
Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Some time in the future Humanity conquers death! life continues, on and on in the endless stretches of a virtual paradise called Elysium. or at least that's what the Brochures used to stay. Elysium was no different from Earth, the only difference is that with each new reincarnation, you get a chance to live differently, better, and a chance to achieve more with pieces of your memories from your old life intact. But Elysium needs balance, why? no one really knows. but to keep that balance the death classes were created, and any who comes to posses such class or the traits that come with it; gains the ability to deliver the (True Death) a fitting end to immortality and endless life. and as such people with these classes are feared and hated. Now Rezar is spawned in a prison mine to serve a sentence of all eternity and all reincarnations as a slave. and all for a crime he doesn't remember commiting but knows that he did, now forced to live based on consequences from a life he also doesn't remember. but he tries to look at the bright side, there's much to achieve........the only downside would be the fear people have for him, after all.........who would want to shake hands with the Son Of Death. The cover image is made by UFAN studios! https://discord.gg/aCbKJX permanent discord link. Please check out my other WSA novel Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Anone · Jogos
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342 Chs

Claim 2

Rezar was caught off guard, because he honestly didn't expect that there would be this much people waiting for them in ambush, or there would even be anyone here at all. Necromancers had skills that were unfortunately not catered to dealing damage or being defensive, they didn't have debuffs as most dark priests, but they were good in deal DOT (damage over time) to their enemies.

But all classes were balanced, a necromancer would eventually have defensive skills and attacking skills that dealt higher than normal damage and didn't deal sustained amounts of damage over a certain amount of time.

After his necromancer class had advanced, Rezar had gotten four skills, the first had been [Summon Undead], the second was a basic attacking skill for black magic, which was pretty much different from dark magic as dark magic had to do with the darkness element in much the same way fireballs were born from the fire element. This skill was [Black Bolt] which also carried with it a 5% chance to reduce all stats of anyone struck with it by 50%.

And when you bring into question the other buffs brought on by his son of death title, then that percentage was pretty much higher than normal. He was literally born for this, however what was really taking the center stage here was a defensive skill, and this was practically the only one he had. Rezar had actually spent a significant amount of time training this skill on their way here, enough so that when another root and a lance of flame were blasted towards him, he was more than ready to bring it to a halt.

[Reaper's Wind Shield]

A concave screen of the deepest shade of black came into existence in front of him, easily absorbing the skills that were sent flying in his direction, and it happily replicated it and sent it shooting back at 200% their original power, smashing into a shocked dark dryad and her ground of friends, throwing their incoming formation into disarray. Rezar turned to look back at Gynaika, Priest was already healing her, a warm light spread all over her injured form as he tried to save her life.

Everyone else apart from her entourage who had crowded around her surged forwards towards the attacking group of enemies, and if Rezar had to be honest those enemies were pretty much stupid as he gave a silent order for his undead to go round and flank them. and this was a result of the third skill he had gained after advancing [ Undead Telepathy] and it was a passive rather than active skill, allowing him to control and give orders to his undead without having to say it out loud.

The shield fizzled out and Lenore shot past him, her rapier outstretched with its edges covered with lightning, which if Rezar had to be honest was a far cry from her previous fiery disposition and skills. But she was not the only who had move forwards as Screet had jumped high into the air and came down with so much force the very earth beneath his feet shook and cracked in response to the usage of his skill [Earth Tremor].

This threw the attackers off guard as Lenore's rapier pierced forwards like a bullet heading for the dryad's neck as she was still at the forefront. She crossed her hands in front of her face blocking the blow, but the blast of [Thunder Shock] that came next sent her flying back into her comrades as Brutus bulldozed his way into their formation after seemingly coming out of thin air.

he gored a female mage with the most intense prejudice, not even stopping as his horns pierced her and she released a scream of anguish. He moved his head left and right and flung her off his ivory horns now bloodied with her blood as he turned to face her companions, who were now realizing they weren't dealing with a normal party, especially since they were now able to notice the seemingly endless stream of undead ants and living cavern moles crawling down from the top of the rim.

"There's a necromancer here! Retreat! Retreat!" a man with a red themed iron armor yelled out to his comrades, but Rezar had no intention of letting the five in front of him escape.


[Black Bolt!]

The leader had a scroll in his hand, this was probably a teleportation scroll, and seeing how each of his comrades pulled one out, they were obviously prepared. The only difference was the dryad who was terribly injured and faced with a single minded Lenore who wanted nothing more than to lop of her head. If not for that, she couldn't escape as her very tree was planted here, she would have to uproot said tree and teleport with it.

Rezar ducked under a wild swing from a root, as eldritch black and purple chains shot out of his back heading for the four other members who were about to make their escape, seeing how it was taking so long to activate those teleportation scrolls, it seemed they were from a place that was not close by.

The chains stabbed through two of them, interrupting the teleportation, but the leader dragged the third member in front of him and let the chains pierce into his body, while he allowed the teleportation scroll fully activate. But as he was about to disappear into the portal that seemed to suck in his form, a ball of black formless energy smashed I to his chest, forcing him to spit out blood as he disappeared from the cove.

Rezar cursed softly as he turned his gaze to the only person that had not been subdued, and that was the dryad. But from the look of things, Lenore had her on the defensive, or at least it seemed that way until her tree literally picked itself up and surged forwards towards Lenore, using a speed that should not have been possible for a tree.


Rezar disappeared from his previous position, grabbing Lenore and moving out of the way as the tree and Dryad became one. The tree seemed to grow bigger and its roots thicker, Rezar couldn't help but think that somehow this had transition into a boss battle. Dryads are known for their intense skill over nature magic, even if she was a dark dryad that was born to feat on the blood and bones of the living, she was still dangerous. And ultimately, one thing still had to be considered, and that was their powerful defense.

Rezar was at an impasse, he needed answers, and the Dryad was the only member of the attackers still left alive. Rezar came to a stop six meters away from the giant tree that had taken the shape of a woman. The chains from his [Bind] skill hovered behind him as he shook the bodies of the other members off and looked at the dryad with all of his focus.

"I have some questions Dryad, and if you don't answer me, then I'll be using you for firewood tonight! So, what would it be?" Rezar asked with his eyes narrowed, however the answer he received was on he didn't expect; the Dryad just turned around… and ran away.

hope the combat wasn't too slow with this. thanks for reading everyone and God bless you all.

but do give suggest and ideas, especially seeing as he's building a kingdom and stuff, I don't know much about how these things work. don't forget to vote and review and please if you can, do support me on Pat-reon at KelvinCoKing(Anone). it would go a long way in helping me write easier. thanks

Anonecreators' thoughts