
Chapter 51

Drio eyed me with distaste. "Sì. I like you even less now." Keeping his shoulder more or less in place with his other hand, he strode out.

"One thing going right in my day," I called out after him.

Still all poisonous, Kane blew me a huge kiss with a "Hola, babyslay." He toed at the floor. "I'll get the sodium peroxide mix to scour off our blood. Don't want demons getting hold of it." Especially not if they used it to take down our wards.

Baruch gave me a proud eye blink.

"Awfully sweet of you, Tree Trunk," I said as they hurried off.

Rohan didn't say much one way or the other. He shot me an inscrutable look and left.

Then there were two.

"Hey, Ace." I slung my arm over his shoulder. Please let Ari remember he comes as a matched set.

"Hey, Nee." Yay! "Sorry for the whole trying to kill you thing."

"No problem." My grip on him tightened. "But do it again and I'll stab you in the tits."

He mussed my hair with more noogie than fondness. "Like you could."