
Necromancer: From Trash to SSS Tier Job Class

Hey there! So you think necromancy is the weakest class, huh? You're not alone. Most people frown upon it for its weak close combat, reliance on slow undead soldiers, high mana consumption, and concentration. But hey, if there was a voting contest for the strongest class, the Sword God would definitely take the crown. And the weakest? You guessed it, necromancy would be the trashiest of the trash. But hold on to your bones, folks! Something strange is happening in the necromancy world. Suddenly, it's become an SSS Tier class! What the heck?! Join us on this comical and epic adventure with Kyoma as he shows you how to turn this trashy occupation into a god-slaying, tier-skilling class. Get ready for some seriously funny (and undead) business as we unravel this strange phenomenon. Who knew that raising the dead could be so darn powerful? So grab your sense of humour and come along for the ride. Let's see just how much we can slay with our zombie army!

Daoistgs9YKT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Training and coordination

+128 experience points

+123 experience points

+111 experience points

+114 experience points

+99 experience points


Kyoma and Rina were wandering through the wild boar territory, engaging in hunting and power levelling. Given the risks involved in the goblin expedition, it was essential for both of them to increase their strength and hone their teamwork in battle. Hunting wild boars provided the best opportunity to accomplish these goals.


"Fire arrow!"



"Hobgoblin, smash"

"Dark arrows"

As Kyoma and Rina's coordination improved, they began to refine their hunting skills, no longer needing to use all-out attacks like conjuring a large fireball to kill a single wild boar. They experimented with different spells and battle formations to find what worked best for them. They discovered that launching an array of dark arrows and fire arrows was effective in producing more damage per second, and that "Fire chains" paired well with Kyoma's hobgoblin's smash for an excellent combo.

Despite their improving coordination, there were still mishaps that occurred during their hunting of wild boars. One such incident happened when the windcutter rabbit jumped in to attack a wild boar, just as Rina was casting an area-of-effect scorch spell that nearly hit the rabbit. Fortunately, the rabbit narrowly escaped with only a singed tail, leaving a bald patch where its fur had been burnt.

After taking down a good number of wild boars, Kyoma and Rina found themselves with full backpacks and had to leave some loot behind. Despite being wasteful, they had no other choice as the wild boars were as big as cows and their storage could only hold the resources from five of them. However, Kyoma didn't want to waste anything and used some of the hides to create cloaks for his goblins and rabbit, providing them with extra armour. With their leather drapes, they all looked like formidable hunters. Rina, on the other hand, refused to wear the cloak, claiming it would damage her reputation.

Kyoma and Rina steadily progressed towards the Southern forest, taking occasional breaks to rest. During these breaks, Kyoma would attempt to complete his final cycle of the Yin and Yang breathing technique.

<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 5/5>

<Loran's Ring Quest of the Day completed, granting +5 Strength, +5 Agility, and +1 Physical Resistance>

<Next quest unlocks in 46 minutes>

After finishing the quest assigned by Loran's Ring, Kyoma sensed a surge of vitality that refreshed the damage and fatigue that had accumulated on his body, giving him a feeling of levelling up. The stress of continually hunting wild boars and travelling was washed away, and Kyoma felt rejuvenated. However, the mental fatigue of keeping his guard up all the time still persisted, and the ring could not refresh it. Therefore, even though his body was capable of combat, it was essential for Kyoma to take a break.

Kyoma, following his usual routine, prepared a meal consisting of wild boar meat and vegetables he had gathered from plant-type monsters they had encountered on their journey. As the sun began to set quickly, Kyoma and Rina decided to set up camp for the night in a relatively secure area. The tall cliff behind them provided protection while the surrounding dense foliage offered cover.

Kyoma is an experienced outdoor cook who can turn the tough and gamey wild boar meat into a delicious dish. He knows how to combine the meat with a variety of fresh vegetables, harvested from the plant-type monsters that roam the forest, to create a nutritious and flavorful meal. Using a makeshift stove and utensils, Kyoma expertly grills and sautés the ingredients, infusing them with aromatic herbs and spices. The result is a mouth-watering feast that fuels his body and satisfies his taste buds after a long day of hunting and adventuring.

Kyoma and Rina sat around the campfire, enjoying their meal of grilled wild boar meat and sautéed plant vegetables. The meat was tender and juicy, with a smoky flavour from the fire. The vegetables were a mix of greens and root vegetables, providing a satisfying crunch with each bite. As they ate, they chatted about their adventures so far and made plans for the next day's journey. The cool night air and the warmth of the fire made for a cosy atmosphere, and the sound of crickets in the background added to the peaceful ambience. It was a moment of respite from the dangers of their quest, and they savoured it as they ate their meal.


As they journeyed and hunted, their levels steadily increased. Kyoma had now reached level 6, while Rina was still at level 8. Together, they had successfully taken down over 10 wild boars and a handful of other plant-type monsters, which rewarded them with a significant amount of experience points. After an extended period of fighting and travelling, both of them were exhausted, feeling as if their bodies weighed as much as lead as they collapsed onto their respective sleeping bags.

Kyoma checked the Loran's ring and saw that the daily quest had refreshed. He concentrated his mind to read the details of the quest.

<Loran's Ring Quest of the Day>

Objective: Complete 10 rounds of the Apprentice Level Yin and Yang breathing technique.

Difficulty Level: Basic

Time Limit: 24 hours (24 hours remaining)

Rewards: +7 Strength and Agility, +2 Physical Resistance, Unknown ring special function

Penalty: Unknown

The latest quest was more challenging, requiring Kyoma to complete 10 rounds of the Yin and Yang breathing technique at the Apprentice level within 24 hours. However, what caught his attention was the unknown special function of the Loran's ring as a reward. Kyoma was both excited and cautious, knowing the ring's potential was vast and powerful, and its secrets must be kept hidden. Being a saint-level artifact, the ring's value was immense, and many would go to great lengths to obtain it. Kyoma pledged to keep the ring's existence a secret, as revealing it could bring danger and chaos to his life. He imagined armies of assassins being sent after him if the ring's existence became known, so he knew that the ring was too precious to be shared with anyone else.

Kyoma and Rina, with no other tasks at hand, settled down for their individual meditative training. Rina assumed a cross-legged meditative posture and drew in fire-type mana particles, while Kyoma began his practice of the Yin and Yang breathing technique.

<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 1/10>

<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 2/10>

<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 5/10>


Kyoma pushed his body to the limit by completing five sets of the Yin and Yang breathing technique. As a result, he was covered in filth from the impurities that had been expelled from his body. However, he noticed a significant improvement in his physical appearance; his skin was now as clear as a toddler's, with improved elasticity and no impurities. In addition to his physical transformation, Kyoma also experienced a qualitative improvement in his body control. His five senses had become sharper, allowing him to hear the rustling of leaves from afar and see the individual specks of dust on the ants crawling around him, as if he were using a microscope.

Kyoma noticed a significant increase in his physical abilities after emulating a punch with his fist. The force of his strike was twice as strong as when he fought the mutated hobgoblin boss. His speed and strength had effectively doubled, and he felt confident that he could clear the dungeon with ease without resorting to tactics. Surprisingly, he had only completed the Yin and Yang breathing technique ten times with perfect execution, and it had already doubled his power. Kyoma wondered how much stronger he would become if he continued to practice the technique every day.

Rina finished her meditation training after Kyoma. She explained that as a mage, it was crucial to enter a meditative state regularly to absorb mana from the environment. This constant absorption would enhance their mana and ultimately lead to an increase in strength. With high levels of mana, mages could cast more powerful spells.

Rina released a tired yawn, having spent the whole day travelling and fighting alongside Kyoma. Despite the exhausting journey, Rina was content with the adventure as it provided her with the opportunity to savour scrumptious food she had never tasted before in this world. In her previous expeditions with Soma and others, they were limited to hard and stale bread, and dried meat for sustenance. Having the privilege to relish in hot, succulent, and appetising meals was truly a luxury that only a few adventurers could indulge in. After bidding each other goodnight, Rina dozed off while Kyoma kept watch for potential threats. They had arranged to take turns being sentry to ensure their safety, with Kyoma volunteering to take the first shift.

Kyoma was skilled at commanding his undead companions, but even they needed rest. Unlike other undead creatures in this world, Kyoma's undeads were sentient and capable of independent thought, thanks to the hidden effect of assimilation. This allowed them to act as more than mindless drones that could only follow basic commands. However, this also meant that they could experience mental fatigue and needed rest. Kyoma was probably the only necromancer in this world with such an army of undead. As for the mutated hobgoblin, it was possible that the mutation had granted it some level of sentience

Once Rina went to sleep, Kyoma stretched his exhausted body to relieve the tension that had accumulated in his muscles throughout the long day. Kyoma stretched his limbs and torso, reaching his arms overhead and leaning to each side to loosen his muscles. He then leaned forward to touch his toes, feeling the stretch in his hamstrings and lower back. He also did some hip circles and shoulder rolls to ease the tension in those areas. After a few minutes of stretching, Kyoma felt more limber and ready to continue with his training.

After resting for a sufficient amount of time, he resumed practising the Yin and Yang breathing technique to further enhance his physical strength.

"Huuu..... Haaaaaa....."

<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 6/10>


<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 9/10>

After a gruelling night of training, it was now Rina's turn to keep watch while Kyoma succumbed to his mental exhaustion and collapsed into a deep slumber within seconds. Kyoma fell asleep around 2 am and didn't stir until the sun rose at 6:30 am, providing them with an adequate 5 hours of rest each - which was enough for adventurers like them. After freshening up and enjoying a wholesome breakfast prepared by Kyoma, they set out on their journey towards the Southern forest.