
Nebulous Rosaceae

People often say that after enduring tough times, better days await. This is indeed true for most, but what about the unfortunate few who never get to experience that? Come, embark on the journey of those who endured until the bitter end

MyelNadrob · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1

A gut-wrenching scream reverberated through the imperial halls, an increasingly common occurrence as the coronation of the Crown Prince drew near.

As the scream gradually subsided, sobs emanated from the same source.

"What... what are you doing to my cousin?" A young girl with blonde hair asked, her voice choked with tears, as she gazed up at the guard standing by the door.

"This is none of your business, young miss," the guard replied monotonously, his demeanor robotic, without even sparing a glance for the sobbing girl before him.

"Please, I need to see my cousin!" She panicked, the screams on the other side of the door growing fainter. She hastily stood up and attempted to enter the room, but the guard halted her before she could gain access.

"Please leave. I am authorized to use force, even against you, young miss," the guard said, blocking her path.

"Okay..." The visibly disheartened little girl walked away from the door, her sadness apparent.

"At least she listened this time," the guard muttered to himself, but without realizing it, the young lady turned around, delivering a punch where it mattered most before swiftly opening the door, her concern outweighing her hesitation.

The guard groaned as the young lady stepped over him while entering the room. Despite his efforts, he couldn't rise from the pain and simply resigned himself to the floor, consumed by thoughts of what was to come.

"Elira!" The little girl shouted upon entering the room, her voice filled with shock as she took in the sight of blood splattered everywhere—on the carpet, the couch, even the window curtains.

She screamed in horror at the room's blood-soaked state before desperately scanning for her cousin. Eventually, she found him—the Crown Prince and future emperor—lying on the floor, his clothes drenched in blood.

The young girl rushed to her cousin's side, hoping she wasn't too late. Kneeling beside him, she implored, "Elira! Wake up, please!" Her voice trembled with panic and fear.

With what little energy remained, the Crown Prince gazed at her, offering a sincere smile before passing away.

And on that night, the imperial halls echoed with another scream, one different from the usual ones.

Hello dear readers~ Any theories on why and how did the Crown Prince die?

MyelNadrobcreators' thoughts