
Netheril’s Brilliance in the sky

The protagonist is a pure mage, cold-blooded, cautious, dark and ruthless. There is no female lord throughout the whole process. There is no heroine, no outbreak of life or death, but steady progress. There is no strong enemy everywhere. The protagonist is always a strong enemy of others.

Maxis_Ark · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


The secondary damage technique uses a large number of small and sharp etheric energy blades to vibrate at a molecular level at a microscopic level, which greatly enhances their sharpness. Tens of thousands of such blades instantly jump to the space level at the same time. In the designated area, all objects in the entire 70 cm diameter area are simultaneously cut inside and outside indiscriminately, so as to output huge damage in an instant. (Note: This curse spell can be included in a variety of space defenses. Defensive means intercept) This kind of attack is enough to deal with ogres who have never thought of avoiding or defending from beginning to end.

I saw that the ogre had just sprinted for three or four steps, and the damage ball in the punk's hand had just disappeared. The overall brightness of a small area where the ogre's head was located suddenly dimmed, as if it was blocked by something and created a shadow. The same, although it was only a short moment, it represented that the ogre had eaten this secondary damage spell frontally without defense.

But the ogre still exhausted the last bit of strength, relying on his physical instinct to throw the big wooden stick at the punk.

I saw the big wooden stick whizzing towards the punk, and the wormwood on the ground that was swept by the wooden stick at an altitude of one meter was overwhelmed by the strong wind.

  When seeing the ogre throwing a wooden stick, Punk did not hesitate to turn on the apprentice-level spell spell that can be used twice a day on the robe-the secondary deflection position.

I saw a circle of invisible positions expand around him. Punk only felt that all foreign matter that touched the position, whether it was air or dust, changed the trajectory of its movement and deflected in different directions. Time has been thinned a lot, but the physique of a punk professional can be completely unaffected.

After hitting the position, the stick was like being pushed away by an invisible big hand. It bends abruptly and flew past the right side of the punk's body, but punk was not happy either on his face or in his heart. The expression, because...that direction...is the direction where the donkey is...

The ogre staggered for two more steps only by inertia, and then fell down heavily. Its entire head was just taken out of a meat grinder, and the flesh on it was almost cut by a large amount of turbulent etheric energy. It became fleshy, and such dense wounds were everywhere in the ogre's head, bones, brains, and flesh and blood. Because the supporting bones were completely shredded, the ogre's head was no longer recognizable. .

The ogre fell on the wasteland with a head turned into fleshy flesh, only fingers and other extremities were still twitching from time to time, and the muscles swollen due to madness also retracted back to the prototype, then punk does not need to cast "times" The spell of "Level Life Detection" can also confirm that the ogre is really dead. If the thinking organ-the brain becomes a fatal injury, even with the vitality of a troll, it will die. And in terms of the soul level of the ogre, his soul should have been swallowed by the river of fate now!

After the ogre stopped even twitching, Punk turned and walked in the direction of the little donkey. He ignored the ogre's leather, although it had a certain amount of magic resistance skin and made some processing to become an apprentice-level magic material. But punk does not have any processing facilities around it. If there is no magic curing treatment, materials like ogre skins are not high-level, and materials that dissipate magic quickly will become ordinary fragile leather before punk walks out of the wasteland.

Now punk is more concerned about the transportation labor-the safety of the little donkey. He hopes that he will not see the worst results...

At this time, Kane also crawled out of the big pit with a deformed shield. He first glanced at the ogre whose head was almost turned into flesh, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and then he recovered. Look like.

"I said punk man, do you have a torture addiction? What made this ~ so tragic, or do you want to change the taste and try the ogre meat soup at night"? Kane said as he walked in the direction of the little donkey.

   But halfway through, the two stopped at the same time...

A huge stick was stuck on the ground obliquely. Scattered around were shards of the cart with blood stains, and the poor little donkey had only the upper half left, and the lower body was already with countless shards of the cart... everywhere. ...

"It might be a good thing to be able to endure the strange smell of this "walking dunghill" until Konola City." Punk's first thought was a bit of fortune.

   "...I'll take it, Lao Tzu worked so hard with the Roshan Demon King, and why did I put on Lao Tzu's shield"! Kane flew into a rage while brandishing the smashed twisted shield.

"At least your shield can still be used, right?" Punk teased Kane, then picked up a small bag of "Mock Village Specialty" wheat bread among the scattered goods and walked towards Konola City. .

   "I'm going, it's not your thing, you kid~ but don't feel bad, oh! My poor little donkey, I can still see the red hair on his ears trembling"! Kane pretended to express his "sadness" for the death of the little donkey in a "sad" tone, while carrying a large bag of dried meat on his shoulders.

"The red hair of your donkey is definitely mixed with the meat over there." Punk pointed his finger at the blood red paste mixed with meat on the side of the stick. "If you are afraid it will be cold, eat him in your stomach. It's more effective than saying these non-marginal cool words." After talking about punk, I walked towards the wasteland without looking back~ I rely on, this is kindness, this is nostalgia, you, a guy with no sentiment, will definitely not be able to get a girl in the future..." Kane renewed his shield back On his back, he casually carried the rifle still clinging to his shoulders, and then chased the punk in stride.

At this time, the big red sun "Chicasa" has also jumped out of the horizon, and the entire wasteland is completely illuminated. The plants in the tender season grow very fast, and the grasslands destroyed by the battle will grow back in less than a month. When he comes back, the flesh and blood and the decayed corpses of the "companion" will become the nourishment for the young grass.

After a seven-day "travel", Punk and Kane finally reached their destination-Konola City. Fortunately, they did not encounter the "wood of the dead" as the Baron called them, and of course, they did not. To the "friend" of the businessman who loves to be dead, punk has a faint hunch that this wasteland and the "wood of the dead" that do not know whether they exist will one day intersect with himself again.

"Oh~~Konora City, I'm here~~~" Standing on the small hill where the strong walls of Konola City can already be seen, Kane yelled with his gun, looking down. It's a bit like a knight with a majestic dream, but if you listen to the second half of it, those who abide by the knight's way will definitely be tempted to beat him!

 Pretty girls, wait for my handsome and suave Kane knight to rescue you, hahahaha~~".

Punk puts on a "I don't know this guy" but walks down the mountain bag with an expression.

"Konoka City, I hope I can gain useful knowledge..." Unknowingly, punk's eyes once again haunted the blue magical light!