
McGonagall's Suspicion

And in a blink of an eye, they were a pair of red foxes. Both looked alike, but George had a spot on his left cheek, while Fred had one on his right. Then just as quickly, they changed back. Their beaming faces were laughing at the gobsmacked looks on the rest of the gangs faces.

"So, Harry, do you think you could use your new way of doing magic to do this without the steps, or the potion?" Fred asked with a smirk. He could see the other teen was berating himself for not trying sooner, but for now they should practice. He and George would tease them later.

"Yeah, we can do it slower, that's what took us so long," George said, laughing on the inside. He looked at his brother and saw they were of like mind.

"Do it slower, I want to scan you," Harry requested, keeping his eyes on Fred. He knew they were going to rib him later, but for now, he was more concerned about getting this done. It might be important later.

"Not a problem," the twin on the right said. And they complied, while the others watched, and the younger boy nodded his head.

He could do this, though he wasn't sure about the rest of the gang. "I'm going to give it a shot," he stated as he got up. He touched his core and quick as a snitch turned into a goshawk. Then after a minute, he morphed into a griffin, making everyone move back to give him room. Another moment passed, then there was a swallow. Soon after, he turned back human. "That's all I got. I tried for more, but magic wouldn't let me." He shrugged and then looked at the astonished faces. "What?"

"Harry, most people only have one form. It is said that only very powerful people will have multiple animals," explained Luna in her airy way. She patted him on the arm and then tried to transform. Only her arms did. They were covered with brown hair, giving no indication as to what she would be.

"Right, that's one of those rules you told me to ignore," he said with a smile.

"Why yes, yes, it is. Very good, Harry," she said as she willed the hair off her arms.

"You guys give it a go," the dark-haired wizard said, waving to Neville and Hermione.

The three tried for hours until dinner but got no further than partial transformations. They gave it up for the night but were excited to have something to work on besides the Room. The twins gave them all a hard time as they went down to dinner, Hermione made sure to thump them for that. The gang entered the Great Hall laughing and chatting. They sat in their normal spots and ate in complete compatibility, happy to be in each other's company. It was good to have close friends.

Harry wondered why he never was this close to this many people before he lost his memory. Knowing that he was all but a recluse made him worry that he might not like what he remembered. Then he looked around at the smiling faces that surrounded him and knew it didn't matter. They would help if he needed it.

McGonagall's POV

McGonagall was glaring at the group. Once more she was sure they were up to something. She had no idea what, since they snuck off to where she couldn't find them. The portraits would only tell her that they went to the seventh floor, but then they would lose sight of the miscreants. Now that two of the House Ghosts were gone, she just didn't have enough spies to watch everyone. Oh, how she hated that Hogwarts didn't recognize her as the Headmistress. Her head jerked around when she was addressed.

"I don't know why you stare at zem so," Madame Maxime stated, not liking the look in the new Hogwarts Headmistress's eyes. "Zey 'ave done nozzing wrong. Et has been proven za boy did not enter ze tournament. Why do you not trust 'im after zat?" Now that she was convinced that the boy was the victim in all of this, she felt pity for the child. The people in charge of his school had done him a great wrong, and she was going to stand up for the boy. It was the least she could do.

"That child is rude and confrontational," was Minerva's reply, as if that explained everything. After all, Maxime was the Head of her school. She should know that there were always problem children.

"Do you not zink 'e 'as a right to be?" the astonished half-giant woman declared, looking at the other woman as if she had lost her mind. "After everyzing zat 'as 'appened to 'im, done by your staff by ze way, I zink 'e 'as good cause to be angry."

"Everything we did was within the rules. We were only trying to help the boy, not that he appreciates it. Now he is being confrontational and rude. Severus was correct he is arrogant, and I will not pamper him, nor will I condone his bad behavior. He needs to start following the rules, or I will find a way to get him out of the castle," McGonagall stated firmly, and then turned back to watch the teens.

"I would be careful, were I you. You might just make and enemy of a very strong wizard," the French woman said, looking at the teen in question, remembering what had happened at the first task.

"I think I know Mr. Potter better than you," McGonagall sniffed, not believing for a minute that child had improved over the course of a few weeks. His attitude was enough to show he was just as lazy as he had been before his amnesia. The fact that he scorned a great man like Dumbledore showed that he needed to be taken in hand.

If she could, she'd force Harry Potter to talk to Dumbledore. If he was going to fight for Wizarding Britain, then he needed the information Albus had. Maybe she would talk to her friend and he could tell her what the child needed to know. One way or another the boy needed to know his part.


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