
Narutoverse: AI System [PAUSED]

[Paused due to work. Might come back in the future.] Karl died due to electrocution. He was watching the final arc of Bleach anime, before his death. He woke up in the body of a Uchiha. Karl takes a moment to reflect on the battle, realizing that his mind and Shisui's memories are intertwined. He explores Shisui's past and experiences vivid flashbacks of significant moments, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he is now part of this world. He also grapples with the responsibility of possessing the Mangekyo Sharingan and ponders the implications of his new identity. However, he eventually faces Danzo as he tries to steal his eyes. That's when it happened. The All Mighty System appeared and offered him the power of a Soul Reaper. Follow, Karl's journey as he crushes all the corruption and saves his clan, using his past memories about the Naruto world. ------- I don't own Naruto or Bleach. I only own my OC. --- Cover picture found on Pinterest ---

O_Mysery · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Karl attempted to sit up, his body protesting with every movement. "Late? What happened after... after Danzo?"

Itachi's gaze darkened, his brows furrowed, "Danzo managed to escape with. They used a last-resort jutsu to flee the scene."

"Damn, that old fart," Karl groaned as he felt his entire body aching in pain and exhaustion.

"Who are you?" Itachi asked calmly as he added more wood to the campfire. "Shisui would have escaped instead of fighting back in that poisoned condition. And the way you talk and move... You are not him, are you?"

Karl let out a heavy sigh, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames of the campfire, "You're right, I'm not Shisui." He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "There is no point in lying to you. Let's say I'm someone from the future who ended up in Shisui's body. I don't fully understand it myself... I am Karl, but I am also Shisui. This feels weird."

Itachi regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, his sharp gaze studying him intently. "Someone from the future, in Shisui's body? That's... quite an extraordinary claim."

Karl chuckled weakly, wincing as his body protested the motion. "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. Trust me, living it is even crazier."

[Quest generated: Decide Uchiha Clan's Future]

[Reward: <Will be decided according to your performance>]

The transparent System window appeared before my eyes. So, it's up to me, huh?

"Then you should know the situation..." Itachi glanced toward Karl.

"Yeah. I know what's about to happen and I also know who instigated this freaking rebellion," He replied with a grim expression.

He remembers reading the light novel Itachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night. According to that, Yashiro Uchiha was the one who fed information he received from the masked man to Fugaku in order to encourage him to proceed with the coup, as he himself was unwilling to take any responsibilities. And that masked man is none other than Obito/Tobi.

"It's better if I show you," Karl activated his Sharingan.

The Sharingan's crimson tomoe spun as Karl's vision shifted, entering the realm of his memories. He projected his own thoughts, into Itachi's mind, allowing him to witness the events.

[Projecting created memories_ Target: Itachi Uchiha]

As the memories played out, Itachi's expression grew increasingly somber. He absorbed the information, his eyes narrowing as he understood the gravity of the situation.

"So, you're saying that the Uchiha Clan's rebellion is a result of manipulation by Obito, a masked member of the Akatsuki?" His voice was heavy with a mix of frustration and concern.

"Well, actually, it's more complicated than that. But right now, all you need to know is that we need to stop them and you," Karl replied.


Karl nodded solemnly. "Yeah, you. The future I come from is... well, let's just say it's not a good one. The Uchiha Clan's rebellion leads to a massacre, and you end up carrying the weight of that decision for the rest of your life."

Itachi's eyes darkened, his gaze distant as he absorbed the gravity of Karl's words, "A massacre! Show me..."

The vivid memories played out before his eyes, each scene etching itself into his mind. The Uchiha clan, his own hands stained with the blood of his kin, the agony of making a decision that would haunt him for years to come—it was all there, laid bare in front of him.

As the memories concluded, Itachi's gaze remained fixed on the ground, his expression a mixture of sorrow. "I knew something like this was going to happen eventually. But I had to protect the village."

After a few minutes of silence...

"How did you do that? The memories..." Itachi asked.

"I can relive the experience of others and see things through their eyes. Let's just say it's my secret," Karl replied. A small lie is better than telling him that he is from a world where the ninja world is nothing more than a manga and anime.

Itachi's eyes lifted to meet Karl's, a glimmer of determination in his gaze. "If what you've shown me is true, then I must prevent that future from becoming a reality."

He nodded in agreement. "That's the plan. We need to work together to stop the rebellion and expose the manipulations. Obito is pulling the strings behind the scenes, and we can't let him succeed."

Itachi's fingers tightened into fists, his resolve solidifying. "I will do whatever it takes to prevent the loss of innocent lives and protect the village. But we need a plan, and we need it fast. There are only three days before the rebellion."

Karl leaned back against the cave wall, wincing as his injuries protested the movement. "First, you do whatever it takes and bring all the clan members together. I will use Kotoamatsukami on them to prevent unnecessary deaths. Then I will use it on the leaf village elders... Itachi, let's end this chain of hatred forever and bring the leaf and the Uchiha together."

With a firm nod, his expression transformed from uncertainty to resolve. "Agreed. I will do everything in my power to gather the Uchiha clan members and prevent the rebellion from escalating. Kotoamatsukami is our best chance to stop this cycle of hatred."

Karl's lips curved into a tired smile. "Good."

His Mangekyo Sharingan spun with intensity as he gazed into Itachi's eyes, his intentions hidden behind a layer of determination. He initiated the Tsukuyomi, the illusion of time and space, aiming to create a link between their minds and impart a critical memory.

Itachi's surroundings warped and twisted as he found himself standing in a different place. He is standing before a cliff.

Before him, stood Shisui, extending his hand toward him, "I am trusting you with this, Itachi." He said with a smile. Blood was dripping from his closed eyes.

"What are...?" He extended his hand and took Shisui's eyes.

"I am trusting you with the fate of the village and the Uchiha clan to you," Shisui turned around and faced the cliff, "It's time..." Shisui's voice echoed within his thoughts, a faint whisper that carried the strength of his conviction, "Itachi, do what needs to be done."

He took out a kunai and killed Shisui and watched as his lifeless body fell down the cliff. It was as if his body had moved on its own. But the feeling he experienced in that short duration was unexplainable.

Itachi's body jolted as he experienced the memory with intense clarity. The weight of Shisui's sacrifice and trust bore down on him, mingling with his own goal to protect the village and the Uchiha clan. He could feel the burden Shisui had carried, the choices he had made for the sake of a better future.

His eyes closed for a moment, and when they reopened, they were no longer the ordinary Sharingan. Instead, they bore the distinct pattern of the Mangekyo Sharingan—Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan.

The red and black design pulsed with power...

"Itachi..." Karl's voice brought him back to the present.


AN: Might be a bit fast and rushed... Hope you don't mind. Before anyone asks, no, I am not going the system slave route.