
The Adventure Begins

After the bloody battle Aaron takes the girl on his bike and flees the Moth Brothers camp .

After hours of riding the girl became tired and hungry plus the night was getting colder, though Aaron didn't feel non of those since he was now undead .

We will have to stop here for today said Aaron looking back at the girl who was tightly holding his waist in fear of the speed. Aaron made a fire and took out a can of beans open it up and gave it to the girl and she started to dig in showing how hungry she was.

They sat around the fire in total silence , Aaron was currently thinking of his new found power but before his mind could drift way to far the girl finally spoke her first words.

My name is Elina Rusborg and what's your name? she asked.

My name is Aaron he answered coldly.

Thank you for saving me from those dirty brutes back there Elina said.

What does a city girl doing in the wastelands?

Well we were on an exam until a sandstorm hit and I lost my teammates .

What Kind of a exam sets you out in such a dangerous place making you leave the safety of the walled cities ? said Aaron looking rather suspicious at Elaine .

Why are you looking at me like that? anyway I am a student at Blackwalmar Academy we are trained to be monster hunters and superheros Elina replied to Aaron.

As soon as he heard those words Aaron knew it was where he was supposed to go , since now he was sort of awakened.

Do you have superpowers ? asked Elina

Aaron thought long and hard , because he didn't want to reveal him self way to quickly to someone who he didn't trust but he also wanted a way into the school.

Yeah I have one as he took the empty tin and shaped it into a silver rose.

Wow Elina held he wide gapping mouth in amazement as the beautiful silver rose landed on her hands , that's telekinesis a very rare ability you could make a good hero.

And yours? Aaron asked .

Well am a healer as she kneeled closer to Aaron and held his face suddenly a white light started to glow in her palm.

Aaron felt a warm feeling on his face and saw Elina bleeding from underneath her eye he quickly pushed Elina's hands of his face. Don't ever do that said Aaron pointing at Elina's bleeding face .

Elina was surprised of these since nobody have ever stopped her from healing them, why did he refuse . Elina decide to be brave and asked Aaron why do you refuse am just returning a favor .

Aaron knew about such an ability, the healer was forced to the take the wounds of whoever she healed, and in these case Aaron had a couple of holes from the bullets and his heart was pierced by Moth's blade so if she tried to heal him she would die.

Aaron however didn't bother to entertain her but just answered by " go to sleep we have to go on a long trip and he laid back in the sand looking up at the stars.

Elina got angry and showed it by turning her back towards Aaron. Soon she fell asleep and Aaron on the other side was not sleepy but forced himself to sleep .

Morning came and Aaron was deep in a nightmare the same nightmare he had before he died but these time he was completely covered in darkness and his body couldn't move.

Elina woke up and looked at Aaron who seemed to be in pain, she then looked at him as if she was in love and puzzled. She then noticed a pool of blood next to him , she immediately paniced and gave Aaron a gentle slap to wake up.

The darkness that swallowed him soon was evaporated by light as he opened his eyes he saw Elina in tears banging his unbreathing chest. Why is she crying did something happen ? Aaron thought to himself .

Her hands were turning white she was gonna try and heal him but Aaron woke up and grabbed both of them before she could attempt anything . I said don't ever do that again you want to die Elina said Aaron.

I DON'T WANNA DO YOU WANNA DIE HUH? screamed Elina I saw you laying in a pool of blood and you weren't breathing I thought you died and ...

Don't get so emotional we only met yesterday said Aaron . Tell me do you think I can enroll at your school .


Yeah of course telekinesis is a rare and useful ability so you will be enrolled easily after passing the test but the problem is only one said Elina finally recovering her self.

What is it ?

At the city gates they will require an Identification Document and I lost mine so there is no way of entering the city you see she continued talking with her broad smile up and her face red after the crying .

I got a friend who can help us but we will have to cross the wastelandwoods, it's dangerous but if you only listen to me and please don't just go around healing people your talents are of most valuable here said Aaron with a cold and firm tone to make sure that Elina understands.

Yes Sir she responds with a sarcastic tone aimed to mock Aaron but doesn't respond back .

The gang prepares for leaving their camp side to head to the east side of the wastelands known for its dangerous monsters.

Three hours later they arrived at the edge of the WastelandWoods. The WastelandWoods is a forest full of trees but non of them had leaves but they were intertwined to form a thick conopy that almost prevented the sunlight from touching the floor.

Elina we have to continue forward on foot so we will leaving the bike here to avoid attracting unwanted attention OK said Aaron.

Elina however didn't seem to like Aaron's plan her face was filled with worry as she looked at the silent forest .

Are there monsters in there ? she asked looking at Aaron's cold face.

Are you scared?

No it's just that...

Don't worry I will protect you Aaron asured Elina as he brushed her hair . Elina's face went red after what he has don't so she looked away to hide her blushing face from Aaron.

How old are you anyways said Elina as she tried to change the subject.

Am nineteen he responded as he entered the woods , Elina followed him trying to hold up the oversized cloak so she can walk properly.

You are still young ain't you said Elina

Well you talk too much don't you Aaron responsnded .

The gang walked for about two hours until Elina request for a short break .

Am tired Aaron can't we take a break it's not like we are late for something right said Elina banging her back against a tree trunk.

Aaron looked around for any danger luckily he didn't sense or see anything.

OK its a short break not longer than thirty minutes you better rest well Aaron gave Elina her orders. She wanted to say something but Aaron stopped him with a bottle of water and tin of beans.

Aaron stood by admiring his Blood Blade. It was completely red from hilt to tip. Aaron was soon lost in his memories trying to figure out the system , but Elina screams disturbed him. It seems like she saw Aaron distracted and wondered of.

He ran to the direction of the screaming and found Elina hugging a tree and a few feet away was a creature that seemed human but with rotting flesh, it wore rotting remains of clothes and it's hands were covered with long black claws .

[Ekimmu level 7]


[Description : ???]

EELIINNA OVER HERE screamed out Aaron but Elina was so too afraid to even run she just closed her eyes and shoke in fear.

Damn these girl how many times must I die for her as he dashed forward the Ekimmu with his blood sword raised up .

Cliiing!!! his blade collided with the Ekimmu's metal like claws , the Ekimmu retaliate by digging his claws in Aaron.

By using telekinesis he pushed the Ekimmu into a tree and jumped for the kill but with its inhumane reflex it dodged the attack and and swiped at Aaron again these time on the face.

Damn you Ekimmu I will murder you again Aaron said and immediately caught the Ekimmu with his telekinesis making sure that it couldn't claw him again take these as he launched him self to the Ekimmu with the blood blade charging a blue electricity .

The blade went straight into the beasts skull and exploded . A blinding light was produced and after that the creature was dust.