

(principal walks in)

Principal* please excuse me, if you don't mind.

Miss Jerry* No no, go ahead.

Principal* Thank you Good day students. As earlier announced, you would be accommodating a new student. May I present to you, Nicole Maya Saviour.

(Nicole walks in)

Principal* Nicole, meet me in my office once its lunchtime. Have a nice day kids.

(Principal exits the class)

Alexia* Hey Nicki, come sit over here

(Nicole walks over to her and take a seat beside her)

Alexia* Hi, i am Alexia Da Jamie, behind me is Victoria Roberts.

Victoria* Nice to meet you.

Alexia* And behind you is Mia Diane Angelo.

Nicole* Nice to meet you all.

Victoria* Once you're done with the principal, we'll show you around.

Nicole* Thanks, I would love that.


(Emilia and is seen with two others at the cafeteria, each holding a tray and walking towards the lunch line)

Emilia*Don't you think they are giving that new kid a little too much attention.

Nina* A bit. What about you.

Emilia* Way too much attention.

(They take their food and get seated at an empty table across the room)

Prudence* She's a new kid, of course she'd get attention. I still remember when you were a new kid, everyone was talking about you for weeks.

Emilia* That was different. Back then, It was me. Who is she to get that much attention.

(Skyla, the school reporter walks up to them)

Skyla* Hey Emily. Do you mind if I asked you a few questions.

Emilia* Go ahead

Skyla* Okay thanks. Question one; How do you feel about the new kid in school

Emilia* Not good. I feel she's bad news

Nina* Tell me about it.

Skyla* Question two; Do you think she's getting too much attention?

Emilia* You see, that's exactly what I was talking. I think no one has gotten that much attention on their first day.

Skyla* Not even you?

Emilia* I hate to admit, but not even me

(Xavier, the school mayor walk in)

Xavier* Hey ladies

(They all respond)

Xavier* I hate to interrupt but has anyone of you seen Savi?

Skyla* Who??

Xavier* Maya

Emilia* What??

Xavier* Nicki

Nina* Huh??

(They all look confused except Xavier)

Skyla* Okay Xavi, I am gonna have to ask you to speak English

Xavier* Sorry. I am talking about Nicole. Do you know where she is?

(Emilia sighs)

Emilia* Probably somewhere she is not supposed to be.

Xavier* What's she talking about?

Skyla* Nothing serious. Nicole should be rounding up at the principals office

Xavier* Right. Induction. Thanks. Bye girls

(They respond)

Emilia* See what I was talking about. name is on the lips of every influential student in school

Prudence* Not just every influential student, she is on the lips of everyone in school.

Skyla* Okay, that will be enough for today. Thanks guys.

(Skyla writes down everything that was said in a small book and walks away)

Emilia* I dont like that Nicki girl.

(light fades slowly)