
National Beastmaster: Chronicles of Bai Zian

Bai Zian's odyssey through the epochs of national beasts was marked by an unparalleled advantage – resources, wealth, and connections bestowed by his esteemed Grandpa, one of the seven strongest individuals globally. A twist of destiny further favored him with the mythical talent [Eye of Apocalypse], granting him profound insights into the world's secrets. [Ding! Enlightenment obtained while studying the white-scaled fish's evolution!] [First Evolution Plan: Second evolution transforms into a red-eyed silver-striped fish (Gold Level)] [Second Evolution Plan: Three evolutions lead to a red-eyed golden fish (Diamond Level)] [And so on...] [Ninth Evolutionary Plan: Nine evolutions culminate in the divine form of a Nine-Day Kunpeng (God-Level)] In the realm of immortals, Bai Zian's journey unfolded with an inevitability that transcended defeat. The question wasn't how to win but rather, how could one possibly lose when destiny itself charted the course of his evolution? It is not my story it is an MTL. I am just (heavily) editing it and adding a couple of things here and there. You can read the MTL on MTLNation (National Beast: Awakening Mythical Talent at the Start)

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58 Chs

Auction for Qingyunlu

The transformation within Bai Zian's heart was a mystery to Bai Jingchong. Thus, when Bai Zian uttered those unexpected words, astonishment painted Bai Jingchong's face.

Even City Lord Lan Dongli and her granddaughter wore expressions of disbelief. The words Bai Zian spoke were like diamond-grade material themselves, surpassing ordinary conversations in value. To willingly offer such a precious item was truly rare.

Gazes from Lan Dongli and the ponytail girl softened as they looked at Bai Zian, their perception of him elevating. This was precisely the effect Bai Zian intended.

"Young man, do you comprehend the gravity of your words? Do you grasp the significance of a diamond-grade material?" City Lord Lan Dongli finally voiced her curiosity.

"Of course, I understand. Diamond-grade materials refer to spirit beasts of the diamond grade or equivalent level. I am well aware," Bai Zian responded, nodding slightly. He was cognizant of the rarity and worth of such materials.

In truth, Bai Zian's interest in a specific spatial system spirit beast outweighed the allure of a diamond-grade material. Moreover, the Xiguangguo diamond-grade material had been acquired by Bai Zian at the cost of a black iron-grade item, making it a negligible expenditure.

"If that's the case, why claim you're offering us this diamond-grade material?" pressed City Lord Lan Dongli, reluctant to let the matter rest.

"I mentioned it because this young lady here needs it for treatment. I happen to hold a fondness for her, so why not gift her the material?" Bai Zian explained, making the ponytail girl blush with his candid words.

Though unconventional, Bai Zian's sincerity shone through. His good looks coupled with his straightforwardness left an impact on the ponytail girl.

Bai Zian mused about the unexpected importance placed on appearance in this beastmaster society. However, he accepted it as part of the game.

"City Lord Bai, you have a remarkable grandson. Thanks to his words, I won't engage in malicious competition with you," declared City Lord Lan Dongli, a warm smile gracing her face.

The situation unfolded just as Bai Zian desired. The tension eased, and the old lady and the ponytail girl left with gentler sentiments towards Bai Zian.

As they departed, the ponytail girl, named Lan Zhiqi, turned back with courage, her cheeks flushed. "Brother, what's your name?"

"I'm Bai Zian, residing in the city master's mansion in Bailin City," Bai Zian responded with a warm smile.

The encounter left an impression on Lan Zhiqi, who promised to remember his name. Bai Zian reciprocated the sentiment and watched as they left.

Bai Jingchong, curious about the sudden change in Bai Zian's stance, inquired, "Xiao An, why the change of heart?"

"Because I quite like that sister," Bai Zian replied, staying true to his earlier explanation.

Understanding the need for discretion, the two kept their conversation brief, waiting for the auction to resume.

The sound of a gavel marked the start of the auction. A white-haired old man introduced the first item, a gold-level material. Bai Zian and Bai Jingchong remained indifferent, focusing on the imminent auction of Qingyunlu.

After a series of items, the time arrived for the spotlight—Qingyunlu, the diamond-grade material. A maid presented the jade box, and the auctioneer declared the commencement.

"Dear guests, welcome to our auction. The first item is a gold-level material. Not much gossip, let's begin," announced the host, as the auction for Qingyunlu officially started.

With each bid, the atmosphere intensified. The diamond-grade material, Qingyunlu, took center stage, captivating the attention of beastmasters from all corners of the hall.

"I'll give out 10 million Kyushu coins!"

"If you want to get diamond-grade materials for 10 million yuan, you are thinking of shit, I will give you 30 million!"

"50 million Kyushu coins, please give me a face!"

"In front of diamond-grade materials, what is your face, I will pay 100 million!"

With fervent bids echoing in the grand hall, the atmosphere crackled with competitive energy. The pulse of the auction quickened as the Kyushu coins flowed like a river, each bid escalating the stakes.

By this time, many beastmasters had stopped bidding, their gazes shifting between the exorbitant numbers and the coveted treasure. The grandiosity of the auction had rendered 100 million Kyushu coins a figure beyond the grasp of many.

The most crucial realization for these spectators was the futility of obtaining such a treasure. With strength levels far below the diamond grade, their chances of claiming this prize were akin to chasing a fleeting dream.

As the auction reached a temporary lull, only a handful of tenacious gold-level beastmasters continued their relentless pursuit of Qingyunlu. The price tag, however, skyrocketed to a staggering 500 million Kyushu coins, a sum that left even the most seasoned spectators in awe.

Amidst the heated bids, Bai Jingchong's voice cut through the commotion, "700 million Kyushu coins!"

The abrupt declaration hushed the hall, capturing everyone's attention. The unexpected bid from Box No. 2 disrupted the rhythm of the auction, introducing an air of unpredictability.

"800 million Kyushu coins!" Bai Jingchong's voice resonated, the calm confidence in his bid reflecting his determination.

A palpable tension hung in the air as the top gold-level beastmaster, Tang De, retaliated with a gritted-teeth offer of "900 million Kyushu coins!"

However, Bai Jingchong's response wasn't a direct counter to Tang De; instead, he posed a question that rippled through the hall, "900 million Kyushu coins! A top gold-level beastmaster, is it very strong?"

Simultaneously, an overwhelming aura emanated from Box No. 2, revealing the unmistakable presence of a diamond-level beastmaster. The revelation stunned the assembly, shifting the dynamics of the bidding war entirely.

"900 million Kyushu coins three times, congratulations to the guests in Box No. 2 for successfully bidding on this treasure."

With the conclusion of the auction, Bai Jingchong and Bai Zian secured Qingyunlu for 900 million Kyushu coins. As the crowd dispersed, discussions buzzed with awe and curiosity about the mysterious diamond-level beastmaster.

In the aftermath of the intense auction, Bai Jingchong and Bai Zian retreated backstage to settle the transaction. The staff presented the jade box containing Qingyunlu to Bai Jingchong, who handled it with the utmost care, acknowledging the gravity of the treasure within.

After a brief interval, the duo reemerged, their path leading them to a distinctive building. This wasn't their usual residence but a different destination, chosen for a specific purpose.

As they approached, Bai Jingchong explained to Bai Zian, "This is the temporary residence of Lan Dongli and Lan Zhiqi."

In this momentary pause, Bai Zian reflected on the events of the auction. The exhilaration of acquiring Qingyunlu mingled with a sense of accomplishment. The journey for his second beast-fighting talent was nearing its end, leaving Bai Zian with a profound sense of satisfaction.

Upon reaching the temporary residence, Bai Jingchong presented Xiguang Guojian to Lan Dongli. The exchange marked not only the fulfillment of an agreement but a gesture of goodwill between them.

"Mother Lan, this is the diamond-grade material I mentioned earlier, called Xiguang Guojian. This material will be given to you," Bai Jingchong explained with a genuine warmth that resonated with Lan Dongli and Lan Zhiqi.

Their expressions mirrored gratitude and appreciation, a testament to the unspoken bonds formed amidst the intricate dance of alliances in the world of beastmasters.