
Narutoverse: AI System [PAUSED]

[Paused due to work. Might come back in the future.] Karl died due to electrocution. He was watching the final arc of Bleach anime, before his death. He woke up in the body of a Uchiha. Karl takes a moment to reflect on the battle, realizing that his mind and Shisui's memories are intertwined. He explores Shisui's past and experiences vivid flashbacks of significant moments, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he is now part of this world. He also grapples with the responsibility of possessing the Mangekyo Sharingan and ponders the implications of his new identity. However, he eventually faces Danzo as he tries to steal his eyes. That's when it happened. The All Mighty System appeared and offered him the power of a Soul Reaper. Follow, Karl's journey as he crushes all the corruption and saves his clan, using his past memories about the Naruto world. ------- I don't own Naruto or Bleach. I only own my OC. --- Cover picture found on Pinterest ---

O_Mysery · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Karl's eyes fluttered open, greeted by unfamiliar surroundings. The last thing he remembered was watching an intense battle scene in the Bleach anime, and now he found himself in a place that seemed like a dense forest.

As he tried to make sense of his situation, a rush of memories flooded his mind some his, some not, but strangely familiar. He remembered his life on Earth, his obsession with anime and manga, and most vividly, the moment when his heart had suddenly stopped while watching Ichigo Kurosaki clash with a menacing Hollow on his screen. It was like a surreal dream, but the memories were too vivid, too detailed to be anything but real.

With a jolt, he realized that he was not himself anymore. Looking down at his hands, he saw that they were no longer his own. His heart raced as he recognized the body he was now inhabiting. Shisui Uchiha. The prodigious Uchiha clan member who possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, a power coveted by many.

Karl's mind raced. How was this possible? Had he somehow been transported into the world of Naruto? And if so, how had he ended up in the body of Shisui Uchiha? The last thing he knew, Shisui had met a tragic end after he sacrificed his life to help Itachi awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan.

As he grappled with the shock of his new reality, he felt a surge of sensations that weren't his own. The texture of the clothing against his skin, the weight of the Sharingan eyes in his head, and the memories that weren't his own but felt intimately familiar. He could almost hear the echoes of Shisui's thoughts and emotions, intermingling with his own.

It was as if he was wearing a mask of another person's identity, and that mask was seamlessly fusing with his own sense of self. Panic threatened to engulf him, but a strange calmness settled over him. He remembered watching countless isekai anime where protagonists adapted to their new lives remarkably quickly, so perhaps he could too.

Suddenly, his eyes picked up twenty ninjas.

According to Shisui's memories, they are Danzo's men, trying to steal his eyes.

"Fuck!" He quickly stood up.

Karl's heart pounded as he surveyed the situation before him. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, Shisui's memories mixing with his own as he tried to make sense of what was happening. The twenty ninjas before him were closing in, their hostile intentions clear. The Mangekyo Sharingan in his eyes throbbed, a proof to the power he now possessed.

Drawing upon Shisui's memories, he felt a surge of confidence. Shisui had been a formidable shinobi, a master of genjutsu and a prodigy of the Uchiha clan. He knew he had the skills to handle this situation, even if he was new to controlling this body.

With a swift hand gesture, Karl activated his Sharingan, his eyes spinning into the crimson design that marked the Uchiha's feared power. The world around him seemed to shift slightly as his perception sharpened. He could read the intentions of his enemies through their body language, anticipate their moves, and even discern their chakra flow.

The attackers rushed forward, weapons drawn, but Karl was ready. With a focused gaze, he unleashed a powerful genjutsu, weaving his chakra into an illusion that twisted their senses. The forest around them seemed to come alive, trees whispering ominous warnings and shadows dancing menacingly. Confusion clouded the ninjas' faces as they hesitated, their movements faltering.

Seizing the opportunity, Karl leaped into action. His body moved fluidly, thanks to the muscle memory inherited from Shisui. He weaved through the bewildered attackers, striking with precision and grace. His hands formed intricate seals, and with a single glance, he activated his Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that plunged one of the ninjas into a nightmarish realm of endless torment.

As the battle raged on, Karl's instincts guided him. He dodged incoming attacks with uncanny timing, his Sharingan granting him an edge that felt almost supernatural. He could sense the chakra flowing within his enemies, predicting their attacks before they even materialized.

But the fight was not without its challenges. Despite his newfound abilities, Karl could feel the strain on his body. Shisui's memories provided guidance, but his physical stamina was still his own. As the battle continued, he realized that he needed to end this quickly, or he would risk exhaustion.

With a final surge of energy, Karl channeled his chakra into a powerful fire jutsu, engulfing the remaining attackers in a blaze of flames. Their cries of pain echoed through the forest before fading into silence. Karl stood amidst the aftermath, panting heavily, his heart racing with a mixture of exhilaration and exhaustion.

As the adrenaline began to subside, Karl took a moment to survey the scene. The attackers had been dealt with.

"Wind Style: Air Bullets!" Danzo rushed in using his Jutsu.

Karl's heart raced as he turned to face the unexpected new arrival. Danzo, the leader of the secretive Root organization, stood before him with a determined expression. Shisui's memories flooded Karl's mind with information about Danzo's reputation—a man known for his ruthlessness and his ambition to shape the shinobi world according to his own ideals.

As Danzo unleashed his Wind Style jutsu, his instincts kicked in. He quickly formed a set of hand seals and summoned a protective barrier of earth to shield himself from the onslaught of air bullets. The impact sent shockwaves through his body, but he held his ground.

The forest around them was in chaos, leaves and debris dancing in the gusts of wind. His Sharingan focused intently on Danzo, analyzing his movements and chakra flow. He could sense the danger radiating from the older man, a conviction that mirrored his own will to survive and protect his newfound existence.

Drawing upon Shisui's experiences, Karl's mind raced through possible strategies. Danzo was a formidable opponent, and he knew he couldn't afford to underestimate him. Shisui's memories provided insights into Danzo's fighting style, his strengths, and his vulnerabilities.

Karl made a swift decision. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between himself and Danzo, his Sharingan eyes locking onto the man's movements. He weaved a complex genjutsu, aiming to distort Danzo's perception and create an opening for an attack.

Danzo's eyes widened as the illusion took hold. For a moment, he was ensnared in a world of shifting shadows and surreal landscapes. Karl seized the opportunity, launching himself forward with a precision strike. His fist connected with Danzo's side, and the impact sent shockwaves of pain through both of their bodies.

But Danzo was no pushover. With a powerful roar, he broke free from the genjutsu, countering his attack with a swift kick that sent him staggering backward. His ribs throbbed with pain, a reminder of the physical toll of battle.

The two opponents faced each other, a tense silence hanging in the air. Karl's mind raced, analyzing the situation.


AN: The story is taking place in AU. So, some Jutsu MC will be using might look weird. Don't complain later. Eg: Tsukuyomi. And I am using Grammarly to fix my broken English.