
Neon Rebirth: The Rise of Umbrella Corp

In the neon-lit, dystopian future of Cyberpunk, a man named Ethan finds himself reincarnated in the same era as Saburo Arasaka, a powerful corporate magnate. Awakening with fragmented memories of his past life, Ethan realizes that he possesses unique knowledge of the future, including the rise of the infamous Umbrella Corporation in a different timeline.

Lordgraf · Ficção Científica
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Red Light District

The Red Light District of NightCity pulsed with a frenetic energy that was both alluring and disorienting. It was a place where the boundaries between human and machine blurred, where the pursuit of cybernetic enhancements and forbidden technology knew no limits. For Ethan, navigating this gritty underworld was a daunting task, but he knew it was a necessary step on his journey to Australia and the formation of Umbrella Corp.

In the heart of the district, he found himself surrounded by neon-lit alleys, shadowy figures lurking in the corners, and holographic advertisements promising technological wonders. It was amidst this maze of vice and temptation that he first caught sight of Dr. Amelia Cross. Her presence exuded a sense of authority and brilliance that immediately caught his attention.

Dr. Cross was a legend in the world of cybernetics, renowned for her groundbreaking work and the transformational advancements she had made in the field. Whispers of her expertise circulated among the tech-savvy denizens of NightCity, and her name was spoken with reverence. She was an enigmatic figure, a recluse who rarely ventured outside her well-guarded laboratory.

Undeterred by her reputation, Ethan approached her with a mixture of trepidation and determination. He knew that convincing someone of Dr. Cross's stature to join his quest was no small feat, but he believed that she held the key to unlocking the full potential of UmbraCorp.

"Dr. Cross," he called out, his voice carrying a note of respect, "I've heard tales of your brilliance, and I come seeking your aid in a quest of utmost importance."

Dr. Cross turned to face him, her eyes sharp and discerning, as if she could peer into the depths of his soul. "And what might this quest be, and why should I be interested?" she replied, her tone laced with curiosity.

Ethan took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he spoke. He knew that to convince her, he needed to reveal a glimpse of his true purpose and the memories that haunted him. "I have awakened in this era with fragmented memories of a past life," he began. "In that life, I witnessed the rise of the Umbrella Corporation, a powerful entity that brought devastation to the world through unethical practices and dangerous experiments. I am driven to prevent history from repeating itself, and for that, I need a team of brilliant minds, individuals like you, who can help me build a corporation that will bring about positive change in the world of cybernetics."

Dr. Cross's expression remained impassive, but Ethan detected a flicker of intrigue in her eyes. "You ask for much, stranger," she said, her voice measured. "To believe your story requires a leap of faith, one that I am not accustomed to taking lightly. Convince me further."

Summoning his resolve, Ethan continued, "I cannot prove my past life's memories to you, but I can show you glimpses of the visions that haunt me." He projected holographic images before them, images that were a mosaic of memories, of the rise and fall of the Umbrella Corporation, and the consequences it wrought upon the world. Dr. Cross studied the holographic display, her analytical mind absorbing the information.

"It's true," she mused, her skepticism slowly giving way to curiosity. "Your visions are compelling, but they are just fragments. How can you be certain that your mission is genuine and not a fabrication?"

Ethan nodded, acknowledging the validity of her doubt. "I cannot be certain," he admitted, "but I am driven by an unshakable conviction that this is my purpose. I believe that together, we can create a corporation that will embrace ethics and compassion, one that will pioneer advancements in cybernetics without succumbing to the shadows of greed and power."

The silence that followed seemed to stretch on forever, but finally, Dr. Cross spoke, her voice measured yet tinged with a newfound interest. "You possess a vision that few dare to dream of, and your passion is evident. If what you say is true, then your quest is a noble one indeed. I will join your endeavor, but know this – I will not hesitate to hold you accountable if I find any deceit or ulterior motives."

Ethan's heart swelled with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Dr. Cross," he said sincerely. "Your expertise and brilliance will be invaluable to Umbrella Corp's success. Together, we can change the course of history and create a better future."

As they shook hands, a sense of camaraderie and purpose filled the air. The alliance between Ethan and Dr. Cross marked the beginning of a journey that would test their abilities and resilience to the limit. The Red Light District, with its neon glow and shadows, had become the birthplace of something extraordinary, a nexus of dreams and aspirations that would reshape the future.

With Dr. Cross by his side, Ethan knew that the path ahead would not be easy, but he was emboldened by the knowledge that he had found a kindred spirit – someone who believed in his vision and was willing to take a leap of faith with him. Together, they would seek out others like them, forging a team of extraordinary individuals who would become the heart and soul of Umbrella Corp.

As they left the Red Light District behind, Ethan's resolve grew stronger. The challenges ahead might be daunting, but he knew that with each step, they were one stride closer to creating a corporation that would shine amidst the neon glow of NightCity, a beacon of hope in a world marred by shadows. The journey had just begun, but the foundation of Umbrella Corp was laid – a foundation built on trust, determination, and the belief that a better future was within reach