In the aftermath of Akuna's impressive feat settled in the arena, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught the attention of both the spectators and the fighters.
Confused murmurs rippled through the spectators who exchanged puzzled glances. Whispers of concern filled the air, and soon, people's grievance's grew louder.
"I suddenly feel so drained..."
"Why do I feel so tired all of a sudden?"
"I can barely stand..."
The once-energetic and excited crowd started to show signs of fatigue. Some spectators leaned on each other for support, while others rubbed their temples in an attempt to shake off the inexplicable lethargy that had taken hold of them.
Wendy's brow furrowed in concern. Misty, who had been watching the battle intently, turned her attention to the audience in shock. It was as if an invisible force was sapping the energy from the entire arena.