sound that cut through the chaos like a knife. Students froze, fear etched on their faces, as they realized the danger they were in. As I turned, my heart sank at the sight before me. An officer, who had been standing guard, lay on the ground, his throat slashed open. The students around me gasped in horror, some turning away, unable to bear the gruesome scene. In the blink of an eye, I witnessed an entity strike a kid, propelling him across the cafeteria with such force that he crashed through the concrete wall, leaving behind a trail of blood and destruction.

Pandemonium erupted as students scrambled to escape. Another one fell limply, his stomach ripped open from the inside out, his guts splattered everywhere. At this point, I readied myself to face the assailant, watching closely as the students struggled to flee the horrifying scene.

In the midst of the chaos, another student fell, his head torn from his body in a gruesome display. Blood sprayed, painting the walls in a macabre scene of violence. Those who hadn't made it out yet huddled in a corner, waiting for the chaos to settle down or face their impending doom.

I made eye contact with the entity, and it reminded me of my nightmare. "It looks so much like..." The malevolent entity made its way toward me. I barely managed to see and deflect its attack, catching its fist, leaving an imprint on the floor. I looked up with fear in my eyes, staring into its fiery, glowing eyes.

"What the heck are you?" I growled, my expression a mix of anger and fear.

"Yes! You're the one I'm looking for, David." It sneered, almost caught off guard.

The screechy voice made me flinch, struggling to understand it. "Is it me you want?" I said, attempting to communicate.

"You are one of ten." It replied, a sinister smile spreading across its face.

With lightning speed, it released from my grip and unleashed a punch that sent me hurtling through walls, crashing one after another until I found myself hurtling toward the soccer field. Eventually, most of the students managed to escape; the others were not so lucky as half of the building crumbled in the process, leaving rubble, debris, and splattered blood all around.

The onlookers' faces contorted in horror as they rushed toward me, their eyes wide with disbelief. Phones held aloft, they clamored to capture the unfolding chaos. Shock soon replaced curiosity as their cries filled the air, "Blood! There's blood everywhere!"

As the creature closed in, the sound of its heavy footsteps reverberated through the field, each step sending a jolt of fear through me. With a sudden burst of speed, it lunged forward, its fist connecting with my face with a sickening thud. Pain exploded across my cheek, the impact so forceful it felt like my skull would shatter. I tasted blood in my mouth, the metallic tang mixing with the earthy scent of the field. My vision blurred for a moment, the world spinning as I fought to stay conscious. Through the haze, I could see the shocked faces of onlookers, their cries of horror muffled by the ringing in my ears.

"NO YOU IDIOTS! RUN AWAY!" I managed to yell out, its fist still in my face.

It looked towards them with a malicious smile, "NOBODY'S RUNNING!" It looked back at me, "Once I've captured you, they will all die." It said, still hard to understand.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I had to put my all into this fight, try to stop it somehow. As soon as it grabbed me by my collar, lifting me up, I punched it with all my might, sending it hurtling across the field. My body was screaming at me to flee. I was afraid. I felt weak, as that punch took a lot out of me.

Getting off the ground, it started laughing. "That was a good punch. It's been a while since I fought a worthy opponent."

I yelled out, "I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANYONE ELSE!" as I lunged towards it.

It got ready, "Let the rivers of hell rain upon us," it sneered, "as I relish bathing in the blood of everyone who stands in my way."

The battle commenced. As soon as it started raining lightly, I struck with everything I had, over and over again, but it was faster, dancing around my punches. As it effortlessly dodged every attack, I finally caught it off guard, landing a solid punch to the face. After that, it stood still, letting me hit it. Then we struck each other repeatedly, with every punch we struck at each other, a crack snaked through the surroundings, resembling a spider web spreading throughout the field. With each passing second, I felt myself slipping away.

I wanted to close my eyes, let this be a nightmare, but the pain wouldn't let me sleep. It mocked me in an instant, propelling me into the sky, striking me with a devastating blow that cracked my rib cage. Upon impact with the ground, I found myself unable to breathe. In front of the onlookers, it smiled as it lifted me up, grabbing my head to watch it kill those around us. Some of them started running away, and the ones who stayed were frozen in fear, unable to comprehend the horror unfolding before them.

As the entity smiled, its growls blending with the screechy voice that haunted my nightmares, a wave of horror washed over me. I felt a deep sense of helplessness as it spoke, "You will watch me massacre everyone here."

I gasped for breath, my limbs heavy with exhaustion. I struggled against its grip, but it was futile. I could only watch in horror as another student fell, their heart torn from their chest. I watched her tearing up. I swear, I could still hear her final words as she begged for help.

With a sigh, it spoke again, "It's been a long time since I had human meat."

As it devoured the heart of its final victim, I felt a profound sadness and anger welling up inside me. "Why me?" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the chaos.

The entity's response only deepened my dread. Its eerie smile and gesture silenced me, reminding me of the grim reality of the situation. In that moment, I knew that I was alone, facing a monster that reveled in death and suffering. "Hush now, now's not the time for why."