
Chapter 77: Pattern Innovation

"Squat down and stay still!"

"Lie down, face down."

"Hands behind your back!"

In the farmhouse yard, there were nothing but shouts. If one didn't dwell on the content, the level of excitement was almost like riding a roller coaster.

Of course, the expressions were similar as well.

Jiang Yuan followed a group of technicians from the Criminal Investigation Unit into the yard, and all seven suspects had already been handcuffed.

In the yard, several hundred square meters of land were covered with fruit trees, but it was uncertain whether they bore apricots, pears, or some other variety of fruit. At the time, they were only the size of testicles, some hanging in pairs, others standing alone, or in threesomes, swaying on branches, flexible yet resilient.

The tables under the trees were all empty. A few idle police officers sat down, but most were still wandering around the yard.

Wei Zhenguo beckoned Jiang Yuan over and whispered, "The three baldies are robbery suspects."