
Necromancer: From Trash to SSS Tier Job Class

Hey there! So you think necromancy is the weakest class, huh? You're not alone. Most people frown upon it for its weak close combat, reliance on slow undead soldiers, high mana consumption, and concentration. But hey, if there was a voting contest for the strongest class, the Sword God would definitely take the crown. And the weakest? You guessed it, necromancy would be the trashiest of the trash. But hold on to your bones, folks! Something strange is happening in the necromancy world. Suddenly, it's become an SSS Tier class! What the heck?! Join us on this comical and epic adventure with Kyoma as he shows you how to turn this trashy occupation into a god-slaying, tier-skilling class. Get ready for some seriously funny (and undead) business as we unravel this strange phenomenon. Who knew that raising the dead could be so darn powerful? So grab your sense of humour and come along for the ride. Let's see just how much we can slay with our zombie army!

Daoistgs9YKT · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Loran's Ring Hidden Feature Unlocked

A large forest with tall trees reaching towards the sky, their branches interlocking to create a canopy overhead. Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. The forest floor is covered in a thick layer of green undergrowth, dotted with wildflowers. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, creating a soft, soothing sound that fills the air. The forest is alive with the sounds of birds chirping, insects buzzing, and small animals rustling through the undergrowth. It's a peaceful and serene scene that invites one to stop and take a deep breath of fresh air.

The idyllic peace of the forest was suddenly shattered by the sound of Kyoma's frantic footsteps and Rina's panicked breathing as they ran for their lives. The rustling of leaves and the snapping of twigs could be heard as the stampede of goblins closed in on them. The once serene forest was now filled with chaos and terror as the pair made their way through the dense foliage, hoping to find a way to escape the relentless pursuit. The wildlife that once roamed freely now cowered in fear, seeking refuge from the approaching danger. The tranquillity of the forest had been replaced with the deafening sound of goblin roars and the clanging of weapons as the stampede drew ever closer.

As Kyoma and Rina ran for their lives, Rina began chanting spells under her breath, aiming her spells at the hobgoblin stampede behind them. With each spell, a blast of magic erupted from her fingertips, hitting the goblins with deadly accuracy. Despite being carried, Rina managed to keep her balance and continue her barrage of spells, giving Kyoma a small window of time to catch his breath.

Kyoma couldn't help but feel grateful for Rina's quick thinking and skill with magic. As they continued to run, the goblin horde grew closer and closer, their angry roars and stomps echoing through the forest. But Rina didn't falter; she continued chanting and casting spells, her eyes fixed on their pursuers.

Kyoma continued to run deeper into the forest, trying to lose the goblin horde that was chasing him. He could hear their angry shouts and the thudding of their footsteps behind him. Kyoma could feel Rina's grip tightening around his neck as she chanted spells and shot back at the goblins with her wand. Kyoma dodged arrows and rocks that were being thrown his way, but some still managed to hit him, causing him to stumble.

As they ran deeper into the forest, Kyoma realized that he had lost his sense of direction. The trees around them had grown denser and the underbrush had become thicker, making it difficult to see where they were going. Kyoma could feel himself getting more and more exhausted, but he couldn't stop running. He knew that if he did, the goblins would catch up to them.

Suddenly, Kyoma heard a loud growling noise coming from his left. He turned to see a black bear. It was smaller and less imposing than the notorious C-rank Tyrant bear that typically roamed the central region of the forest. This black bear was likely a descendant of the Tyrant bear, but it posed a weaker threat.

"It's a D-rank threat Red-eyed Bear!" Rina shouted as she caught sight of the animal.

Kyoma, still running with Rina in his arms, narrowly dodged the charging Red-eyed Bear. The bear was not happy with being avoided and immediately turned around, ready to charge again. However, before it could make another move, it was suddenly mowed down by the goblin stampede that had caught up to Kyoma and Rina.

The goblins swarmed over the bear, ripping and tearing at its fur with their sharp claws and teeth. Some of the goblins even began to fight amongst themselves for a piece of the bear's flesh. Kyoma and Rina stopped in their tracks, stunned by the sudden turn of events. They watched in horror as the goblins devoured the bear alive.

Rina shuddered at the gruesome sight and whispered to Kyoma, "We have to keep moving. We can't stay here."

Kyoma nodded, his face grim. Kyoma felt relieved when he saw the Red-eyed Bear slowing down the goblin stampede. It gave him a few precious moments to run further away from the horde. However, his relief was short-lived as the goblin stampede quickly resumed the chase. Kyoma ran deeper into the southern forest, and the trees and foliage became thicker and denser.

"Cursed barrier!!" Kyoma activated the cursed barrier, causing a protective layer of energy to envelop him as a surge of curse energy exuded from the Loran's ring.

As he ran, more powerful monsters appeared, serving as a meatshield for the goblin stampede. He could hear the sound of combat from behind, as the goblins fought with the monsters to clear a path towards Kyoma. He could see the occasional flash of magic and hear the sound of weapons clashing.

Despite the obstacles, Kyoma continued to run, not daring to slow down or look back. He knew that any hesitation could mean his death. He felt Rina's weight in his arms, and he was grateful for her chanting spells, which occasionally took out a goblin or a monster. Kyoma was not sure how long he had been running, but he could feel his energy waning. He was not sure how much longer he could keep this up.

"Squeak squeak!!" The windcutter rabbit scurried over to Kyoma, emitting excited squeaks and pointing towards a towering waterfall up ahead. It was the perfect escape route, as they could climb upstream and evade the pursuing goblin horde. Kyoma and his group sprinted towards the waterfall, nimbly avoiding the savage assaults from various monsters lurking in the forest.

Tigers lunged at them, giant mantises attempted to slice them to pieces, and enormous lizards snapped their jaws in their direction. The curse barrier managed to deflect some of the attacks, but there were still some that hit Kyoma after the barrier was breached. Those who attacked Kyoma then became obstacles for the goblins, sacrificing themselves to slow down the horde's advance. As the goblins fought through the beasts, Kyoma leapt into the waterfall and discovered an air pocket, a safe haven for his group.

As they hid under the waterfall, Kyoma and his group could hear the goblin stampede running past them. The sound of the goblins' footsteps gradually faded away as they continued their chase deeper into the forest.

Kyoma let out a sigh of relief and turned to his companions, "Is everyone alright?"

Rina nodded, "Yes, we're all fine. Thanks to your rabbit for spotting the waterfall."

The Windcutter Rabbit twitched its nose and nodded in response.

Kyoma sat down on a rock and took a deep breath. "We should rest here for a while before we continue."

As they rested, Kyoma couldn't help but think about the dangerous creatures they had encountered in the Southern Forest. He knew that they needed to be more careful if they wanted to survive in this place.

Moreover, as Kyoma delved deeper into the southern forest, the environment became increasingly hostile and perilous. Surviving in this area was beyond the capacity of mere F and G-ranked adventurers like Rina and Kyoma. If they wished to escape alive, they must first determine their location and strengthen themselves to stand a chance against the powerful monsters that lurked around every corner. Even the smallest creature could prove lethal at this stage of the forest. Kyoma took a deep breath, wincing in agony from the injuries inflicted upon him during his harrowing escape from the dark goblins, the pursuing goblin horde, and the relentless assaults from the monsters that ambushed them. His back bore a large claw mark left by a ferocious tiger that had pounced upon him, and several wounds inflicted by the goblin horde remained firmly embedded in his flesh.

Kyoma's entire body throbbed with pain, rendering him almost immobile. Each slight movement he made felt like it could send him to the brink of death. With the mutated hobgoblin's assistance, Kyoma gritted his teeth and had every lodged arrow pulled out of his back, an excruciating experience that felt like he was in the depths of hell. Despite his agony, Kyoma refused to let it hinder him from taking a leap of faith. After gathering his composure and regulating his breathing, he began to execute the final yin and yang breathing technique to fulfil his daily quest..

<Incorrect execution of Yin and Yang breathing technique. Progress: 9/10>

"Arghh!!" Kyoma's body convulsed in agony with every incorrect execution of the Yin and Yang breathing technique. When the slightest movement caused him immense pain due to the injuries he had sustained, the physical demands of the technique which were akin to sprinting a 100m race at top speed, caused Kyoma to experience unbearable pain as he attempted to execute it.

<Incorrect execution of Yin and Yang breathing technique. Progress: 9/10>

Despite his heavily injured body, Kyoma pushed himself to execute the Yin and Yang breathing technique to complete his daily quest. However, with each attempt, his injuries worsened, causing him to lose more blood and HP. The pain was so intense that he was on the verge of losing consciousness, but Kyoma gritted his teeth and persevered. He knew that he had to complete his daily quest no matter what.

With concern etched on her face, Rina watched Kyoma as he writhed in agony. She owed him her life - he had valiantly shielded her from stray arrows and ferocious monster attacks, allowing her to escape unharmed. Seeing him suffer so much filled Rina with worry and concern.

<Incorrect execution of Yin and Yang breathing technique. Progress: 9/10>

Despite the excruciating pain that tormented his entire body, Kyoma persisted in his attempts to execute the yin and yang breathing technique. However, his injuries made it nearly impossible to achieve the perfect form, causing him to fail repeatedly. It was akin to an Olympic sprinter with a broken ankle attempting to sprint flawlessly while ignoring the agony with every step. The pain was unbearable, worse than death. Kyoma was on the brink of losing consciousness, but he pushed through and finally succeeded on his next attempt.

<Yin and Yang breathing technique executed correctly. Progress: 10/10>

<Loran's Ring Quest of the Day completed, granting +7 Strength, +7 Agility, and +2 Physical Resistance>

<Loran's Ring Special Function Unlocked: Spatial Storage>

<Next quest unlocks in 3 hours 12 minutes>

After completing the daily quest, Kyoma felt the surge of energy from the Loran's ring flow through his body, repairing the damages he had accumulated and strengthening his body. As the wounds from the arrows and claws closed at a rapid rate, the muscle aches were washed away by a refreshing sense of vitality that flowed through him. It was akin to soaking in a warm tub of water in an onsen, taking a deep breath that soothed his soul. The only thing that remained was the fatigue in Kyoma's brain, which could not be washed away. With no more injuries to bear, Kyoma did not have to expend any more willpower to fight against the pain.

Rina watched in amazement as Kyoma's body recovered instantly, as if he had consumed a high-grade recovery potion that cost a fortune. However, Rina's surprise was short-lived, as she had seen many magical products during her time as a princess, including a potion that could restore an entire limb. Therefore, Kyoma's quick recovery was not particularly surprising to her.