
Navy of Blood and Hearts

Romance and passion between two admirals. John David Blake was tall and muscular, a truly imposing figure in the Navy. At 34, he has served his country for more than a decade and was an admiral. Her husband, Anthony Blake David, was a fellow admiral but with a slender frame compared to his larger partner. In the bedroom, John was always the passive one. He loved nothing more than pleasuring his partner and letting him take control.

Your_only_Wife · LGBT+
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Navy of Blood and Hearts

Both men knew their roles in the relationship. John was always passive and there was nothing nicer than letting Anthony take control. On this particular night, however, something was different.

There was a new intensity in Anthony's touch, and a newfound dominance in his manner as he took John and teased him to the limit.

He wanted to make sure his husband understood who was in charge and it excited him to see John submit so openly and happily.

John was overwhelmed by the feelings that overwhelmed him. He wanted intensity, he wanted dominance, he wanted to let himself go and surrender to his husband's desires. He craved that level of control from Anthony and was glad his husband knew exactly how to feed that desire.

As Anthony continued his play, John couldn't help but moan and groan as he gave in even more. He wanted to let go, just let go and feel everything Anthony was doing.

He had no control, no choices. All he had was Anthony and what he wanted. He wanted more.

Anthony picked up the pace, making sure to keep John nervous and teasing him. He wanted John to be at his absolute limit before finally letting him release all that built up tension.

Every time he stopped or slowed down, John's desperation only increased, and Anthony knew exactly what he was doing.

Anthony realized that John was close, very close. He was practically begging for release, for more touch, for more stimulation. And Anthony wasn't about to give up. He wanted to take John beyond his limits and take him to a whole new level of pleasure.

John's breathing was getting heavier, his body tensing as the anticipation grew. The wait took a long time, the pleasure was intense. He needs it, he needs to give in, he needs to let go!

Anthony could feel the tension building, he could feel John almost reaching the edge. He wanted to draw it out a little longer, make it more intense, just so John could feel him more deeply. So he continued, pushing John closer and closer to the edge, until finally...

John couldn't take it anymore! He let out a loud moan as his body finally released all the built up tension. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him as he reached his peak, his entire body shaking with pleasure.

Anthony was pleased to see John reach such a level of pleasure. He took John to a new realm of ecstasy and it was exhilarating. He pushed his husband beyond the limit and it was all worth it. Anthony had never seen John like this before and found it incredibly sexy.

Anthony watched his husband's occurrence with pure delight, watching pleasure wash over him with an expression of pure joy and satisfaction. He knew exactly what to do and was happier to see the results. He couldn't help but smile when he saw his husband's happy expression!

John lay panting and breathless on the bed, his body still shaking with a mixture of pleasure and satisfaction. He had never felt anything like what Anthony had just done to him. It was indescribable, overwhelming, euphoric. He wanted more. He craved more.

Anthony congratulated himself on his husband's truth. He'd never seen him like this before, so completely satisfied, so completely helpless in his hands. It was gratifying to see how much pleasure he could bring to her husband.