
The Fall

Cold raindrops are tickling hard around the oxygen mask while wind bursts are frightening my naked eyes. I am free falling approximately at one hundred twenty-five miles per hour. With no parachute, I should hit the ground in about twenty-eight seconds.

In the clear night, the blurry red and yellowish lights from the nuclear plant below and the eight kilos of plastic explosive sealed into my jacket are the only warmth felt.

Realization of facing my death infuses my whole body with the identical rise of exhilaration felt at the edge of an orgasm. This omniscient flux of awareness is merging in my cerebral cortex, those electrochemical signals rushing from all peripheral senses are enhancing my conscious and cognitive functions. High adrenaline rush is drastically expanding synaptic connections through their protoplasmic fibers, the dark vault of my brain becomes then a colorful galaxy lighten by billions of neurons connecting to each other.

The human nervous system has a particular reaction before an unlectubale accident. Hundreds of memories are instinctualy released from my amygdalae - two lookalikes almonds medially located in our brain collecting our stories, the left side for happiness and the right side full of darkness.

This slideshow of pictorials is rolling on the back of my skull at light speed, hundreds crystal clear frames related to emotional moments I had in life. A ribbon made of family gatherings, from the loving face of my grandfather looking at me over my infant bed to our fictional adventurers expedition in the garden with my brother, as well hurting flashbacks like the cracking bone of my nose while being roasted on the ground by mean boys in the school yard or the sharp crack in my heart when I let her die.

This emergency state always feels like time is slowing down or wrapping, it is not. The numerous memories just render my perception of the time longer, but my neuro transmitting activities are able to process all those data at a mesmerising speed.

It is time now, my hand is firmly grabbing the tube transducer, I bend my arm hard and throw it all way down to my leg in a strong motion, transfusing myself with the Melica Z50. This neuroenhancer drug is instantaneously exploding into my crane like a big bang, opening a hidden door sealed in my right amygalda - a space where unwanted human memories are stored, the ones who made us full of resentment and unacceptance to our inner selves and our world, the barrier to our salvation and empathy.

Unlocking them is now my first path to penetrate into the Neurospacis.