
Chapter 125 Captured in One Fell Swoop

It's strange, really.

Just as Zhuang Wei, the first generation head of the surveillance office, felt despair, an even more desperate situation occurred.

The suspect, Zhang Wanjie, couldn't be found.

There was nothing odd about it; a camera had captured Zhang Wanjie heading south, but when they checked the cameras to the south, Zhang Wanjie's figure was nowhere to be found.

Looking back and checking other routes, they searched high and low with no success.

Zhuang Wei, somewhat irritable, gazed at the screen. This lousy job was really too much to bear.

Not only did it lack any technical content, but it was also particularly draining—mentally and physically. Some might handle it with more technical skill, but the exhaustion was definitely the same. With this kind of effort, one might as well be a fitness instructor at the gym. At the very least, there would be female trainees or muscular male and female trainees to share the fatigue...