
Cam Girl

(A/N: Make sure to throw a few nice words in the comment section.)

A few things Balefire is now aware of.

1. He is reborn as a young man called Ashton.

2. The world he is in is mysterious despite having no Mana.

3. He is in a humongous city.

4. The Phone artifact is very important and they have talking assistants inside.

5. There is someone that killed him out there and he may get targeted again if he walked out carelessly.

6. He has a fresh corpse in his wardrobe and he needs to deal with it before the smell gets out.

Now, he is face to face with an entity he mistook for a genie before.


<Hello! How can I help you tonight?>

"What is this world?"

<According to the encyclopedia: In its most general sense, the term "world" refers to the totality of entities, to the whole of reality or to everything that was, is and will be.>

"How profound! Still, not quite what I am asking about." Balefire pondered, "What country am I in?"

<You're currently in the independent Titan city.>

Balefire never heard of such a city before.

"Tell me about Titan City." He said.

<According to the encyclopedia, Titan city is one of the largest free independent cities in the world. It is located on the Coast of the Republic of California.>

"Tell me about the Republic of California."

<According to the encyclopedia, the Republic of California was formed after the Black Fall by 3 years in the year 20XX. It is part of the Blue House alliance and the North American union.>

"What date is today?"

<It is Friday, June the 7th, 20XX.>

"Show me the world map."

<According to…>

And that just now was the first few minutes of the encounter between Balefire and the world's best search engine assistant.

Balefire spared the search lady no question and it spared him no answer. Just by his good luck, he happened to run into that software early to understand many things about the world and even about the device he is holding.

He is in a city called Titan city, a city owned by a corporate entity known as Titan International. This company is the seat of power to this city which completely owns it. In other words, the only law in this place is the law of Titan Inc.

After a certain event known as the "Black Fall" which led to the bankruptcy of every nation on Earth, a lot of corporate entities came into power by building cities and inviting their workers in while providing them with the best treatment. This is what led to the appearance of hundreds of Free Cities around the world which the nations have no power in controlling.

Every free city was basically its own country and they held some minor connection to the outside nations out of courtesy to trade resources and materials. By this year, the world has 112 Free Cities spread across a few nations, 22 of them alone are in North America.

As for the inner workings of Titan city itself, the situation was about how much one is worth.

Economically, one must gain some sort of cryptocurrency known as Titan Credits which at the same time are Shares in the city. One must own at least 1 Mega Credit in order to stay as a low-end citizen of the city known as Outer Citizen.

1 Titan Credit equals 1000 Hyper Credits.

1 Hyper Credit equals 1000 Mega Credits.

1 Mega Credit equals 1000 Crypto Credits.

And that 1 Crypto Credit is every day's money as one wound needs at least 20 Crypto Credits (commonly known as Creds or CC) to buy a decent meal for one.

And that's just what he understood from a full hour of mind-blowing conversation with myPhone Assistant.

Balefire tried to broaden his knowledge about the world. He learned that the talkative mirror artifact is called a TV which he can control by voice commands, he also learned that the other gadget on the desk over there is called a laptop but it was too advanced for him to figure out.

There was that good feature about the Phone which was what he understood to be an artificial eye. It later turned out to be called a camera and through it, one can tell the phone to search things for him.

For example, once Balefire opened the kitchen, he pointed the phone towards the fridge which he never knew about which made the phone define it through its shape as a fridge which turned out to be a very amazing artifact.

The first meal Balefire took in this world from the fridge was cold noodles which he still enjoyed despite how horrible it tasted.

"Alright, myPhone. What information can you tell me about… myself?" He asked the phone which was on the kitchen table.

<You seem like a funny, outgoing, kind-hearted person.>

"Oh…" Balefire was touched as he put down the noodle cup, "I am sorry… you must have been talking about your previous master. Sadly, I am not asking about that."

The smartphone was a great conversation partner but its intelligence was limited and it would only respond if addressed.

"Alright, myPhone, view my information."

<Loading your social profile.>


Ashton Rhodes <Profile Picture>

Profile Details:-

• Work

— "Freelancer" at "…"

• Education

— Graduated from "North Hopkins High"

• Places Lived

— Titan city (currently)

— Titan city (hometown)

• Contact Info

— Email: A4Ashton@mymail.com

— Phone: +1xxxxxxxxxx

• Basic Info

— Gender: Male

— Birthday: January 25, 20XX (25 years old)

— Languages: English

— Religious views: None

— Political views: None

— Interested in: Men & Women

• Relationship

— Single

• Family Members

— None


"Such in-depth information! Well done, myPhone."

This profile thingy had a formal picture of the previous owner of this body putting a slight smile but it looked rather younger than the face he saw in the mirror.

For the first time, Balefire understood how to use the touch monitor which left him in awe until he reached the end of this social profile. Funny enough, it was a part of a much greater thing that had other people registered on it as well.

"But for such a young man to have no relationship or family. It is of convenience to me yet also feels like he was a terribly lonely existence." Balefire sighed, "Either way, it is nothing that matters to me."

Finally he put the phone down and decided to start searching this room for any items of value. If doesn't know what it is, he will just use myPhone's assistant ability to see things through that eye called a camera then make it identify things for him.

The room has a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a TV table, a couch, a dresser, and a few drawers. It didn't take much for Balefire to gather every single piece of clothing, paper, personal item, and gadget hidden in that room and put most of them on the bed.

Aside from the laptop, the phone, and the TV which he was most fascinated with, the rest of the items were pretty mundane even in his eyes.

He made a list of the items he found.

1. A notebook that had a bunch of papers jammed between its pages.

2. A dossier filled with pictures of many people which are impossible to be painted judging by how realistic they look.

3. A folder made of lean smooth material that holds various official-looking documents.

4. A few small items that are mostly involved with wires which myPhone assistant identified as accessories then it got summed up with the other personal items.

5. A number of 2 artifacts which were identified as professional cameras.

6. A small leathery bag holding many cards which seemed really important.

7. A large collection of clothes which all fit this large body. Some of these clothes were (as weird as it may seem) fit to a female with a much smaller build than Ashton's.

8. A bunch of miscellaneous items gathering dust in the storage such as bags and old belongings.

Such strange and bizarre items of alien materials and different qualities overwhelmed the old mind of Balefire. He stood in front of them thinking.

"For all my years, I knew the future would bring about wondrous things. What I never expected was the fact how they will be so… mundane." He said.

The last thing that remained was the corpse in his wardrobe and by that time, Balefire could tell that this was no corpse at all.

"They even made things I would mistake for corpses. Genius!" He said as he held the girl from her waist and brought her out.

Her limbs were stiff like the dead but her skin was more tender than most of the living yet it had no warmth or life to it. On top of all, she was naked and her body was the stuff of legends. Even the Seductress of Rosehill would kill to get such a figure.

As he put the body on the chair before the desk, he crouched down to look into what it truly is.

The boobs were squishy, bouncy, and unimaginably flexible with a texture almost like real skin. The body also had a nice neck that can be moved by pushing the head around. On top of all that, she seemed to possess a vagina and an anus that seemed to be dry and extremely tight.

"I think I have a rough idea what…"


As Balefire was about to figure things out, the phone made a tune that immediately shifted his attention. He held it and powered the screen to see what was going on to get this notification right on.

«You can control your "Lisa" from here.»

The push notification was vague but as soon as he tapped on it, a screen with a figure taking the same pose as that body appeared.

He tried to ask myPhone Assistant for information about what was going on but the all-knowing assistant seemed clueless.

Nervously, he navigated through the app in front of him and found many sittings to choose from such as Pose, Sound, Manual, Settings, and Info. Instinctively, he tapped on Info for knowledge about the situation.

The first line came as "Thank you for choosing our Realistic Personal Love Doll…" and it all made itself clear afterward.

"A Sex Doll, of course, who would make love to a guy with the body of an orc if not an inanimate jerking doll? But to be so lifelike? Even if I sculpted the flesh of a maiden, it wouldn't come this perfect." He exclaimed.

He tried the app for a while until he figured it out. It seemed that he could give some commands to the doll to make certain motions with its limbs and produce sounds from within as well as many things else but it could do an action as balanced as walking or even standing since the proportions of its body were not designed for that.

He let go of the sex doll and took up one of the two cameras which the moment he held it properly, a strong sensation came to his body.

"Such an amount of muscle memory synchrony! Is this the tool of his craft?" Balefire wondered as he examined the camera, "Long time ago, I invaded a Dwarf kingdom and laid waste to it until I captured their Master Craftschief. He refused to forge a cursed sword for me thus I killed him and inhabited his body to forge the blade myself. That feeling I got from that camera artifact came to me when I held the crafting hammer of the Craftschief in his body. Truly remarkable!"

As if he has a new mind in his own, somehow he figured out how to power up the camera, direct it with accuracy, and capture a photo for the sex doll.

"It felt natural."

So Ashton was some sort of a photographer. Balefire would come to know this word later but he figured the jest of it by now.

"An artifact that can capture moments of time into inanimate reflections then somehow apply them on paper… if I had something like that in the past, I would have exposed those Inquisition Bastards before the world… such a powerful tool!"

After the sex doll and the camera, Balefire skimmed through the rest of Ashton's belongings before reorganizing them back where he felt they should be. Weird enough, he extracted a large amount of trash from the room and started piling them in a trash bag. He might have been a Lich for the past hundred years but he is a Lich famous for always cleaning behind himself.

What remained now was the few dossiers he found.

One of them had a contract for renting a room, it also had a contract for owning a scooter, and some personal official papers. There were also some papers labeled as arrest warrants and some police orders to prevent harassment.

It seemed that Ashton had some sort of attitude.

The second dossier had images of people printed on paper. Some of them were in some bad situations, some of them were showing hostility, others were hiding. None of these photos made any sense but something about them felt serious.

There was a fiber wallet with some cards, one of them was a social security card and a couple of key cards that seemed to unlock something as well as some credit cards. Each card's function was labeled on it.

However, there was one last dossier that held a single sheet of paper. Balefire took it out and started to read it slowly.

"Temporary Restraining Order… In the Justice Court of Titan city, California… Jacob, Dakota, & April Rhodes (applicants) vs. Ashton Rhodes (adverse party)… A temporary restraining order for protection against Stalking, Aggravated Stalking, and Harassment… You, the Adverse Party, are hereby notified not to approach the (Applicants) in person or their registered residences by the distance off… Any Intentional Violation of the court order is a Criminal Violation…"

Balefire frowned.

Jacob, Dakota, and April Rhodes against Ashton Rhodes…

"So a family outcast a member of theirs. Such a world indeed!"

Balefire didn't bother but this was enough for him for one day. His mind was already filled with all of this and that.

"Nothing in this world makes sense to me." He couldn't help but complain.

That was until his phone started making notification sounds.

<You have one unread message!>

"Of course, this artifact is used for communication as well. Why didn't I think of that?" Balefire sighed as he discovered something plainly obvious which he missed from the start.

Without even asking the myPhone Assistant to do it for him, he tapped on the notification which directly opened the message for him. His little experiment made him understand that he can handle this phone with much the constant assistance of the myPhone Assistant.

He was finally seeing what message he received and it seemed like it was Maia, the girl from earlier.

<Maia: Here's the free access link to my webcam stream. It expires after one use. [URL]>

Yes, it is that thing she traded for 50 Credits. He wasn't sure if it was worth it or not but he had to show some friendly attitude and accept her offer in order to receive help from her in the future.

He wasn't sure what to expect but he looked at the window and noticed that the city didn't turn off its light even though he could till it was the middle of the night.

Just to be safe, Ashton dragged the heavy dresser and positioned it behind his door. He wouldn't want to be snuck at by an assassin or anything like how it happened with Ashton.

Once he made sure it would be safe for now, he returned to where he was and couldn't figure out what to do next except to investigate that thing Maia sent. And he innocently did.

The screen switched to a landscape mode and he tilted his head to see better as the image of Maia appeared on the screen while sitting in her room.

[ … Thank you guys so much for coming today. I'm so happy. Thank you for the tip Guso69 and pink_dolphin. Oh? You want me to do it… now? Boys, you're so bad! You should at least wait for the others to arrive… ]

It was indeed that girl Maia but many things were strangely different.

She was wearing something very erotic nightgown which Balefire will come to know later as a babydoll and her voice was very womanly.

"Is she possessed by something?" He couldn't help but ask that question.

Somehow, her current appearance was so girly and feminine that he felt like really getting swayed by her, especially when she started to act cute. Still, once his mind remembered how her voice was when she spoke to him a while ago, he felt the pressure around his crotch lessen significantly.

[ … Do you like this thing I am wearing? Yes, you are right, tanaka108. It is the same thing Lisa was wearing… you suckers are all simps for Lisa, don't you? I'm glad you love it anyway… ]

Lisa? The name sounded familiar for some reason as if Balefire just heard it a little while ago but he wasn't focusing on anything else now. He slowly fixed the phone on the bed and kept watching.

Maia was talking to some people who had weird names. She was slowly exposing more skin, fixing herself around to show the bulge between her legs and at some point, she started removing the top part of the babydoll.

She did it so slowly lol but after a full minute, she was completely topless.

Her skin was so beautiful and her face was unarguably cute especially when she leaned over toward the screen and started playing with her pink nipples.

Maia returned back and mischievously laughed as she channeled all her cute energy towards her viewers in the stream and the chat exploded with messages. Many premium messages were starting to pile up until the milestone meter at the left side of the screen reached its first target.

[ … Oh my gosh! Finally, guys. I guess you all are ready for it. Wow! I've been sitting on this one for some time now you gonna freak out… Well, to all 300 of you watching, get your eyes ready to be blessed… ]

Maia changed the position of her legs and opened them up to the camera. She held the side of the panties she was wearing and smiled with a wink as she pulled it to the side.

What was exposed there was a small penis that seemed to have been leaking precum since the beginning of the stream. Maia held her little semi-erect penis and pressed on its pinky head after pulling back the foreskin.

[ … It's hopelessly small. A smol little clitty… It can't be compared to a real man's dick… or something like this… ]

She laughed cutely after saying so and started pushing her waist up in front of the cam.

She was filming the entire time on her bed and hadn't moved away from her spot because if she moved, she would have exposed something so scary.

"Holy…" Balefire's mind went blank from what he saw.

Maia kept raising her body and from beneath her, a gigantic dildo kept appearing. It was inhumanly large and unrealistically erect. Once she reached its end, the large dildo twisted and fell off as Maia herself lost strength in her body and fell on the bed breathing heavily.

[ … Wow! ]

She laughed shortly before getting back up again holding the dildo beside her face.

She kept talking, showing her body, laughing, joking, jerking off, using different toys and devices to entertain her audience until an hour passed before she started to ejaculate from the intense pleasure as her little penis seemed to have exhausted itself.

For so long, Balefire didn't feel such a pleasure. Actually, he never felt something similar to this in eons. What Maia just showed him made him fall to Lust, a feeling which he abandoned long ago along with his humanity.

For such a thing to happen from just some exhibitionism show on a screen. It felt unlike him at all.

His heart was racing, his face was sweating, his breathing was clearly unorganized, and he was holding the penis between his legs and had just released a very powerful shot that reached the wall at the opposite end of the room.

For the first time in years, he felt dry in his throat, exhausted, and out of breath. This unhealthy body wasn't cooperating with his actions well but it had an unimaginable suppressed desire which seemed to have gone unfulfilled for ages.

And for the first time, his mind felt numb and where he rested his head became where he dozed off for the first sleep he had in many long years.

All of this was thanks to the lewd cam show of the transgender girl next door, the girl known as Nanako Maia.

(A/N: Make sure to throw a few nice words in the comment section.)