
Chapter 51 The Devil Among Men

A squadron of patrol cars entered the residential community, quickly surrounding building number four with police tape.

After several phone calls, Wei Zhenguo handed over command of the scene, merely arranging for Ding Lan and the others to take a car back to the police station.

Soon, the crime scene examination vehicle from Changyang City arrived, with several technicians entering the building as well.

"How's the situation down there?" The oncoming team leader of the crime scene investigation, Cao Zhouquan, dressed and checked his gear while looking towards Wei Zhenguo and Jiang Yuan.

"One of our detectives has entered the dungeon, but nobody else has gone past the last iron gate. I've attached warning tape, and also collected fingerprints from several doorknobs. I wiped a few cotton swabs." Jiang Yuan succinctly answered his question.