
Neko Girl

In a world unknown to humans, there lives a race of Nekos. When Hazel leaves the Neko world to find her soul mate, will she jeopardise their existence?

missrose25 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 6

Hazel immediately pulled away before demanding

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Casper replied and tried to kiss Hazel again but she wasn't having any of it.

"This can't happen Casper," Hazel couldn't believe what had just happened. Why did Casper kiss me? I am confused. "You have a mate,"

"I don't want her, I want you and I know you want me too," I can't believe Casper feels the same way about me, he never said anything but now he has and he is too late. I can't be with him now. I want my mate.

"Maybe I did once but I am 16 now Casper, I will meet my mate any day now,"

"You're kidding yourself if you believe that. It's been ages, you would have found him by now,"

"How can you say that?" I can't believe Casper's cruel words. I know my mate is out there, I just have got to be patient to meet him.

"Trust me, forget about him and be with me," Casper took my hands in his. "You will always be happy with me, I promise,"

"You would leave your mate just like that to be with me?"

"Yes," Casper replied without hesitating. "I love you,"

"We can't Casper, Sadie will be devastated,"

"I don't care, I want you. All you have to do is accept it and we can be together,"

"I can't do that," Hazel removed her hands from Casper's. "I'm sorry,"

Without another word, Hazel walked away.

By the time, Hazel made it home that day, she was more upset and confused than she had ever been. She couldn't believe Casper had admitted his feeling for her, it was sweet but then he had to spoil it by being cruel. He more or less said that I was never going to find my mate and should be with him instead of waiting. The nerve of him. He was right though, I should have found my mate by now. Where is he? What if he really is from the human world?

As soon as Tigger had seen Hazel rush up to her room, he had followed his older sister but Hazel didn't realise he was there until she almost stepped on him. However, she didn't acknowledge him, just ignored him. She wasn't in the mood for the kitten's silly antics with how upset she was.

"Haza?" Tigger tried to get his sister's attention.

"Not now Tigger," Hazel dismissed.

Tigger didn't listen and tried to get onto the bed without any luck. Hazel sighed and picked her younger brother up. She walked to the door and placed Tigger on the ground before closing the door behind and got back to her bed.

It was only a few seconds before Tigger began to cry and Hazel couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself. Tigger is only a kitten, he is innocent and doesn't deserve me treating him like this.

Hazel quickly jumped off her bed and made her way to the door. She pulled Tigger into her arms where he immediately stopped sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Tigger," Hazel apologised. "Please forgive me,"

Tigger snuggled his head into the crook of Hazel's neck and fell asleep and Hazel took that as a 'yes'. If only everyone was as sweet as Tigger was Hazel's final thought before she too fell asleep.

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