
The Kiss Of Trouble

It's a early morning.

I'm in my house lying on my bed.

Everybody left and I have nothing to do.

"Hey Nathaniel" Jonas the one whose considered the cool one because of two reasons his blonde hair and sunglasses.

He knows how to dress but not better than me, at least that's what me and a lot of people agree with.

"What do you want, can't you see me lying down trying to figure out what to do."

"That's boring," he calls me boring but all he ever does is thinks about is girls.

"Do you have something better to do?" I said annoyingly.

"Well of course" he said with a smirk on his face as if he has an idea.

"And what is that?" His dumb ass might be talking about girls.

"Girls of course" I knew it.

I sit on the edge of my bed thinking about wether I should go or not.

He sits besides me and puts his arms around me.

"Come on, it'll be fun~" I might as well go I have nothing better to do.

"Fine then I'll go but on one occasion."

"What is it?"

"We go to the cutest most baddest girls out there" if I'm going I might as well get the best of the best.

"Haha I like that energy hopefully we run into one of the BROS."

Hopefully. If I do I'm leaving him and going to the forest and get something to eat since we barely have money for a snack to fill is up.

We reach the Main Street. That's where the gangsters, money makers, and girls be at. There are obviously normal people but I pay attention to the dangerous guys. Since most of them already try to push my buttons but I like to call it pressing. So when someone is looking down on me, not giving any personal space. I call it PRESSING.

So, we go to main street and meet a bunch of girls who are annoyingly on top of me.

"With that many girls why don't you kiss one of them" jonas says jokingly.

"Are you out of your mind" I said.

"What do you mean out of my mind. Wait! Don't tell me? Are you being a scaredy-cat?"

He says as if he doesn't know that word pisses me off.

"No I'm not!" Is what I said but my actions say otherwise.

"Than kiss one of them. I bet you won't do it buddy." It's a bet.

"Fine but if I kiss one of them you leave me alone for two weeks and only focus on training with me" I said.

"Hmmm~. Fine!"

And with that answer I grabbed one of the girls and kissed her. We basically played with each other's tongues using each others tongues. And with that I won the bet.

"Hey! You!" I looked to my right to find a man standing in front of us.

"Yeah! You!" This man looks like he's gonna piss me off and when people piss me off I get cocky.

"You do know you are kissing my GIRLFRIEND" she let me kiss her when she had a boyfriend, no way.

Yeah, and what of it. She kissed me back and when we both kissed. We both promised to date." I say this with a cocky attitude and a smirk on my face.

The man runs to me to attack me but my brother kicks him in the face and sent him flying. It was funny.

"Haha! You got kicked in the face how stupid" I said this with out a care in the world.

"You. Do you know who I am" he says.

"I don't know and I definitely don't care. So get lost." I really don't care about who he is, but if he beats me or any one I care about up. I'll definitely care so I could beat him up myself.

"You'll regret this!" He says.

"Yeah! We'll make sure you don't regret it!" And after that he runs off.

We spent the rest of the days with girls. Some sitting beside me, others sitting on top of me.

And Jonas was having the best time of his life.

We drank booze even tho we are under aged, but we didn't care.

We came back home and everyone was asleep. With out any care in the world.

Not knowing the future ahead of us.