
Naruto: Yūki clan

an otaku unfortunately or fortunately dies and gets reincarnated in Naruto the warring states era he is born 30 years before hashirama and Madara our lucky fella came through with a system [strongest family system] to be exact. as you may know not a lot is known about the warring states so some clans will be made to fill the void in the world a lot of original characters from myself and the show will be included in this novel

TheprimordialGod · Outros
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41 Chs

natural energy!

Hearing what she said got izanagi in his thoughts he really didn't have a place to stay and the land of whirlpool where the uzumaki live is close to the land of lightning the land of water and the land of fire ofcourse he will be away from stone and sand but no one said he had to go immediately or that he won't come back his only real worry is if the uzumaki want to keep him locked up and experiment and study his seals as if seeing izanagis worries tomoe said "you don't have to worry about that no one will dare touch you with my word but I suggest camping outside the clan until I get things situated worst case scenario I'll beg my dad to give you a worthy reward like fuinjutsu scrolls or jutsu whatever you want" said tomoe rather weakly she looked like she would knock out any second while izanagi was deep in thought he did want to go the trip was beneficial to him as a whole with a slight danger level 'tomoe talks like she has some authority in the uzumaki clan oh well if something fishy pops up I'll just escape I doubt they can stop me from escaping' thought izanagi with extreme confidence in his eye when it comes to the uzumaki they'll probably trap me with a barrier judging by his chakra amount he is just a scrub so by the time they figure out I escaped I'll be long gone said izanagi in his heart his eyes gave him an extreme advantage against fuinjutsu and the uzumaki when they underestimate him they'll suffer a lot if this was uchiha tho he would probably just kept this girl no way in hell will he go to the uchiha clan 'speaking of uchiha Madara and hashirama should be born in 15 years hoping my arrival doesn't stop them from being born I doubt as asura and Indras incarnations will always be born and battle just hoping it's Madara and hashirama I actually know them and they're character' thought izanagi

Tomoe who was staring at izanagi just sighed inwardly she knew his worries and there was nothing she could do to lessen them she needed his protection in getting home if she went by herself she will just be attacked again sighing again she unknowingly passed out, 'seems she is recovering steadily' thought izanagi as he was inspecting her she still looked pale but not as pale as when she first woke up her chakra was not so critically low now she recovered about 10%, looking at her body covered in bandages he carefully took out his robe and carefully wrapped it arround her he can't afford for her to freeze to deaths she's already so weak so the possibility is low but it's possible

Izanagi sitting in the lotus position in the caves entrance looking at the gloomy night sky that was still raining looking at the wet marsh land and trees activating his eyes and focusing on chakra he could see blue chakra all around looking around he could see what seemed to be green chakra but he knew this was nature energy he had seen it before but was side tracked now that he has time he can experiment as he stared more intently at the nature energy his body stated feeling as it was famished a heavy desire came from his body but he wasn't lost in it 'ok I'm 100% sure it's like seals acting up so I gotta blend nature energy with both physical and mental perfectly if I do too little nature energy it'll be too weak if I do too much I might turn into a statue' said izanagi inwards feeling his body's growing hunger he started feeling the nature energy he could already see it feeling it was easy now it's the hard part of absorbing just the right amount

With a thought izanagi could see the green nature energy going inside of him at first he wanted to only let in a small amount to experiment but like a ravenous beast his seals started absorbing madly at first he was startled and tried to stop it but soon gave up he can't stop it and he doubts his body will just commit suicide then what's the point of getting the body from the system but what really calmed him down was the flawless blending of the three energies his seals were doing still it wasn't enough to calm him down completely his body was like a ravenous beast sucking in wayyyy to much at this point he had no idea where the nature energy was going he just knew it was going somewhere in his body 'what the fuck is this like Jugos clan? Natural sage bodies or whatever but they go crazy hopefully my system product is better then the jugos clan mutation' said izanagi in his heart as all that was left was to wait and see

As minutes passed izanagi was getting more and more suspiscious this is a little too much natural energy compared to his small chakra pool where was it all going he had no answers although he can senses what's going on in his body he can only sense his chakra and chakra pathways 'I just hope it's not like Jugos clan' said izanagi secretly praying in his heart soon 30 minutes passed and the huge absorption of natural energy finally stopped although his seal still sucked up natural energy and passively and perfectly turned it into senjutsu his body finally stopped putting natural energy up its ass